56 research outputs found

    The Decline and Fall of the Dollar: Some Policy Issues

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    macroeconomics, dollars, decline, account balance, GNP, domestic demand

    Mapping deliberation: calculation, articulation and intervention in the politics of organ transplantation

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    This paper reflects on the aims and outcomes of an innovative methodology of participatory technology appraisal, called Deliberative Mapping, which seeks to contribute to theoretical debates and practical experimentation around what it might mean to bring the technosciences into democracy. Deliberative Mapping is a hybrid methodology, involving both calculative and deliberative processes, which seeks to map the entanglements of biotechnological imbroglios, and translate these connections into the contexts of decision-making. Through application to the case study of organ transplantation, these procedures of calculation and articulation are critically examined, exploring their aim to reduce asymmetries between scientific, political, economic and other framings of the issue and their operation in contexts already complexly structured through existing power relations, which indicate the challenge of co-fabricating these experimental forms of intervention into political facts

    The Effect of Carbon Credits on Savanna Land Management and Priorities for Biodiversity Conservation

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    Carbon finance offers the potential to change land management and conservation planning priorities. We develop a novel approach to planning for improved land management to conserve biodiversity while utilizing potential revenue from carbon biosequestration. We apply our approach in northern Australia's tropical savanna, a region of global significance for biodiversity and carbon storage, both of which are threatened by current fire and grazing regimes. Our approach aims to identify priority locations for protecting species and vegetation communities by retaining existing vegetation and managing fire and grazing regimes at a minimum cost. We explore the impact of accounting for potential carbon revenue (using a carbon price of US14pertonneofcarbondioxideequivalent)onpriorityareasforconservationandtheimpactofexplicitlyprotectingcarbonstocksinadditiontobiodiversity.OurresultsshowthatimprovedmanagementcanpotentiallyraiseapproximatelyUS14 per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent) on priority areas for conservation and the impact of explicitly protecting carbon stocks in addition to biodiversity. Our results show that improved management can potentially raise approximately US5 per hectare per year in carbon revenue and prevent the release of 1–2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent over approximately 90 years. This revenue could be used to reduce the costs of improved land management by three quarters or double the number of biodiversity targets achieved and meet carbon storage targets for the same cost. These results are based on generalised cost and carbon data; more comprehensive applications will rely on fine scale, site-specific data and a supportive policy environment. Our research illustrates that the duel objective of conserving biodiversity and reducing the release of greenhouse gases offers important opportunities for cost-effective land management investments

    Analytical purity of old New Zealand forage seed samples and detection of fungal and insect contaminants including ryegrass endophyte and Argentine stem weevil

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    In 2015, 13 packets of seed samples were provided to PGG Wrightson by Jim Robertson, a farmer from Wainui Bay, Takaka. These samples had been kept by the Robertson Family since 1917 and in one case the year of harvest 16/17 was written on the packet (Figure 1). The samples consisted of six cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.), four perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and one each of Chewings fescue (Festuca rubra L.), oat (Avena sativa L.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). These samples had been initially given to the family with associated prices by Levin and Co (based in Nelson), so that they could choose which seed lines to purchase

    Resurrecting extinct interactions with extant substitutes

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    There is increasing evidence that restoration ecologists should be most concerned with restoring species interactions rather than species diversity per se [1]. Rewilding with taxon substitutes, the intentional introduction of exotic species to replace the ecosystem functions of recently extinct species, is one way to reverse ecosystem dysfunction following the loss of species interactions [2]. This is highly controversial [3], in part because of a lack of rigorous scientific studies [4]. Here we present the first empirical evidence of an in situ rewilding project undertaken as a hypothesis-driven ecosystem management option. On Ile aux Aigrettes, a 25-hectare island off Mauritius, the critically endangered large-fruited endemic ebony, Diospyros egrettarum (Ebenaceae), was seed-dispersal limited after the extinction of all native large-bodied frugivores, including giant tortoises. We introduced exotic Aldabra giant tortoises, Aldabrachelys gigantea, to disperse the ebony seeds. Not only did the tortoises ingest the large fruits and disperse substantial numbers of ebony seeds, but tortoise gut passage also improved seed germination, leading to the widespread, successful establishment of new ebony seedlings. Our results demonstrate that the introduction of these exotic frugivores is aiding the recovery of ebonies. We argue for more reversible rewilding experiments to investigate whether extinct species interactions can be restored
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