1,458 research outputs found

    Combining textual and visual information processing for interactive video retrieval: SCHEMA's participation in TRECVID 2004

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    In this paper, the two different applications based on the Schema Reference System that were developed by the SCHEMA NoE for participation to the search task of TRECVID 2004 are illustrated. The first application, named ”Schema-Text”, is an interactive retrieval application that employs only textual information while the second one, named ”Schema-XM”, is an extension of the former, employing algorithms and methods for combining textual, visual and higher level information. Two runs for each application were submitted, I A 2 SCHEMA-Text 3, I A 2 SCHEMA-Text 4 for Schema-Text and I A 2 SCHEMA-XM 1, I A 2 SCHEMA-XM 2 for Schema-XM. The comparison of these two applications in terms of retrieval efficiency revealed that the combination of information from different data sources can provide higher efficiency for retrieval systems. Experimental testing additionally revealed that initially performing a text-based query and subsequently proceeding with visual similarity search using one of the returned relevant keyframes as an example image is a good scheme for combining visual and textual information

    The Role of Contact Angle Hysteresis for Fluid Transport in Wet Granular Matter

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    The stability of sand castles is determined by the structure of wet granulates. Experimental data about the size distribution of fluid pockets are ambiguous about their origin. We discovered that contact angle hysteresis plays a fundamental role in the equilibrium distribution of bridge volumes, and not geometrical disorder as commonly conjectured, which has substantial consequences on the mechanical properties of wet granular beds, including a history dependent rheology and lowered strength. Our findings are obtained using a novel model where the Laplace pressures, bridge volumes and contact angles are dynamical variables associated to the contact points. While accounting for contact line pinning, we track the temporal evolution of each bridge. We observe a cross-over to a power-law decay of the variance of capillary pressures at late times and a saturation of the variance of bridge volumes to a finite value connected to contact line pinning. Large scale simulations of liquid transport in the bridge network reveal that the equilibration dynamics at early times is well described by a mean field model. The spread of final bridge volumes can be directly related to the magnitude of contact angle hysteresis

    Views and concerns and interrelationships : Lessons learned from developing the multi-View software engineering environment PIROL

