117 research outputs found

    Cognitive and Psychiatric Predictors to Psychosis in Velocardiofacial Syndrome: A 3-Year Follow-Up Study

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    Objective: To predict prodromal psychosis in adolescents with velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS). Method: 70 youth with VCFS, 27 siblings of youth with VCFS and 25 community controls were followed from childhood (Mean age = 11.8 years) into mid-adolescence (mean age 15.0 years). Psychological tests measuring intelligence, academic achievement, learning/memory, attention and executive functioning as well as measures of parent and clinician ratings of child psychiatric functioning were completed at both time point. Results: Major depressive disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder diagnoses increased in the VCFS sample. With very low false positive rates, the best predictor of adolescent prodromal psychotic symptoms was parent ratings of childhood odd/eccentric symptoms and child performance on a measure of executive functioning, the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. Conclusions: Similar to the non-VCFS prodromal psychosis literature, a combination of cognitive and psychiatric variables appears to predict psychosis in adolescence. A child with VCFS who screens positive is noteworthy and demands clinical attention

    The Longitudinal Course of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate predictors of persistence of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in a large sample of children with velo-cardio-facial syndrome (VCFS) with and without ADHD followed prospectively into adolescence. STUDY DESIGN: Children with VCFS with (n = 37) and without (n = 35) ADHD who were on average 11 years old at the baseline assessment and 15 years old at the follow-up assessment were comprehensively assessed with structured diagnostic interviews and assessments of behavioral, cognitive, social, school, and family functioning. Control participants both with and without ADHD were also followed prospectively. RESULTS: In adolescence, 65% of children with VCFS continued to have findings consistent with ADHD. Childhood predictors of persistence were higher rates of familial ADHD, having childhood depression, having higher levels of hyperactivity, and a larger number of intrusion errors on a verbal list learning test at baseline. Approximately 15% of children with VCFS who did not have ADHD at Time 1 met diagnostic criteria for ADHD at Time 2. All of these children had subthreshold ADHD symptoms at Time 1. CONCLUSIONS: These findings prospectively confirm that persistence of ADHD into adolescence in VCFS is predicted by childhood variables that have been previously documented in the non-VCFS ADHD literature

    Manic Symptoms and Behavioral Dysregulation in Youth with Velocardiofacial Syndrome (22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome).

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    Mania and bipolar disorder have been reported in adolescents and adults with velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS; also known as 22q11.2 deletion syndrome). Children with VCFS have a high prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which may constitute a risk factor for the eventual development of bipolar disorder in this population. Therefore, we sought to determine whether children with VCFS exhibit more manic symptoms than community controls that also may have learning disorders and ADHD. The study population consisted of 86 children with VCFS and 36 community controls from ages 9 to 15 years, using measures of Young Mania Rating Scale-Parent Version, Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL), Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-3rd edition (WISC-III). The results indicate that manic symptoms were not more prevalent in VCFS than in a community sample of children with learning disorders and ADHD. However, after accounting for symptoms of depression and ADHD, we found that manic symptoms in VCFS predicted uniquely to scores on four Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) subscales, including anxiety, somatization, thought, and conduct problems. In contrast, manic symptoms in controls predicted uniquely to conduct problems only. Accordingly, our findings of severe behavioral impairment in youth with VCFS and manic symptoms suggest that these children may warrant more intensive monitoring and treatment relative to youth with VCFS and ADHD only

    Accepting higher morbidity in exchange for sacrificing fewer animals in studies developing novel infection-control strategies.

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    Preventing bacterial infections from becoming the leading cause of death by the year 2050 requires the development of novel, infection-control strategies, building heavily on biomaterials science, including nanotechnology. Pre-clinical (animal) studies are indispensable for this development. Often, animal infection outcomes bear little relation to human clinical outcome. Here, we review conclusions from pathogen-inoculum dose-finding pilot studies for evaluation of novel infection-control strategies in murine models. Pathogen-inoculum doses are generally preferred that produce the largest differences in quantitative infection outcome parameters between a control and an experimental group, without death or termination of animals due to having reached an inhumane end-point during the study. However, animal death may represent a better end-point for evaluation than large differences in outcome parameters or number of days over which infection persists. The clinical relevance of lower pre-clinical outcomes, such as bioluminescence, colony forming units (CFUs) retrieved or more rapid clearance of infection is unknown, as most animals cure infection without intervention, depending on pathogen-species and pathogen-inoculum dose administered. In human clinical practice, patients suffering from infection present to hospital emergency wards, frequently in life-threatening conditions. Animal infection-models should therefore use prevention of death and recurrence of infection as primary efficacy targets to be addressed by novel strategies. To compensate for increased animal morbidity and mortality, animal experiments should solely be conducted for pre-clinical proof of principle and safety. With the advent of sophisticated in vitro models, we advocate limiting use of animal models when exploring pathogenesis or infection mechanisms

    Neuroanatomic Predictors to Prodromal Psychosis in Velocardiofacial Syndrome (22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome): A Longitudinal Study

