2,812 research outputs found

    The Abundances of Light Neutron-Capture Elements in Planetary Nebulae. II. S-Process Enrichments and Interpretation

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    We present the results of a large-scale survey of neutron(n)-capture elements in Galactic planetary nebulae (PNe), undertaken to study enrichments from s-process nucleosynthesis in their progenitor stars. From new K-band observations of over 100 PNe supplemented by data from the literature, we have detected the emission lines [Kr III] 2.199 mu m and/or [Se IV] 2.287 mu m in 81 of 120 objects. We determine Se and Kr elemental abundances, employing ionization correction formulae derived in the first paper of this series. We find a significant range in Se and Kr abundances, from near solar (no enrichment) to enhanced by > 1.0 dex relative to solar, which we interpret as self-enrichment due to in situ s-process nucleosynthesis. Kr tends to be more strongly enriched than Se; in 18 objects exhibiting both Se and Kr emission, we find that [Kr/Se] = 0.5 +/- 0.2. Our survey has increased the number of PNe with n-capture element abundance determinations by a factor of 10, enabling us for the first time to search for correlations with other nebular properties. As expected, we find a positive correlation between s-process enrichments and the C/O ratio. Type I and bipolar PNe, which arise from intermediate-mass progenitors (> 3-4 M-circle dot), exhibit little to no s-process enrichments. Finally, PNe with H-deficient Wolf-Rayet central stars do not exhibit systematically larger s-process enrichments than objects with H-rich nuclei. Overall, 44% of the PNe in our sample display significant s-process enrichments (> 0.3 dex). Using an empirical PN luminosity function to correct for incompleteness, we estimate that the true fraction of s-process enriched Galactic PNe is at least 20%.NSF AST 97-31156, AST 04-06809Astronom

    Atomic data for neutron-capture elements III. Charge transfer rate coefficients for low-charge ions of Ge, Se, Br, Kr, Rb, and Xe

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    We present total and final-state resolved charge transfer (CT) rate coefficients for low-charge Ge, Se, Br, Kr, Rb, and Xe ions reacting with neutral hydrogen over the temperature range 10^2--10^6 K. Each of these elements has been detected in ionized astrophysical nebulae, particularly planetary nebulae. CT rate coefficients are a key ingredient for the ionization equilibrium solutions needed to determine total elemental abundances from those of the observed ions. A multi-channel Landau Zener approach was used to compute rate coefficients for projectile ions with charges q=2-5, and for singly-charged ions the Demkov approximation was utilized. Our results for five-times ionized species are lower limits, due to the incompleteness of level energies in the NIST database. In addition, we computed rate coefficients for charge transfer ionization reactions between the neutral species of the above six elements and ionized hydrogen. The resulting total and state-resolved CT rate coefficients are tabulated and available at the CDS. In tandem with our concurrent investigations of other important atomic processes in photoionized nebulae, this work will enable robust investigations of neutron-capture element abundances and nucleosynthesis via nebular spectroscopy.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The Abundances of Light Neutron-Capture Elements in Planetary Nebulae

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    We present preliminary results from a large-scale survey of the neutron(n)-capture elements Se and Kr in Galactic planetary nebulae (PNe). These elements may be produced in PN progenitors by s-process nucleosynthesis, and brought to the stellar envelope by third dredge-up (TDU). We have searched for [Kr III] 2.199 and [Se IV] 2.287 μ\mum in 120 PNe, and detected one or both lines in 79 objects, for a detection rate of 66%. In order to determine abundances of Se and Kr, we have added these elements to the atomic database of the photoionization code CLOUDY, and constructed a large grid of models to derive corrections for unobserved ionization stages. Se and Kr are enriched in 73% of the PNe in which they have been detected, and exhibit a wide range of abundances, from roughly solar to enriched by a factor of 10 or more. These enrichments are interpreted as evidence for the operation of the s-process and TDU in the progenitor stars. In line with theoretical expectations, Kr is more strongly enhanced than Se, and the abundances of both elements are correlated with the carbon abundance. Kr and Se are strongly enhanced in Type I PNe, which may be evidence for the operation of the 22^{22}Ne neutron source in intermediate-mass AGB stars. These results constitute the first broad characterization of s-process enrichments in PNe as a population, and reveal the impact of low- and intermediate-mass stars on the chemical evolution of trans-iron elements in the Galaxy.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in IAU Symp. 234, "Planetary Nebulae in our Galaxy and Beyond", eds. M. J. Barlow and R. H. Mende

    The Abundances of Light Neutron-Capture Elements in Planetary Nebulae III. The Impact of New Atomic Data on Nebular Selenium and Krypton Abundance Determinations

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    The detection of neutron(n)-capture elements in several planetary nebulae (PNe) has provided a new means of investigating s-process nucleosynthesis in low-mass stars. However, a lack of atomic data has inhibited accurate trans-iron element abundance determinations in astrophysical nebulae. Recently, photoionization and recombination data were determined for Se and Kr, the two most widely detected n-capture elements in nebular spectra. We have incorporated these new data into the photoionization code Cloudy. To test the atomic data, numerical models were computed for 15 PNe that exhibit emission lines from multiple Kr ions. We found systematic discrepancies between the predicted and observed emission lines that are most likely caused by inaccurate photoionization and recombination data. These discrepancies were removed by adjusting the Kr+^+--Kr3+^{3+} photoionization cross sections within their cited uncertainties and the dielectronic recombination rate coefficients by slightly larger amounts. From grids of models spanning the physical conditions encountered in PNe, we derive new, broadly applicable ionization correction factor (ICF) formulae for calculating Se and Kr elemental abundances. The ICFs were applied to our previous survey of near-infrared [Kr III] and [Se IV] emission lines in 120 PNe. The revised Se and Kr abundances are 0.1-0.3 dex lower than former estimates, with average values of [Se/(O, Ar)]=0.12±\pm0.27 and [Kr/(O, Ar)]=0.82±\pm0.29, but correlations previously found between their abundances and other nebular and stellar properties are unaffected. We also find a tendency for high-velocity PNe that can be associated with the Galactic thick disk to exhibit larger s-process enrichments than low-velocity PNe belonging to the thin disk population.Comment: 73 pages, 6 figures, 18 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Implicit Limits on Amending the Japanese Constitution

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    Japan\u27s Liberal Democratic Party has advocated many years for constitutional revision, and after attaining a two-thirds majority in both Houses of the Diet in 2017, Prime Minister Shinzō Abe is poised to move forward with that goal. The only hurdles to amending the Constitution of Japan are the amendment procedures stipulated in Article 96. The plain text of Article 96 requires a two-thirds vote in both Houses followed by popular referendum, but it poses no explicit limitations on the scope of any amendment even the amendment process itself is fair game at first glance. Nevertheless, Japanese scholars have claimed that limits must exist to Article 96, lest an amendment destroy the Constitution itself. This Comment seeks to discover whether any such implicit limits exist based on a comprehensive analysis of the text and structure of the current Constitution as well as the Meiji Constitution. In so doing, this Comment attempts to provide a roadmap for Japanese courts to assert the power of judicial review over amendments that would do harm to the core values enshrined in the Constitution