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    Software-Entwicklungsumgebungen sind komplexe Systeme mit besonderen Anforderungen an ModularitĂ€t und Anpaßbarkeit. Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung der Umgebung PIROL. Die Beschreibung ist dabei in eine Abfolge der folgenden 12 Themen gegliedert. (1) Metamodellierung ist das Grundkonzept, nach dem PIROL seine Daten gemĂ€ĂŸ einem objektorientierten Datenmodell zerlegt, so daß beliebige Werkzeuge auch auf die Daten anderer Werkzeuge auf sinnvolle Art und Weise zuzugreifen können. (2) Das Metamodell wird zur persistenten Speicherung der Daten auf Konzepte des Repositories H-PCTE abgebildet. (3) Die GranularitĂ€t eines Metamodells ist fĂŒr die EffektivitĂ€t und Effizienz des Gesamtsystems entscheidend. PIROL unterstĂŒtzt hybride Modellierung als Kompromiß beider Extreme. (4) Durch Methoden des Metamodells wird Verhaltensmodellierung fĂŒr verschiedenste Aufgaben unterstĂŒtzt. (5) Ausnahmebehandlung wird systematisch unterstĂŒtzt. (6) Verschiedene Mechanismen zur Wahrung der DatenintegritĂ€t sind enthalten. (7) Das System wurde nach einer Client-Server Architektur entwickelt, deren zentrale Komponente eine "Workbench" ist, die die Repository-Sprache Lua/P ausfĂŒhrt. (8) Steuerungsintegration erlaubt durch verteilte SteuerflĂŒsse das enge Zusammenspiel lose gekoppelter Komponenten. (9) Die koordinierte Zusammenarbeit mehrerer Benutzer wird unterstĂŒtzt. (10) Die logische UnabhĂ€ngigkeit von Werkzeugen wird durch das neue Konzept der Dynamic View Connectors erreicht. (11) Allgemeine Dienste sind in der Umgebung einheitlich verfĂŒgbar. (12) Das System unterstĂŒtzt die Weiterentwicklung. All diese Themengebiete sind sehr eng miteinander verzahnt und die Darstellung ist zu großem Teil der gegenseitigen Beeinflussung gewidmet. Es wird gezeigt, wie eine Großzahl der Entwurfsentscheidungen genau aus diesen Beeinflussungen motiviert sind. Die Beschreibung folgt damit dem Konzept der "Concern Interaction Matrix", das hier zur BewĂ€ltigung von KomplexitĂ€t vorgeschlagen wird. Dabei werden Charakteristika einzelner Anliegen und einzelner ZusammenhĂ€nge herausgearbeitet. Die Beschreibung PIROLs wird durch die Liste der integrierten Werkzeuge, AnsĂ€tze von Laufzeit-Messungen und einige Betrachtungen zur Beurteilung abgerundet. Abschließend werden verschiedene Konzepte rund um den Begriff "Sichten" erörtert. Sichten sind ein zentrale Anliegen von PIROL. Außerdem generalisiert die Diskussion ĂŒber die mehrdimensionale Darstellung des Hauptteiles. Es werden Begrifflichkeit, Konzepte und Techniken fĂŒr Sichten in der Softwaretechnik vorgestellt und diskutiert. Dabei wird die BrĂŒcke geschlagen von Sichten in objektorientierten Datenbanken, ĂŒber aspekt-orientierte Softwareentwicklung bis hin zum allgemeinen "Concern Modeling", zu dem die o.g. Methode einen Beitrag leisten soll. Sichten werden dabei als ein zentrales Konzept der Softwaretechnik neben Abstraktion und Zerlegung beurteilt. Dynamic View Connectors sind ein wesentlicher Beitrag von PIROL, durch den Datenbanksichten und aspektorientierte Programmierung zusammengefĂŒhrt werden. Zwar ist der Sichten-Begriff lĂ€ngst nicht so scharf definiert, wie die Begriffe Abstraktion und Zerlegung, aber gerade die Überlappungen und Diskrepanzen, die durch Sichten abgebildet werden können, machen dies Konzept zu einem starken Strukturierungsprinzip, das zwar einigen Aufwand zur Behandlung von Inkonsistenzen erfordert, aber andererseits hilft, komplexe Systeme handhabbar und wartbar zu gestalten.Software engineering environments are complex systems with special requirements regarding modularity and adaptability. This thesis describes the development of the environment PIROL. The description is structured as a sequence of the following 12 concerns: (1) Meta modeling is the basic concept by which PIROL decomposes its data in accordance to an object-oriented data model. This allows arbitrary tools to access data of other tools in a meaningful way. (2) For persistent storage the model is mapped to the concepts of the repository H-PCTE. (3) The granularity of a meta model determines effectiveness and efficiency of the system. PIROL supports hybrid modeling as a compromise between extremes. (4) By methods of the meta model behavior modeling is supported for a wide range of tasks. (5) Exception handling is supported systematically. (6) Several mechanisms for preserving data integrity are integrated. (7) The system follows a client-server architecture. As its, central component the "workbench" executes the repository language LuaP. (8) Control integration allows for close cooperation of loosely coupled components by means of distributed control flows. (9) The coordinated cooperation of multiple users is supported. (10) Logical independence of tools is achieved by the novel concept of Dynamic View Connectors. (11) Common services are available throughout the environment in a uniform way. (12) The system is prepared for evolution. All these concerns are tightly interlocked. A considerable share of the presentation is dedicated to such mutual interactions. Is is shown, how a large number of design decisions is motivated exactly by these interactions. The description follows the concept of a "Concern Interaction Matrix" which is proposed for managing complexity. Characteristics of concerns and their interactions are elaborated. The description of PIROL is completed by a list of integrated tools, initial performance measurements and evaluation. Finally, several concepts relating to the notion of "views" are discussed. Views are a central concern of PIROL. Furthermore, the discussion generalizes over the multi-dimensional presentation in the body of this thesis. Notions, concepts and techniques for views in software engineering are presented and discussed. This discussion connects views in object-oriented databases, aspect-oriented software development and general "concern modeling", to which the method of "Concern Interaction Matrices" contributes. Views are regarded as a central concept of software engineering at the same level as abstraction and decomposition. Dynamic View Connectors are a significant contribution of PIROL that combines database views and aspect-oriented programming. The notion of "views" is defined with far less precision than abstraction and decomposition, but indeed by the overlap and mismatches, which can be captured by views, this concept is a strong principle for structuring software and information. Effort is needed for handling inconsistencies as they may arise, but after all, views are a suitable means for managing the complexity of systems and for designing these systems for evolution

    Variable amounts of DNA related to the size of chloroplasts III. Biochemical determinations of DNA amounts per organelle

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    Plastid genomes (plastomes) are part of the integrated compartmentalised genetic system of photoautotrophic eukaryotes. They are highly redundant and generally dispersed in several regions (nucleoids) within organelles. DNA quantities and number of DNA-containing regions per plastid vary and are developmentally regulated in a way not yet understood. Reliable quantitative data describing these patterns are scarce. We present a protocol to isolate fractions of pure plastids with varying average sizes from leaflets (≀1 mm) and leaves of different developmental stages continuously up to maturity (25 cm) from Beta vulgaris L. (sugar beet) to determine DNA amounts per organelle. The approach is based on plastid purification from homogenates of moderately fixed tissue by differential and isopycnic gradient centrifugations and on application of two different DNA specific colorimetric reactions after removing potentially interfering compounds. The sensitive fluorochrome DAPI (4â€Č,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) was used to estimate numbers and emission intensity of nucleoids per plastid. The amounts determined ranged from 0.15 to 4.9 × 10−2 pg DNA for plastids of 1→8 Όm average diameter, corresponding from approximately a dozen to 330 genome equivalents per organelle and on average four to seven copies per nucleoid. The ratio of plastid/nuclear DNA changed continuously during leaf development from as little as 0.4% to about 20% in fully developed leaves. On the other hand, mesophyll cells of mature leaves differing in ploidy (di-, tri- and tetraploid) appeared to maintain a relatively constant nuclear genome/plastome ratio, equivalent to about 1,700 copies per C-value
