378 research outputs found

    Fasilitas Terapi dan Bakat untuk Anak Autis di Surabaya

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    Fasilitas Terapi dan Bakat untuk Anak Autis di Surabaya” adalah tempat memberikan pelatihan untuk anak autis agar memperoleh kualitas hidup yang lebih baik. Anak autis rentan terhadap pandangan “Hidup dalam Dunianya Sendiri”, dengan adanya fasilitas ini diharapkan pandangan itu tidak membunuh kemampuan terpendam tiap anak autis serta membuka wawasan masyarakat luas. Fasilitas yang diberikan selain pelatihan terapi, ada pelatihan bakat, sarana pertunjukan, asrama, kafetaria, dan sarana pelatihan dengan hewan dan tumbuhan.Pendekatan perancangan menggunakan perilaku dari anak – anak autis, lalu terjadilah intensi desain “safe, interactive, dan flexible”. Aplikasi konsep dimulai dari penataan zoning hingga elemen dalam detil – detil di bangunan. Sehingga, setiap area memberikan area yang aman untuk mereka dan memberikan rasa tenang pada orang tua anak, juga memungkinkan mereka untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitarnya (tanaman, hewan, manusia dan bangunan) dan bangunan memungkinkan untuk digunakan oleh beragam jenis anak autis

    Kata Ganti Orang Dalam Novel the Stars Shine Down Karya Sidney Sheldon

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    The title of this research is “Personal Pronouns in The Novel The Stars Shine Down By Sidney Sheldon ”. The objectives of this research are to identify, to collect and to analyze the form of personal pronouns in the novel. The data are collected by focusing on the use personal pronouns by the author of the novel. The problem of the research is : what are the personal pronouns in term of form and function in the novel The Stars Shine Down By Sidney Sheldon. I, she, we, they, can be subjects of a verb. Example : I saw it. He knows you. They live near here. Complements of the verb to be : Example : It is I. Me, him, her, us, them can be direct objects of a verb : Example : I saw her. Tom likes them. Those concepts above will be used for identifying and analyzing data. The result shows that the forms of personal pronouns in the novel The Stars Shine Down By Sidney Sheldon are in singular and plural forms. In terms of the function, there are personal pronouns that have the function as a subject, object, possessive adjective and possessive pronoun in the sentences

    Pengaruh Senam Bugar Lansia Terhadap Kadar Hdl Dan Ldl Di Bplu Manado

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    : The prevalence of decreased levels of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and elevated levels of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) in Indonesia is quite high, until increasing diseases such as stroke, dyslipidemia and Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). Gymnastic for elder is a form of exercise that moves easily followed by the elderly and can improve the health status. This study aimed to know about influence of gymnastic for elder to the levels of HDL and LDL before and after participating. This research is an experimental design with one group pre-post test. Subjects were 30 elderly people who are in Manado BPLU drawn from a population of 48 elderly people who met the inclusion criteria. Data analysis using a paired t-test with SPSS version 20.0. There are significant differences in levels of HDL (p = 0.022) and levels of LDL cholesterol (p = 0.000), before and after participating gymnastic for elder. Conclusion: Levels of HDL and LDL before and after doing SBL were significantly different

    Total Quantum Zeno effect and Intelligent States for a two level system in a squeezed bath

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    In this work we show that by frequent measurements of adequately chosen observables, a complete suppression of the decay in an exponentially decaying two level system interacting with a squeezed bath is obtained. The observables for which the effect is observed depend on the the squeezing parameters of the bath. The initial states which display Total Zeno Effect are intelligent states of two conjugate observables associated to the electromagnetic fluctuations of the bath.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Pengaruh Arus Dan Substrat Terhadap Distribusi Kerapatan Rumput Laut Di Perairan Pulau Panjang Sebelah Barat Dan Selatan

