141 research outputs found

    Litigation and Recoupment of Executive Compensation

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    Merrill Lynch suffered fourth quarter losses of 9.8billiondollarsin2008.Simultaneoustoits9.8 billion dollars in 2008. Simultaneous to its 50 billion federally aided acquisition by Bank of America, Merrill was given the green light by Bank of America to pay as much as $5.6 billion dollars in incentive compensation. The legal fallout regarding the losses and the bonuses has been dramatic by any standard. As a separate drama, Troubled Asset Relief Program Special Master Kenneth Feinberg has been a constant presence in the media throughout 2009, ruling on compensation proposals at companies that received federal financing. Contemporaneously, the legal and business communities are curiously watching the progression of the Securities and Exchange Commission\u27s complaint against former Chairman and CEO of CSK Auto Corporation Maynard Jenkins. The complaint against Jenkins seeks disgorgement of Jenkins\u27 incentive and equity compensation under § 304 of the Sarbanes- Oxley Act, and is a singular instance of § 304 being leveraged against an executive who is not personally accused of violating any federal securities laws. These legal matters are informed by larger circumstances-of populist rhetoric and of the ongoing economic crisis-that have in many instances provoked shareholders, creditors, and government actors to seek recoupment of executive compensation. This research article functions as a broad overview of the possible state and federal legal authorities parties may face in such an environmen

    Novel variants in COL4A4 and COL4A5 are rare causes of FSGS in two unrelated families

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    We report two female patients with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and chronic kidney disease. The first patient was found to have a heterozygous, de novo, pathogenic variant in COL4A5 (c.141+1G>A, IVS2+1G>A), which is associated with Alport syndrome. The second patient was found to have a heterozygous, likely pathogenic variant in COL4A4 (c.2842G>T). Both these variants in COL4A5 and COL4A4 are novel, and they were detected using whole exome sequencing and gene panel testing, respectively. Additionally, we discuss the complexities of diagnosis in such cases and the benefits of using the abovementioned diagnostic approaches

    Incidence of Pathogenic Variants in Those With a Family History of Pancreatic Cancer

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    Discovery of a hereditary cancer syndrome can be one of the factors that determine whether a healthy individual completes pancreas cancer screening or whether an individual with cancer receives certain chemotherapies. Retrospective review was completed to determine the likelihood of detection of a pathogenic variant causing a hereditary cancer syndrome based on personal and family history. Study was completed through the hereditary cancer clinic at Mayo Clinic Florida over a 6 year period, 1/2012 through 1/2018. All participants were referred based on suspicion for a hereditary cancer syndrome based on personal and/or family history. Patients' personal oncologic history at time of consultation was recorded, as well as, cancer diagnoses in the family history and the number of family members with a history of pancreas cancer. Test result and gene name, if variant was pathogenic or likely pathogenic, were noted as well. A total of 2,019 patients completed genetic testing during study period. Personal history of cancer included a variety of primaries, including breast (N = 986), ovarian (N = 119), colon (N = 106), prostate (N = 65), and pancreas (N = 59). A positive result was discovered in 11% of the total group. Two hundred and eighty five reported a family history of pancreas cancer. The incidence of pathogenic variants was 13% (37/285) in those with any family history and 23% (13/56) in those with two or more relatives with pancreatic cancer. Those with multiple relatives with pancreatic cancer were significantly more likely to carry a pathogenic variant than those with a personal history of breast cancer under the age of 45 (23.2 vs. 11.9%, p = 0.02). Presence of multiple family members with a reported history of pancreatic cancer significantly increased the likelihood that a pathogenic variant would be identified in the patient even over other significant risk factors, like personal history of early onset breast cancer

    Youth at Risk: Part 1, 2012 Massachusetts Family Impact Seminar

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    The youth of Massachusetts are of primary concern to legislators and citizens. This briefing report features three essays by experts – Lisa Jones, Ramon Borges-Mendez, and Janis Wolak – who focus on three aspects of youth wellbeing: youth victimization and other indicators of psychological health, youth unemployment, and online sexual predators of youth. Although youth well-being is of primary concern, the worrisome stories about crimes against children that regularly fill the media have unfortunately obscured some more positive news from statistical reports on these same issues. Child victimizations of various types – i.e., child sexual abuse, witnessing domestic violence, child physical abuse, sexual assaults of teenagers, physical assaults and robberies of teenagers, and homicides of teenagers – have been declining nationwide and in Massachusetts since the early 1990s, in some cases declining dramatically

    Characterization of a pathogenic variant in the ABCD1 gene through protein molecular modeling

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    Background. The ATP-binding cassette, subfamily D, member 1 (ABCD1) protein is a peroxisomal half-transporter that allows for very long chain fatty acid (VLCFA) degradation. Pathogenic variants of ABCD1 cause VLCFAs to build up in various tissues and bodily fluids, resulting in a disorder called X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD). This disorder is most commonly marked by adrenocortical insufficiency and high VLCFA concentration, and has varying levels of neurological involvement depending on phenotype. For example, the Addison-only form of X-ALD has no neurological impact, while the cerebral form of X-ALD often causes severe sensory loss, motor function impairment, cognitive decline, and death. Methods. A newly characterized and suspected pathogenic variant in ABCD1 was analyzed using our protein informatics platform (PIP). Personalized protein-level molecular studies were completed on genetic testing data, complementing the analysis and clinical study. Results. A case of adult onset adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN) and a novel ABCD1 variant are presented. The unique ABCD1 protein is discussed, and the proband’s case is compared to existing reports of AMN. Conclusions. Data fusion from multiple sources was combined in a comprehensive approach yielding an enriched assessment of the patient’s disease and prognosis. Molecular modeling was performed on the variant to better characterize its clinical significance and confirm pathogenicity

    Activated gliosis, accumulation of amyloid β, and hyperphosphorylation of tau in aging canines with and without cognitive decline

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    Canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) syndrome is a well-recognized naturally occurring disease in aged dogs, with a remarkably similar disease course, both in its clinical presentation and neuropathological changes, as humans with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Similar to human AD patients this naturally occurring disease is found in the aging canine population however, there is little understanding of how the canine brain ages pathologically. It is well known that in neurodegenerative diseases, there is an increase in inflamed glial cells as well as an accumulation of hyperphosphorylation of tau (P-tau) and amyloid beta (Aβ1-42). These pathologies increase neurotoxic signaling and eventual neuronal loss. We assessed these brain pathologies in aged canines and found an increase in the number of glial cells, both astrocytes and microglia, and the activation of astrocytes indicative of neuroinflammation. A rise in the aggregated protein Aβ1-42 and hyperphosphorylated tau, at Threonine 181 and 217, in the cortical brain regions of aging canines. We then asked if any of these aged canines had CCD utilizing the only current diagnostic, owner questionnaires, verifying positive or severe CCD had pathologies of gliosis and accumulation of Aβ1-42 like their aged, matched controls. However uniquely the CCD dogs had P-tau at T217. Therefore, this phosphorylation site of tau at threonine 217 may be a predictor for CCD

    Hubble Space Telescope Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Fourteen Low-Redshift Quasars

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    We present low-resolution ultraviolet spectra of 14 low redshift (z<0.8) quasars observed with HST/STIS as part of a Snap project to understand the relationship between quasar outflows and luminosity. By design, all observations cover the CIV emission line. Nine of the quasars are from the Hamburg-ESO catalog, three are from the Palomar-Green catalog, and one is from the Parkes catalog. The sample contains a few interesting quasars including two broad absorption line (BAL) quasars (HE0143-3535, HE0436-2614), one quasar with a mini-BAL (HE1105-0746), and one quasar with associated narrow absorption (HE0409-5004). These BAL quasars are among the brightest known (though not the most luminous) since they lie at z<0.8. We compare the properties of these BAL quasars to the z1.4 Large Bright Quasar samples. By design, our objects sample luminosities in between these two surveys, and our four absorbed objects are consistent with the v ~ L^0.62 relation derived by Laor & Brandt (2002). Another quasar, HE0441-2826, contains extremely weak emission lines and our spectrum is consistent with a simple power-law continuum. The quasar is radio-loud, but has a steep spectral index and a lobe-dominated morphology, which argues against it being a blazar. The unusual spectrum of this quasar resembles the spectra of the quasars PG1407+265, SDSSJ1136+0242, and PKS1004+13 for which several possible explanations have been entertained.Comment: Uses aastex.cls, 21 pages in preprint mode, including 6 figures and 2 tables; accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal (projected vol 133

    Personalized Nutrition as a Key Contributor to Improving Radiation Response in Breast Cancer

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    Understanding metabolic and immune regulation inherent to patient populations is key to improving the radiation response for our patients. To date, radiation therapy regimens are prescribed based on tumor type and stage. Patient populations who are noted to have a poor response to radiation such as those of African American descent, those who have obesity or metabolic syndrome, or senior adult oncology patients, should be considered for concurrent therapies with radiation that will improve response. Here, we explore these populations of breast cancer patients, who frequently display radiation resistance and increased mortality rates, and identify the molecular underpinnings that are, in part, responsible for the radiation response and that result in an immune-suppressive tumor microenvironment. The resulting immune phenotype is discussed to understand how antitumor immunity could be improved. Correcting nutrient deficiencies observed in these populations should be considered as a means to improve the therapeutic index of radiation therapy

    The JWST Early Release Science Program for the Direct Imaging and Spectroscopy of Exoplanetary Systems

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    The direct characterization of exoplanetary systems with high-contrast imaging is among the highest priorities for the broader exoplanet community. As large space missions will be necessary for detecting and characterizing exo-Earth twins, developing the techniques and technology for direct imaging of exoplanets is a driving focus for the community. For the first time, JWST will directly observe extrasolar planets at mid-infrared wavelengths beyond 5 μm, deliver detailed spectroscopy revealing much more precise chemical abundances and atmospheric conditions, and provide sensitivity to analogs of our solar system ice-giant planets at wide orbital separations, an entirely new class of exoplanet. However, in order to maximize the scientific output over the lifetime of the mission, an exquisite understanding of the instrumental performance of JWST is needed as early in the mission as possible. In this paper, we describe our 55 hr Early Release Science Program that will utilize all four JWST instruments to extend the characterization of planetary-mass companions to ∼15 μm as well as image a circumstellar disk in the mid-infrared with unprecedented sensitivity. Our program will also assess the performance of the observatory in the key modes expected to be commonly used for exoplanet direct imaging and spectroscopy, optimize data calibration and processing, and generate representative data sets that will enable a broad user base to effectively plan for general observing programs in future Cycles
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