24 research outputs found

    The hypocretin/orexin antagonist almorexant promotes sleep without impairment of performance in rats.

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    The hypocretin receptor (HcrtR) antagonist almorexant (ALM) has potent hypnotic actions but little is known about neurocognitive performance in the presence of ALM. HcrtR antagonists are hypothesized to induce sleep by disfacilitation of wake-promoting systems whereas GABAA receptor modulators such as zolpidem (ZOL) induce sleep through general inhibition of neural activity. To test the hypothesis that less functional impairment results from HcrtR antagonist-induced sleep, we evaluated the performance of rats in the Morris Water Maze in the presence of ALM vs. ZOL. Performance in spatial reference memory (SRM) and spatial working memory (SWM) tasks were assessed during the dark period after equipotent sleep-promoting doses (100 mg/kg, po) following undisturbed and sleep deprivation (SD) conditions. ALM-treated rats were indistinguishable from vehicle (VEH)-treated rats for all SRM performance measures (distance traveled, latency to enter, time within, and number of entries into, the target quadrant) after both the undisturbed and 6 h SD conditions. In contrast, rats administered ZOL showed impairments in all parameters measured compared to VEH or ALM in the undisturbed conditions. Following SD, ZOL-treated rats also showed impairments in all measures. ALM-treated rats were similar to VEH-treated rats for all SWM measures (velocity, time to locate the platform and success rate at finding the platform within 60 s) after both the undisturbed and SD conditions. In contrast, ZOL-treated rats showed impairments in velocity and in the time to locate the platform. Importantly, ZOL rats only completed the task 23-50% of the time while ALM and VEH rats completed the task 79-100% of the time. Thus, following equipotent sleep-promoting doses, ZOL impaired rats in both memory tasks while ALM rats performed at levels comparable to VEH rats. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that less impairment results from HcrtR antagonism than from GABAA-induced inhibition

    Dual Hypocretin Receptor Antagonism Is More Effective for Sleep Promotion than Antagonism of Either Receptor Alone

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    The hypocretin (orexin) system is involved in sleep/wake regulation, and antagonists of both hypocretin receptor type 1 (HCRTR1) and/or HCRTR2 are considered to be potential hypnotic medications. It is currently unclear whether blockade of either or both receptors is more effective for promoting sleep with minimal side effects. Accordingly, we compared the properties of selective HCRTR1 (SB-408124 and SB-334867) and HCRTR2 (EMPA) antagonists with that of the dual HCRTR1/R2 antagonist almorexant in the rat. All 4 antagonists bound to their respective receptors with high affinity and selectivity in vitro. Since in vivo pharmacokinetic experiments revealed poor brain penetration for SB-408124, SB-334867 was selected for subsequent in vivo studies. When injected in the mid-active phase, SB-334867 produced small increases in rapid-eye-movement (REM) and non-REM (NR) sleep. EMPA produced a significant increase in NR only at the highest dose studied. In contrast, almorexant decreased NR latency and increased both NR and REM proportionally throughout the subsequent 6 h without rebound wakefulness. The increased NR was due to a greater number of NR bouts; NR bout duration was unchanged. At the highest dose tested (100 mg/kg), almorexant fragmented sleep architecture by increasing the number of waking and REM bouts. No evidence of cataplexy was observed. HCRTR1 occupancy by almorexant declined 4–6 h post-administration while HCRTR2 occupancy was still elevated after 12 h, revealing a complex relationship between occupancy of HCRT receptors and sleep promotion. We conclude that dual HCRTR1/R2 blockade is more effective in promoting sleep than blockade of either HCRTR alone. In contrast to GABA receptor agonists which induce sleep by generalized inhibition, HCRTR antagonists seem to facilitate sleep by reducing waking “drive”

    Validation of ‘Somnivore’, a Machine Learning Algorithm for Automated Scoring and Analysis of Polysomnography Data

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    Manual scoring of polysomnography data is labor-intensive and time-consuming, and most existing software does not account for subjective differences and user variability. Therefore, we evaluated a supervised machine learning algorithm, SomnivoreTM, for automated wake–sleep stage classification. We designed an algorithm that extracts features from various input channels, following a brief session of manual scoring, and provides automated wake-sleep stage classification for each recording. For algorithm validation, polysomnography data was obtained from independent laboratories, and include normal, cognitively-impaired, and alcohol-treated human subjects (total n = 52), narcoleptic mice and drug-treated rats (total n = 56), and pigeons (n = 5). Training and testing sets for validation were previously scored manually by 1–2 trained sleep technologists from each laboratory. F-measure was used to assess precision and sensitivity for statistical analysis of classifier output and human scorer agreement. The algorithm gave high concordance with manual visual scoring across all human data (wake 0.91 ± 0.01; N1 0.57 ± 0.01; N2 0.81 ± 0.01; N3 0.86 ± 0.01; REM 0.87 ± 0.01), which was comparable to manual inter-scorer agreement on all stages. Similarly, high concordance was observed across all rodent (wake 0.95 ± 0.01; NREM 0.94 ± 0.01; REM 0.91 ± 0.01) and pigeon (wake 0.96 ± 0.006; NREM 0.97 ± 0.01; REM 0.86 ± 0.02) data. Effects of classifier learning from single signal inputs, simple stage reclassification, automated removal of transition epochs, and training set size were also examined. In summary, we have developed a polysomnography analysis program for automated sleep-stage classification of data from diverse species. Somnivore enables flexible, accurate, and high-throughput analysis of experimental and clinical sleep studies