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    Background: Up to 30% of young adults with velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS; 22q11.2 deletion syndrome) develop schizophrenia or psychosis. Identifying the neuroanatomic trajectories that increase risk for psychosis in youth with this genetic disorder is of great interest. Methods: We acquired high-resolution anatomic MR images and measures of psychiatric function on 72 youth with VCFS, 26 unaffected siblings and 24 age-matched community controls at two timepoints, between late childhood (mean age, 11.9 years) and mid-adolescence (mean age, 15.1 years). Results: With the exception of cranial gray matter and orbitofrontal prefrontal cortex, neuroanatomic trajectories in youth with VCFS were comparable to unaffected siblings and community controls during this developmental window. However, in youth with VCFS, longitudinal decreases in the volumes of cranial gray and white matter, prefrontal cortex, mesial temporal lobe, and cerebellum were associated with increased combined prodromal symptoms at Time 2. In contrast, only decreases in temporal lobe gray matter volumes (p \u3c .002) and verbal IQ (p \u3c .002) predicted specifically to positive prodromal symptoms of psychosis at Time 2. Conclusions: These findings are in line with studies of non-VCFS individuals at risk for schizophrenia, and suggest that early decrements in temporal lobe gray matter may be predictive of increased risk of prodromal psychotic symptoms in youth with VCFS

    Planning for Sustainability in Small Municipalities: The Influence of Interest Groups, Growth Patterns, and Institutional Characteristics

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    How and why small municipalities promote sustainability through planning efforts is poorly understood. We analyzed ordinances in 451 Maine municipalities and tested theories of policy adoption using regression analysis.We found that smaller communities do adopt programs that contribute to sustainability relevant to their scale and context. In line with the political market theory, we found that municipalities with strong environmental interests, higher growth, and more formal governments were more likely to adopt these policies. Consideration of context and capacity in planning for sustainability will help planners better identify and benefit from collaboration, training, and outreach opportunities

    Evidence of Neutralizing and Non-Neutralizing Anti-Glucosaminidase Antibodies in Patients With S. Aureus Osteomyelitis and Their Association With Clinical Outcome Following Surgery in a Clinical Pilot

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    Staphylococcus aureus osteomyelitis remains a very challenging condition; recent clinical studies have shown infection control rates following surgery/antibiotics to be ~60%. Additionally, prior efforts to produce an effective S. aureus vaccine have failed, in part due to lack of knowledge of protective immunity. Previously, we demonstrated that anti-glucosaminidase (Gmd) antibodies are protective in animal models but found that only 6.7% of culture-confirmed S. aureus osteomyelitis patients in the AO Clinical Priority Program (AO-CPP) Registry had basal serum levels (>10 ng/ml) of anti-Gmd at the time of surgery (baseline). We identified a small subset of patients with high levels of anti-Gmd antibodies and adverse outcomes following surgery, not explained by Ig class switching to non-functional isotypes. Here, we aimed to test the hypothesis that clinical cure following surgery is associated with anti-Gmd neutralizing antibodies in serum. Therefore, we first optimized an in vitro assay that quantifies recombinant Gmd lysis of the M. luteus cell wall and used it to demonstrate the 50% neutralizing concentration (NC50) of a humanized anti-Gmd mAb (TPH-101) to be ~15.6 μg/ml. We also demonstrated that human serum deficient in anti-Gmd antibodies can be complemented by TPH-101 to achieve the same dose-dependent Gmd neutralizing activity as purified TPH-101. Finally, we assessed the anti-Gmd physical titer and neutralizing activity in sera from 11 patients in the AO-CPP Registry, who were characterized into four groups post-hoc. Group 1 patients (n=3) had high anti-Gmd physical and neutralizing titers at baseline that decreased with clinical cure of the infection over time. Group 2 patients (n=3) had undetectable anti-Gmd antibodies throughout the study and adverse outcomes. Group 3 (n=3) had high titers +/− neutralizing anti-Gmd at baseline with adverse outcomes. Group 4 (n=2) had low titers of non-neutralizing anti-Gmd at baseline with delayed high titers and adverse outcomes. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that both neutralizing and non-neutralizing anti-Gmd antibodies exist in S. aureus osteomyelitis patients and that screening for these antibodies could have a value for identifying patients in need of passive immunization prior to surgery. Future prospective studies to test the prognostic value of anti-Gmd antibodies to assess the potential of passive immunization with TPH-101 are warranted

    Evidence-based guidelines for managing patients with primary ER+ HER2− breast cancer deferred from surgery due to the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Many patients with ER+ HER2- primary breast cancer are being deferred from surgery to neoadjuvant endocrine therapy (NeoET) during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have collated data from multiple international trials of presurgical endocrine therapy in order to provide guidance on the identification of patients who may have insufficiently endocrine-sensitive tumors and should be prioritised for early surgery or neoadjuvant chemotherapy rather than NeoET during or in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic for safety or when surgical activity needs to be prioritized. For postmenopausal patients, our data provide strong support for the use of ER and PgR status at diagnosis for triaging of patients into three groups in which (taking into account clinical factors): (i) NeoET is likely to be inappropriate (Allred ER 10%) indicates a higher priority for early surgery. Too few data were available for premenopausal patients to provide a similar treatment algorithm. These guidelines should be helpful for managing patients with early ER+ HER2- breast cancer during and in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis