187 research outputs found

    The Carboxyl Terminus of The Bacteriophage T4 DNA Polymerase is Required for Holoenzyme Complex Formation

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    To further elucidate the mechanism and dynamics of bacteriophage T4 holoenzyme formation, a mutant polymerase in which the last six carboxyl-terminal amino acids are deleted, was constructed, overexpressed, and purified to homogeneity. The mutant polymerase, designated Ī”C6 exoāˆ’, is identical to wild-type exoāˆ’ polymerase with respect to kcat, kpol, and dissociation constants for nucleotide and DNA substrate. However, unlike wild-type exoāˆ’ polymerase, the Ī”C6 exoāˆ’ polymerase is unable to interact with the 45 protein to form the stable holoenzyme. A synthetic polypeptide corresponding to the carboxyl terminus of the wild-type exoāˆ’ polymerase was tested as an in vitro inhibitor of bacteriophage T4 DNA replication. Surprisingly, the peptide does not directly inhibit holoenzyme complex formation by disrupting the interaction of the polymerase with the 45 protein. On the contrary, the peptide appears to disrupt the interaction of the 44/62 protein with the 45 protein, suggesting that the 44/62 protein and the polymerase use the same site on the 45 protein for functional interactions. Data presented are discussed in terms of a model correlating the functionality of the carboxyl terminus of the polymerase for productive interactions with the 45 protein as well as in terms of the 45 protein concomitantly interacting with the 44/62 protein and polymerase

    Assembly and Disassembly of DNA Polymerase Holoenzyme

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    The complex task of genomic replication requires a large collection of proteins properly assembled within the close confines of the replication fork. The mechanism and dynamics of holoenzyme assembly and disassembly have been investigated using steady state and pre-steady state methods as opposed to structural studies, primarily due to the intrinsic transient nature of these protein complexes during DNA replication. The key step in bacteriophage T4 holoenzyme assembly involves ATP hydrolysis, whereas disassembly is mediated by subunit dissociation of the clamp protein in an ATP-independent manner

    Examination of The Role of The Clamp-loader and ATP Hydrolysis in The Formation of The Bacteriophage T4 Polymerase Holoenzyme

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    Transient kinetic analyses further support the role of the clamp-loader in bacteriophage T4 as a catalyst which loads the clamp onto DNA through the sequential hydrolysis of two molecules of ATP before and after addition of DNA. Additional rapid-quench and pulse-chase experiments have documented this stoichiometry. The events of ATP hydrolysis have been related to the opening/closing of the clamp protein through fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). In the absence of a hydrolysable form of ATP, the distance across the subunit interface of the clamp does not increase as measured by intramolecular FRET, suggesting gp45 cannot be loaded onto DNA. Therefore, ATP hydrolysis by the clamp-loader appears to open the clamp wide enough to encircle DNA easily. Two additional molecules of ATP then are hydrolyzed to close the clamp onto DNA. The presence of an intermolecular FRET signal indicated that the dissociation of the clamp-loader from this complex occurred after guiding the polymerase onto the correct face of the clamp bound to DNA. The final holoenzyme complex consists of the clamp, DNA, and the polymerase. Although this sequential assembly mechanism can be generally applied to most other replication systems studied to date, the specifics of ATP utilization seem to vary across replication systems

    Examination of The Role of The Clamp-loader and ATP Hydrolysis in The Formation of The Bacteriophage T4 Polymerase Holoenzyme

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    Transient kinetic analyses further support the role of the clamp-loader in bacteriophage T4 as a catalyst which loads the clamp onto DNA through the sequential hydrolysis of two molecules of ATP before and after addition of DNA. Additional rapid-quench and pulse-chase experiments have documented this stoichiometry. The events of ATP hydrolysis have been related to the opening/closing of the clamp protein through fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). In the absence of a hydrolysable form of ATP, the distance across the subunit interface of the clamp does not increase as measured by intramolecular FRET, suggesting gp45 cannot be loaded onto DNA. Therefore, ATP hydrolysis by the clamp-loader appears to open the clamp wide enough to encircle DNA easily. Two additional molecules of ATP then are hydrolyzed to close the clamp onto DNA. The presence of an intermolecular FRET signal indicated that the dissociation of the clamp-loader from this complex occurred after guiding the polymerase onto the correct face of the clamp bound to DNA. The final holoenzyme complex consists of the clamp, DNA, and the polymerase. Although this sequential assembly mechanism can be generally applied to most other replication systems studied to date, the specifics of ATP utilization seem to vary across replication systems

    Assembly and Disassembly of DNA Polymerase Holoenzyme

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    The complex task of genomic replication requires a large collection of proteins properly assembled within the close confines of the replication fork. The mechanism and dynamics of holoenzyme assembly and disassembly have been investigated using steady state and pre-steady state methods as opposed to structural studies, primarily due to the intrinsic transient nature of these protein complexes during DNA replication. The key step in bacteriophage T4 holoenzyme assembly involves ATP hydrolysis, whereas disassembly is mediated by subunit dissociation of the clamp protein in an ATP-independent manner

