10 research outputs found

    The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1946-10-04

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    The football team has sustained an abundance of injuries over the past week. Both staff and students are having difficulties with not have enough housing spaces, nor enough classrooms. The first year senate chair will be Don Shawver. Students have voted in favor for having a homecoming queen by 757 for and 128 against. On the thirteenth of October, the Inter-Club Council will be hosting a tea for any freshman girl who is interested in joining a section. A feature is written about how a Latin American student views the College of Wooster. Emory Anderson writes about how squirrels are slowly dominating the world.https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1941-1950/1128/thumbnail.jp

    Principles for External Human-Machine Interfaces

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    Automated vehicles will soon be integrated into our current traffic system. This development will lead to a novel mixed-traffic environment where connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) will have to interact with other road users (ORU). To enable this interaction, external human–machine interfaces (eHMIs) have been shown to have major benefits regarding the trust and acceptance of CAVs in multiple studies. However, a harmonization of eHMI signals seems to be necessary since the developed signals are extremely varied and sometimes even contradict each other. Therefore, the present paper proposes guidelines for designing eHMI signals, taking into account important factors such as how and in which situations a CAV needs to communicate with ORU. The authors propose 17 heuristics, the so-called eHMI-principles, as requirements for the safe and efficient use of eHMIs in a systematic and application-oriented manner

    Auslegung und Evaluation einer Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle für ein umfassendes Fahrerassistenzkonzept

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    Der aktuelle Trend der Automobilentwicklung führt zu einer immer umfassenderen Automatisierung von Fahrzeugführungsaufgaben. In diesem Artikel wird die systematische Vorgehensweise zur Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Konzeptentwurfs einer Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle (MMS) beschrieben, die mit einem Fahrerassistenzsystem eingesetzt werden kann, das wahlweise assistierte oder teilautomatisiert-kooperative Fahrzeugführung ermöglicht. Während der Entwicklung werden Zwischenevaluationen zur Bewertung von Gestaltungsvarianten und Ermittlung von Warnzeitpunkten durchgeführt. Abschließend wird das Gesamtsystem in Fahrversuchen evaluiert. Im teilautomatisierten Modus (Kooperative Automation) wird der Fahrer gegenüber dem assistierten Modus (Safety Corridor) weniger stark beansprucht. In beiden Modi sind die subjektiven Bewertungen auf einem hohen Niveau. Die Verteilung der Blickzuwendungszeiten ist abhängig vom untersuchten Szenario. In den Szenarien „Gerade“, sowie „Kurve“ unterscheiden sich die mittleren Blickzuwendungszeiten auf die Areas of Interest (AOI) „Fahrerdisplay“ und „Straße“ nicht signifikant zwischen den beiden Modi. In den Szenarien „Kurve mit Einmündung“, sowie „T-Kreuzung“ erhöht sich in der Kooperativen Automation im Vergleich zum Safety Corridor die Blickzuwendungszeit auf das Display und es verringert sich die Blickzuwendungszeit auf die Straße

    Projekt Proreta 3 Sicherheit und Automation mit Assistenzsystemen

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    Principles for External Human–Machine Interfaces

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    Automated vehicles will soon be integrated into our current traffic system. This development will lead to a novel mixed-traffic environment where connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) will have to interact with other road users (ORU). To enable this interaction, external human–machine interfaces (eHMIs) have been shown to have major benefits regarding the trust and acceptance of CAVs in multiple studies. However, a harmonization of eHMI signals seems to be necessary since the developed signals are extremely varied and sometimes even contradict each other. Therefore, the present paper proposes guidelines for designing eHMI signals, taking into account important factors such as how and in which situations a CAV needs to communicate with ORU. The authors propose 17 heuristics, the so-called eHMI-principles, as requirements for the safe and efficient use of eHMIs in a systematic and application-oriented manner

    PRORETA 3: An Integrated Approach to Collision Avoidance and Vehicle Automation

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    The article describes first results of the research project PRORETA 3 that aims at the development of an integral driver assistance system for collision avoidance and automated vehicle guidance based on a modular system architecture. For this purpose, relevant information is extracted from a dense environment model and fed into a potential field-based trajectory planner that calculates reference signals for underlying vehicle controllers. In addition, the driver is supported by a human-machine interface