142 research outputs found

    Median (±95% confidence limits) distance (m) of the focal elephant from its nearest neighbour averaged across each half-hour focal period.

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    <p>The wild sample included both collared and uncollared adolescent males. <i>n = </i>number of focal samples.</p

    Data for Cape buffalo social dynamics in a flood pulsed ecosystem

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    This data file contains 1. Distances <1000m between dyads of collared buffalo; 2. Utilization Distribution Overlap Indices and number of fusion events; 3. Data matrices for seasonal DCG social network calculations; 4. Details on each fusion event; 5. Habitat types at fission and fusion locations; 6. Habitat composition in home ranges and home range overlap areas; 7. Distance to water from fission and fusion locations; 8. Distance to water from home ranges and home range overlap area

    Sample sizes for white-footed mouse populations for use in the BEDASSLE R package.

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    This text file includes sample sizes for white-footed mouse populations for use in the BEDASSLE R package. This file is a companion to the text file included the SNP allele counts. The number of rows is equal to the number of populations, and the number of columns is equal to the number of biallelic SNP loci sampled for this study. Each value represents the number of chromosomes successfully genotyped at each locus in each population

    Activities recorded during half-hour focal observations; adapted from [64].

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    <p>Activities recorded during half-hour focal observations; adapted from <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0055933#pone.0055933-Poole2" target="_blank">[64]</a>.</p

    Vegetation data

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    All vegetation variables describing macro- and microhabitat

    Mean distance (m±SE) of collared elephants from human habitation.

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    <p>Mean distance (m±SE) of collared elephants from human habitation.</p

    Notation glossary.

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    <p>Glossary of the various symbols used throught the text. The second column details whether the symbol is used in the 1D simulation model (S1), the 2D simulation model (S2), the 1D analytic model (A1) or the 2D analytic model (A2). The third column gives the dimensions of the parameter, or ‘none’ if it is dimensionless, where stands for space and for time.</p

    Number of GPS fixes and the parameters used to calculate the utilisation distributions each season for the 15 buffalo cows.

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    <p>MDT is the minimum distance threshold below which an animal was considered inactive, and was calculated from the mean location error of each collar. The time threshold, above which successive relocations were no longer correlated, was calculated by dividing the diameter of the MCP by ten times the median hourly distance travelled.</p

    Bonferroni-adjusted confidence limits for the proportion of each habitat used (shaded boxes) compared to availability (dark lines) for all seasons combined.

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    <p>(a) released males, and (b) wild collared adolescent males. <i>n</i> = number of GPS locations.</p
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