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    Pulau Panjang adalah salah satu pantai utara Jawa yang terletak di Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah. Salah satu ekosistem yang ditemukan di wilayah pesisir adalah ekosistem rumput laut. Rumput laut memiliki keanekaragaman spesies yang cukup tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh arus dan substrat terhadap distribusi kerapatan rumput laut di perairan Pulau Panjang sebelah barat dan selatan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2014. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Pengambilan data kerapatan rumput laut menggunakan metode line transect. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan menghitung kerapatan rumput laut pada 3 line di sebelah barat dan selatan Pulau Panjang. Panjang line transect yang digunakan adalah 100 meter, diletakkan tegak lurus garis pantai dan untuk memudahkan perhitungan kerapatan rumput kaut digunakan kuadran transect berukuran 1x1 m. Kemudian dilakukan pengukuran parameter oseanografi. Hasil penelitian dijumpai tujuh jenis rumput laut yaitu Padina crassa, Sargasum confusum, Turbinaria ornata, Sargassum crispitolium, Caulerpa racemosa, Caulerpa serrulata, dan Lenthesia difformis pada sebelah barat dan selatan Pulau Panjang. Nilai kecepatan arus Pulau Panjang di sebelah selatan adalah 0,10-0,12 m/detik dan arus Pulau Panjang di sebelah barat 0,09-0,01 m/detik. Substrat di Pulau Panjang sebelah barat adalah karang hidup (26 m2), karang mati (83 m2), pasir (80 m2) dan pecahan karang (109 m2), sedangkan di Pulau Panjang sebelah selatan adalah karang hidup (31 m2), karang mati (93 m2), pasir (54 m2) dan pecahan karang (122 m2). Kerapatan rumput laut tertinggi di Pulau Panjang sebelah barat dan selatan adalah jenis Padina crassa sebanyak 37,39% dan 31,26%. Panjang island is one of Java's northern sea which located in Jepara, Central Java. One of ecosystem which found in coastal area is seaweed ecosystem. Seaweed has high species's variety. This research is intended to acknowledge how current and subtrate affect the seaweed's density distribution in Panjang Island's west and south waters. This research was done in October 2014. This research uses descriptive research method. While Line Transect is used to intake the data of seaweed's density. The observation is done by counting the seaweed's density on three lines in Panjang Island's south and west waters. Line Transect's lenght which used is 100 meters, be placed perpendicular to coastal area and use 1x1 meter transect quadran to make the counting of seaweed's density easier. And then, the measuring of oceanography parameter is conducted. As the result, seven seaweed's varietis are found, they are Padina crassa, Sargasum confusum, Turbinaria ornata, Sargassum crispitolium, Caulerpa racemosa, Caulerpa serrulata, and Lenthesia difformis in Panjang Island's south and west waters. Speed value of Panjang Island's current in south area is 0,10-0,12 m/second and Panjang Island's west area is 0,09-0,01 m/second. The substrate in Panjang Island's west area is alive coral (26 m2), dead coral (83 m2), sand (80 m2), and coral's fraction (109 m2), while in Panjang island's south area is alive coral (31 m2), dead coral (93 m2), sand (54 m2), and coral's fraction (122 m2). The highest seaweed's density in west and south's area is Padina Crassa, that is 37,39% and 31,26%

    Optimization of the transmission of observable expectation values and observable statistics in Continuous Variable Teleportation

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    We analyze the statistics of observables in continuous variable quantum teleportation in the formalism of the characteristic function. We derive expressions for average values of output state observables in particular cumulants which are additive in terms of the input state and the resource of teleportation. Working with Squeezed Bell-like states, which may be optimized in a free parameter for better teleportation performance we discuss the relation between resources optimal for fidelity and for different observable averages. We obtain the values of the free parameter which optimize the central momenta and cumulants up to fourth order. For the cumulants the distortion between in and out states due to teleportation depends only on the resource. We obtain optimal parameters for the second and fourth order cumulants which do not depend on the squeezing of the resource. The second order central momenta which is equal to the second order cumulants and the photon number average are optimized by the same resource. We show that the optimal fidelity resource, found in reference (Phys. Rev. A {\bf 76}, 022301 (2007)) to depend also on the characteristics of input, tends for high squeezing to the resource which optimizes the second order momenta. A similar behavior is obtained for the resource which optimizes the photon statistics which is treated here using the sum of the squared differences in photon probabilities of input and output states as the distortion measure. This is interpreted to mean that the distortions associated to second order momenta dominates the behavior of the output state for large squeezing of the resource. Optimal fidelity and optimal photon statistics resources are compared and is shown that for mixtures of Fock states they are equivalent.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    The quantum algebra of superspace

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    We present the complete set of N=1N=1, D=4D=4 quantum algebras associated to massive superparticles. We obtain the explicit solution of these algebras realized in terms of unconstrained operators acting on the Hilbert space of superfields. These solutions are expressed using the chiral, anti-chiral and tensorial projectors which define the three irreducible representations of the supersymmetry on the superfields. In each case the space-time variables are non-commuting and their commutators are proportional to the internal angular momentum of the representation. The quantum algebra associated to the chiral or the anti-chiral projector is the one obtained by the quantization of the Casalbuoni-Brink-Schwarz (superspin 0) massive superparticle. We present a new superparticle action for the (superspin 1/2) case and show that their wave functions are the ones associated to the irreducible tensor multiplet.Comment: 20 pages;changes in the nomenclatur

    Intermittent chaos driven by nonlinear Alfvén waves

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    International audienceWe investigate the relevance of chaotic saddles and unstable periodic orbits at the onset of intermittent chaos in the phase dynamics of nonlinear Alfvén waves by using the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) equation as a model for phase dynamics. We focus on the role of nonattracting chaotic solutions of the KS equation, known as chaotic saddles, in the transition from weak chaos to strong chaos via an interior crisis and show how two of these unstable chaotic saddles can interact to produce the plasma intermittency observed in the strongly chaotic regimes. The dynamical systems approach discussed in this work can lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the phenomena of intermittency in space plasmas
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