    The wake-promoting effects of hypocretin-1 are attenuated in old rats

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    Disruption of sleep is a frequent complaint among elderly humans and is also evident in aged laboratory rodents. The neurobiological bases of age-related sleep/wake disruption are unknown. Given the critical role of the hypocretins in sleep/wake regulation, we sought to determine whether the wake-promoting effect of hypocretin changes with age in Wistar rats, a strain in which age-related changes in both sleep and hypocretin signaling have been reported. Intracerebroventricular infusions of hypocretin-1 (10 and 30 μg) significantly increased wake time relative to vehicle in both young (3 mos) and old (25 mos) Wistar rats. However, the magnitude and duration of the wake-promoting effect were attenuated with age. An increase of parameters associated with homeostatic sleep recovery after sleep deprivation, including non-rapid eye movement (NR) sleep time, NR delta power, the ratio of NR to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and NR consolidation, occurred subsequent to Hcrt-induced waking in young but not old rats. ICV infusions of hypocretin-2 (10 and 30 μg) produced fewer effects in both young and old rats. These data demonstrate that activation of a major sleep/wake regulatory pathway is attenuated in old rats

    Electrophysiological characterization of sleep/wake, activity and the response to caffeine in adult cynomolgus macaques

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    Most preclinical sleep studies are conducted in nocturnal rodents that have fragmented sleep in comparison to humans who are primarily diurnal, typically with a consolidated sleep period. Consequently, we sought to define basal sleep characteristics, sleep/wake architecture and electroencephalographic (EEG) activity in a diurnal non-human primate (NHP) to evaluate the utility of this species for pharmacological manipulation of the sleep/wake cycle. Adult, 9–11 y.o. male cynomolgus macaques (n = 6) were implanted with telemetry transmitters to record EEG and electromyogram (EMG) activity and Acticals to assess locomotor activity under baseline conditions and following injections either with vehicle or the caffeine (CAF; 10 mg/kg, i.m.) prior to the 12 h dark phase. EEG/EMG recordings (12–36 h in duration) were analyzed for sleep/wake states and EEG spectral composition. Macaques exhibited a sleep state distribution and architecture similar to previous NHP and human sleep studies. Acute administration of CAF prior to light offset enhanced wakefulness nearly 4-fold during the dark phase with consequent reductions in both NREM and REM sleep, decreased slow wave activity during wakefulness, and increased higher EEG frequency activity during NREM sleep. Despite the large increase in wakefulness and profound reduction in sleep during the dark phase, no sleep rebound was observed during the 24 h light and dark phases following caffeine administration. Cynomolgus macaques show sleep characteristics, EEG spectral structure, and respond to CAF in a similar manner to humans. Consequently, monitoring EEG/EMG by telemetry in this species may be useful both for basic sleep/wake studies and for pre-clinical assessments of drug-induced effects on sleep/wake. Keywords: Sleep, NREM, REM, EEG, Cynomolgus macaque, Caffein

    GABAB Agonism Promotes Sleep and Reduces Cataplexy in Murine Narcolepsy

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    γ-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is an approved therapeutic for the excessive sleepiness and sudden loss of muscle tone (cataplexy) characteristic of narcolepsy. The mechanism of action for these therapeutic effects is hypothesized to be GABA B receptor dependent. We evaluated the effects of chronic administration of GHB and the GABA B agonist R -baclofen ( R -BAC) on arousal state and cataplexy in two models of narcolepsy: orexin/ataxin-3 (Atax) and orexin/tTA; TetO diphtheria toxin mice (DTA). Mice were implanted for EEG/EMG monitoring and dosed with GHB (150 mg/kg), R -BAC (2.8 mg/kg), or vehicle (VEH) bid for 15 d–a treatment paradigm designed to model the twice nightly GHB dosing regimen used by human narcoleptics. In both models, R -BAC increased NREM sleep time, intensity, and consolidation during the light period; wake bout duration increased and cataplexy decreased during the subsequent dark period. GHB did not increase NREM sleep consolidation or duration, although NREM delta power increased in the first hour after dosing. Cataplexy decreased from baseline in 57 and 86% of mice after GHB and R -BAC, respectively, whereas cataplexy increased in 79% of the mice after VEH. At the doses tested, R -BAC suppressed cataplexy to a greater extent than GHB. These results suggest utility of R -BAC-based therapeutics for narcolepsy

    Latency to the onset of NR and REM sleep following administration of SB-334867. (A)

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    <p>, EMPA <b>(B)</b>, and almorexant <b>(C)</b> as compared to zolpidem (ZOL). * = significantly different from vehicle (p<0.05); <b>+</b> = significantly different from ZOL (p<0.05) (One-way repeated measures ANOVA followed by paired two-tail <i>t</i> tests; n = 8 per group). Data represent the mean±SEM.</p