48 research outputs found

    What can Gaussian Processes really tell us about supernova lightcurves? Consequences for Type II(b) morphologies and genealogies

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    Machine learning has become widely used in astronomy. Gaussian Process (GP) regression in particular has been employed a number of times to fit or re-sample supernova (SN) light-curves, however by their nature typical GP models are not suited to fit SN photometric data and they will be prone to over-fitting. Recently GP re-sampling was used in the context of studying the morphologies of type II and IIb SNe and they were found to be clearly distinct with respect to four parameters: the rise time (trise_{\rm rise}), the magnitude difference between 40 and 30 days post explosion (Δm40−30\Delta m_{\rm 40-30}), the earliest maximum (post-peak) of the first derivative (dm1) and minimum of the second derivative (dm2). Here we take a close look at GP regression and its limitations in the context of SN light-curves in general, and we also discuss the uncertainties on these specific parameters, finding that dm1 and dm2 cannot give reliable astrophysical information. We do reproduce the clustering in trise_{\rm rise}--Δm40−30\Delta m_{\rm 40-30} space although it is not as clear cut as previously presented. The best strategy to accurately populate the trise_{\rm rise}-- Δm40−30\Delta m_{\rm 40-30} space will be to use an expanded sample of high quality light-curves (such as those in the ATLAS transient survey) and analytical fitting methods. Finally, using the BPASS fiducial models, we predict that future photometric studies will reveal clear clustering of the type IIb and II light curve morphologies with a distinct continuum of transitional events.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Evaluating the impact of binary parameter uncertainty on stellar population properties

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    Binary stars have been shown to have a substantial impact on the integrated light of stellar populations, particularly at low metallicity and early ages - conditions prevalent in the distant Universe. But the fraction of stars in stellar multiples as a function of mass, their likely initial periods and distribution of mass ratios are all known empirically from observations only in the local Universe. Each has associated uncertainties. We explore the impact of these uncertainties in binary parameters on the properties of integrated stellar populations, considering which properties and timescales are most susceptible to uncertainty introduced by binary fractions and whether observations of the integrated light might be sufficient to determine binary parameters. We conclude that the effects of uncertainty in the empirical binary parameter distributions are likely smaller than those introduced by metallicity and stellar population age uncertainties for observational data. We identify emission in the He II 1640Ã… emission line and continuum colour in the ultraviolet-optical as potential indicators of a high mass binary presence, although poorly constrained metallicity, dust extinction and degeneracies in plausible star formation history are likely to swamp any measurable signal

    Understanding the high-mass binary black hole population from stable mass transfer and super-Eddington accretion in BPASS

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    With the remarkable success of the LVK consortium in detecting binary black hole mergers, it has become possible to use the population properties to constrain our understanding of the progenitor stars' evolution. The most striking features of the observed primary black hole mass distributions are the extended tail up to 100M⊙_\odot and an excess of masses at 35M⊙_\odot. Currently, isolated binary population synthesis have difficulty explaining these features. Using the well-tested BPASS detailed stellar binary evolution models to determine mass transfer stability, accretion rates, and remnant masses, we postulate that stable mass transfer with super-Eddington accretion is responsible for the extended tail. Furthermore, that the excess is not due to pulsation-pair instability, as previously thought, but due to stable mass transfer. These systems are able to merge within the Hubble time due to more stable mass transfer with extreme mass ratios that allows the orbits to shrink sufficiently to allow for a merger. These finding are at odds with those from other population synthesis codes but in agreement with other recent studies using detailed binary evolution models.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome. 22 pages, 18 figures, 9 pages supplementary materia

    Training a convolutional neural network for real–bogus classification in the ATLAS survey

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    We present a convolutional neural network (CNN) for use in the real–bogus classification of transient detections made by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) and subsequent efforts to improve performance since initial development. In transient detection surveys, the number of alerts made outstrips the capacity for human scanning, necessitating the use of machine learning aids to reduce the number of false positives presented to annotators. We take a sample of recently annotated data from each of the three operating ATLAS telescope with 340 000 real (known transients) and 1030 000 bogus detections per model. We retrained the CNN architecture with these data specific to each ATLAS unit, achieving a median false positive rate (FPR) of 0.72 per cent for a 1.00 per cent missed detection rate. Further investigations indicate that if we reduce the input image size it results in increased FPR. Finally architecture adjustments and comparisons to contemporary CNNs indicate that our retrained classifier is providing an optimal FPR. We conclude that the periodic retraining and readjustment of classification models on survey data can yield significant improvements as data drift arising from changes in the optical and detector performance can lead to new features in the model and subsequent deteriorations in performance

    New constraints on the Bray conservation-of-momentum natal kick model from multiple distinct observations

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    Natal supernova kicks, the linear momentum compact remnants receive during their formation, are an essential part of binary population synthesis (BPS) models. Although these kicks are well-supported by evidence, their underlying distributions and incorporation into BPS models is uncertain. In this work, we investigate the nature of natal kicks using a previously proposed analytical prescription where the strength of the kick is linearly proportional to the ejecta-remnant mass ratio. We vary the free parameters over large ranges of possible values, comparing these synthetic populations simultaneously against four constraints: the merger rate of compact binary neutron star (BNS) systems, the period-eccentricity distribution of galactic BNSs, the velocity distribution of single-star pulsars, and the likelihood for low-ejecta mass supernovae to produce low-velocity kicks. We find that different samples of the parameter space satisfy each tests, and only 1 per cent of the models satisfy all four constraints simultaneously. Although we cannot identify a single best kick model, we report α=80±30\alpha = 80 \pm 30 km s−1^{-1}, β=0±20\beta = 0 \pm 20 km s−1^{-1} as the center of the region of the parameter space that fulfils all of our constraints, and expect β≥0\beta \geq 0 km s−1^{-1} as a further constraint. We also suggest further observations that will enable future refinement of the kick model. A sensitive test for the kick model will be the redshift evolution of the BNS merger rate since this is effectively a direct measure of the delay-time distribution for mergers. For our best fitting values, we find that the peak of the BNS merger rate is the present-day.Comment: Submitted to MNRA

    Probing the Rotational Velocity of Galactic WO Stars with Spectropolarimetry

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    Oxygen sequence Wolf-Rayet stars (WO) are thought to be the final evolution phase of some high-mass stars, as such they may be the progenitors of Type Ic SNe as well as potential progenitors of broad-lined Ic and long gamma-ray bursts. We present the first spectropolarimetric observations of the Galactic WO stars WR93b and WR102 obtained with FORS1 on the Very Large Telescope. We find no sign of a line effect, which could be expected if these stars were rapid rotators. We also place constraints on the amplitude of a potentially undetected line effect. This allows us to derive upper limits on the possible intrinsic continuum polarization and find Pcont \u3c 0.077 per cent and Pcont \u3c 0.057 per cent for WR93b and WR102, respectively. Furthermore, we derive upper limits on the rotation of our WO stars by considering our results in the context of the wind compression effect. We estimate that for an edge-on case the rotational velocity of WR93b is vrot \u3c 324 km s−1 while for WR102 vrot \u3c 234 km s−1. These correspond to values of vrot/vcrit \u3c 19 per cent and j) \u3c 18.0 cm2 s−1 for WR93b and 2 s−1 for WR102. The upper limits found on vrot/vcrit and log(j) for our WO stars are therefore similar to the estimates calculated for Galactic Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars that do show a line effect. Therefore, although the presence of a line effect in a single WR star is indicative of fast rotation, the absence of a line effect does not rule out significant rotation, even when considering the edge-on scenario