    Biochemical Characterization of Bacteriophage T4 Mre11-Rad50 Complex

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    The Mre11-Rad50 complex (MR) from bacteriophage T4 (gp46/47) is involved in the processing of DNA double-strand breaks. Here, we describe the activities of the T4 MR complex and its modulation by proteins involved in homologous recombination. T4 Mre11 is a Rad50- and Mn2+-dependent dsDNA exonuclease and ssDNA endonuclease. ATP hydrolysis is required for the removal of multiple nucleotides via dsDNA exonuclease activity but not for the removal of the first nucleotide or for ssDNA endonuclease activity, indicating ATP hydrolysis is only required for repetitive nucleotide removal. By itself, Rad50 is a relatively inefficient ATPase, but the presence of Mre11 and dsDNA increases ATP hydrolysis by 20-fold. The ATP hydrolysis reaction exhibits positive cooperativity with Hill coefficients ranging from 1.4 for Rad50 alone to 2.4 for the Rad50-Mre11-DNA complex. Kinetic assays suggest that approximately four nucleotides are removed per ATP hydrolyzed. Directionality assays indicate that the prevailing activity is a 3ā€² to 5ā€² dsDNA exonuclease, which is incompatible with the proposed role of MR in the production of 3ā€² ssDNA ends. Interestingly, we found that in the presence of a recombination mediator protein (UvsY) and ssDNA-binding protein (gp32), Mre11 is capable of using Mg2+ as a cofactor for its nuclease activity. Additionally, the Mg2+-dependent nuclease activity, activated by UvsY and gp32, results in the formation of endonuclease reaction products. These results suggest that gp32 and UvsY may alter divalent cation preference and facilitate the formation of a 3ā€² ssDNA overhang, which is a necessary intermediate for recombination-mediated double-strand break repair

    Direct observation of stalled fork restart via fork regression in the T4 replication system

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    The restart of a stalled replication fork is a major challenge for DNA replication. Depending on the nature of the damage, different repair processes might be triggered; one is template switching, which is a bypass of a leading-strand lesion via fork regression. Using magnetic tweezers to study the T4 bacteriophage enzymes, we have reproduced in vitro the complete process of template switching. We show that the UvsW DNA helicase in cooperation with the T4 holoenzyme can overcome leading-strand lesion damage by a pseudostochastic process, periodically forming and migrating a four-way Holliday junction. The initiation of the repair process requires partial replisome disassembly via the departure of the replicative helicase. The results support the role of fork regression pathways in DNA repair

    Protein-Protein and Protein-DNA Interactions at The Bacteriophage T4 DNA Replication Fork. Characterization of a Fluorescently Labeled DNA Polymerase Sliding Clamp

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    The T4 DNA polymerase holoenzyme is composed of the polymerase enzyme complexed to the sliding clamp (the 45 protein), which is loaded onto DNA by an ATP-dependent clamp loader (the 44/62 complex). This paper describes a new method to directly investigate the mechanism of holoenzyme assembly using a fluorescently labeled cysteine mutant of the 45 protein. This protein possessed unaltered function yet produced substantial changes in probe fluorescence intensity upon interacting with other components of the holoenzyme. These fluorescence changes provide insight into the role of ATP hydrolysis in holoenzyme assembly. Using either ATP or the non-hydrolyzable ATP analog, adenosine 5ā€²-O-(3-thiophosphate), events in holoenzyme assembly were assigned as either dependent or independent of ATP hydrolysis. A holoenzyme assembly mechanism is proposed in which the 44/62 complex mediates the association of the 45 protein with DNA in an ATP-dependent manner not requiring ATP hydrolysis. Upon ATP hydrolysis, the 44/62 complex triggers a conformational change in the 45 protein that may be attributed to the clamp loading onto DNA

    Collaborative coupling between polymerase and helicase for leading-strand synthesis

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    Rapid and processive leading-strand DNA synthesis in the bacteriophage T4 system requires functional coupling between the helicase and the holoenzyme, consisting of the polymerase and trimeric clamp loaded by the clamp loader. We investigated the mechanism of this coupling on a DNA hairpin substrate manipulated by a magnetic trap. In stark contrast to the isolated enzymes, the coupled system synthesized DNA at the maximum rate without exhibiting fork regression or pauses. DNA synthesis and unwinding activities were coupled at low forces, but became uncoupled displaying separate activities at high forces or low dNTP concentration. We propose a collaborative model in which the helicase releases the fork regression pressure on the holoenzyme allowing it to adopt a processive polymerization conformation and the holoenzyme destabilizes the first few base pairs of the fork thereby increasing the efficiency of helicase unwinding. The model implies that both enzymes are localized at the fork, but does not require a specific interaction between them. The model quantitatively reproduces homologous and heterologous coupling results under various experimental conditions

    Isothermal DNA amplification using the T4 replisome: circular nicking endonuclease-dependent amplification and primase-based whole-genome amplification.

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    In vitro reconstitution of the bacteriophage T4 replication machinery provides a novel system for fast and processive isothermal DNA amplification. We have characterized this system in two formats: (i) in circular nicking endonuclease-dependent amplification (cNDA), the T4 replisome is supplemented with a nicking endonuclease (Nb.BbvCI) and a reverse primer to generate a well-defined uniform double-stranded linear product and to achieve up to 1100-fold linear amplification of a plasmid in 1 h. (ii) The T4 replisome with its primase (gp61) can also support priming and exponential amplification of genomic DNA in primase-based whole-genome amplification (T4 pWGA). Low amplification biases between 4.8 and 9.8 among eight loci for 0.3-10 ng template DNA suggest that this method is indeed suitable for uniform whole-genome amplification. Finally, the utility of the T4 replisome for isothermal DNA amplification is demonstrated in various applications, including incorporation of functional tags for DNA labeling and immobilization; template generation for in vitro transcription/translation and sequencing; and colony screening and DNA quantification
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