46 research outputs found

    Photoluminescence of erbium doped microcrystalline silicon thin films produced by reactive magnetron sputtering

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    Microcrystalline silicon thin films doped with erbium were produced by RF sputtering and their structural, chemical and optical properties were studied by X-ray diffractometry at grazing incidence, Rutherford back scattering and optical transmission spectroscopy. The samples exhibit a sharp photoluminescence (PL) spectrum from the Er centres with the strongest peak positioned at 1.536 microm with a full width at half maximum of about 8 nm. When the temperature varies between 5K and 300K the photoluminescence decreases only five fold, in contrast to the behaviour reported for monocrystalline silicon

    Crystal size and crystalline volume fraction effects on the Erbium emission of nc-Si:Er grown by r.f. sputtering

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    Erbium-doped low-dimensional Si films with different microstructures were grown by reactive magnetron sputtering on glass substrates by varying the deposition parameters. Their structure and chemical composition were studied by micro-Raman and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, respectively. In this contribution the Erbium emission is studied as a function of nanocrystalline fraction and average crystal sizes and also as a function of the matrix chemical composition. We discuss the temperature dependence of the Er3+ emission as well as the possible explanations of the low Er active fraction.FCT (POCTI/CTM/39395) and INTAS Project #03-51-6486

    Interrelation between microstructure and optical properties of erbium-doped nanocrystalline thin films

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    Nanocrystalline silicon thin films codoped with erbium, oxygen and hydrogen have been deposited by co-sputtering of Er and Si. Films with different crystallinity, crystallite size and oxygen content have been obtained in order to investigate the effect of the microstructure on the photoluminescence properties. The correlation between the optical properties and microstructural parameters of the films is investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry. PL response of the discussed structures covers both the visible wavelength range (a crystallite size-dependent photoluminescence detected for 5–6 nm sized nanocrystals embedded in a SiO matrix) and near IR range at 1.54 microm (Er-related PL dominating in the films with 1–3 nm sized Si nanocrystals embedded in a-Si:H). It is demonstrated that the different PL properties can be also discriminated on the basis of ellipsometric spectra

    Erbium-doped silicon nanocrystals grown by r.f. sputtering method: competition between oxygen and silicon to get erbium

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    Erbium doped micro- and nanocrystalline silicon thin films have been deposited by co-sputtering of Er and Si. Films with different crystallinity, crystallite size, hydrogen and oxygen content have been obtained in order to investigate the effect of the microstructure and composition of matrix on the near IR range at 1.54 µm Er-related photoluminescence (PL) properties. The correlation between the optical properties and microstructural parameters of the films is investigated using spectroscopic ellipsometry. It is found that the luminescent properties of these composite films can be understood on the basis of the ellipsometric analysis that reveals the films heterogeneous structure, and that Er-related PL dominates in films with 1-3 nm sized Si nanocrystals embedded in a-Si:H.INTAS Project #03-51-6486Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Project POCTI/CTM/39395/200

    The structure and photoluminescence of erbium-doped nanocrystalline silicon thin films produced by reactive magnetron sputtering

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    We have produced and studied undoped and erbium-doped nanocrystalline silicon thin films in order to evaluate the erbium influence on the film microstructure and how this correlates with the photoluminescence properties. Films were grown by reactive RF sputtering. For the doped films metallic erbium was added to the c-Si target. The structural parameters and the chemical composition of the different samples were investigated by X-ray in the grazing incidence geometry, Raman spectroscopy, ellipsometry and Rutherford Back Scattering. The effect of the nc-Si/SiOx matrix ,i.e., nc-Si volume fraction and the presence of SiO and/or SiO2 phases, on the erbium photoluminescence efficiency is discussed.(undefined

    Spectroscopic ellipsometry study of the layer structure and impurity content in Er-doped nanocrystalline silicon thin films

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    Er doped nc-Si thin films have been investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). The optical response of Er ions in a nc-Si/SiO matrix has been determined by SE, and it has been used to detect Er contents as low as 0.2 at%. The complex layered nanostructure of nc-Si:Er:O has been resolved and it has been found that it is strongly influenced by the Er-doping and the oxygen in-depth distribution profile. SE results are discussed in comparison with data obtained by the standard methods of the X-ray diffraction, Rutherford backscattering and Raman spectroscopy

    Dielectric function of nanocrystalline silicon with few nanometers (<3 nm) grain size

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    The dielectric function of nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si) with crystallite size in the range of 1 to 3 nm has been determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry in the range of 1.5 to 5.5 eV. ATauc–Lorentz parameterization is used to model the nc-Si optical properties. The nc-Si dielectric function can be used to analyze nondestructively nc-Si thin films where nanocrystallites cannot be detected by x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy

    Photoluminescence of nc-Si:Er thin films obtained by physical and chemical vapour deposition techniques: The effects os microstructure and chemical composition

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    Erbium doped nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:Er) thin films were produced by reactive magnetron rf sputtering and by Er ion implantation into chemical vapor deposited Si films. The structure and chemical composition of films obtained by the two approaches were studied by micro-Raman scattering, spectroscopic ellipsometry and Rutherford backscattering techniques. Variation of deposition parameters was used to deposit films with different crystalline fraction and crystallite size. Photoluminescence measurements revealed a correlation between film microstructure and the Er3+ photoluminescence efficiency.FCT Project POCTI/CTM/39395/2001INTAS Project #03-51-648


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    The composition of diffusion silicon layers doped by rare earth erbium was investigated. The diffusion source was an erbium oxide layer on the surface of the test silicon wafer. The erbium and oxygen distribution profile in silicon was measured by SIMS. The concentration of electrically active erbium impurity in the diffusion layers on silicon was determined by measuring the surface resistance and carrier mobility during consecutive etching of layers. The erbium diffusion coefficient at 1240 °C was estimated to be 4.8 · 10−13 cm2 · s−1. A model of erbium and oxygen simultaneous diffusion was suggested. The model takes into account the association of erbium and oxygen into complexes. The results of numerical simulation and experimental data are in a good agreement for the near−surface region of the diffusion layer.Проведены исследования состава диффузионных слоев кремния, легированного редкоземельным элементом эрбием. Диффузия проведена из оксидной пленки эрбия, созданной на поверхности пластины кремния. Методом вторичной ионной массспектрометрии определены концентрационные профили эрбия и кислорода в кремнии. Профиль электрически активного эрбия определен методом измерения поверхностного сопротивления и подвижности носителей заряда при последовательном стравливании слоев. Рассчитан коэффициент диффузии эрбия при температуре 1240 оС, его значение составило 4,8 • 10−13 см2 • с−1. Предложена модель одновременной диффузии эрбия и кислорода в кремний, учитывающая процесс связывания эрбия и кислорода в комплексы. Путем сравнения результатов численного моделирования с экспериментальными данными показано их хорошее совпадение для приповерхностной области диффузионного слоя.      

    Erbium upconversion luminescence from sol-gel derived multilayer porous inorganic perovskite film

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    Erbium-doped barium titanate (BaTiO3:Er) xerogel film with a thickness of about 500 nm was formed on the porous strontium titanate (SrTiO3) xerogel film on Si substrate after annealing at 800 °C or 900 °C. The elaborated structures show room temperature upconversion luminescence under 980 nm excitation with the photoluminescence (PL) bands at 523, 546, 658, 800 and 830 nm corresponding to 2H11/2→4I15/2, 4S3/2→4I15/2, 4F9/2→4I15/2 and 4I9/2→4I15/2 transitions of trivalent erbium. Raman and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of BaTiO3:Er\porous SrTiO3\Si structure showed the presence of perovskite phases. Its excellent up-conversion optical performance will greatly broaden its applications in perovskite solar cells and high-end anti-counterfeiting technologies