87 research outputs found

    Effects of different commercial solutions in therapy of hypovolemia in dogs

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    Hypovolemia is represented in the clinical pathology of the dog in a high percentage. It mostly presents an accompanying syndrome in many diseased conditions (vomiting, diarrhea, sequestration, burns, cold burns, ascites periocardiac efusions, and others), while they primarily occur following acule hemorrhagia. Having in mind its diverse etiology, hypovolemia, in addition to a lack of fluids, can also be characterized by various other deficiencies (of electrolytes, proteins, albumins, carbohydrates), which presents an important factor for evaluating the condition of the patient and prescribing the adequate therapy

    Hypertension in carnivores with renal diseases and heart failure - the practical aspects

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    Хипертензија представља хронично повећање систолног и дијастолног крвног притиска. Однедавно се зна да и месоједи имају исте симптоме и обољења као и њихови власници. Системски крвни притисак је пропорционалан срчаном учинку и периферном отпору, док физиолошка контрола зависи од ренин ангиотензин система, алдостерона простагландина, адренергичких и неурогених фактора. Многи фактори могу имати утицаја на измерене вредности крвног притиска (старост, пол, раса, темперамент, окружење и, делимично, систем и место на коме се притисак мери). Циљ овог рада је да утврди који облик хипертензије су имале прегледане животиње у Кабинету за кардиологију током протеклог периода. Рад садржи податке о патогенези, примарној и секундарној хипертензији, начинима мерења крвног притиска, нормалним вредностима, клиничким налазима и њиховом третману, променама на очном дну, затим, о терапији хипертензије, специфичним третманима, дијететском режиму и ургентним стањима која су последица хипертезије. Успех у лечењу промена на очном дну, хроничних бубрежних инсуфицијенција, или пак промена на плућима које су праћене ефузивним променама, веома често директно зависи од успешности у третману хипертензије која претходи већини наведених промена.Hypertension may be defined as a chronic increasing of systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Recently we found that carnivores have the same symptoms and illnesses as their owners. Systemic blood pressure is proportional to both cardiac output and total peripheral resistance, while physiological control depends on the renin-angiotensin system, aldosterone, prostaglandin, adrenergic and neurogenic factors. Moreover, many factors may interfere with blood pressure measurement values (such as age, sex, breed, behavior or environment and in particular, the system and place of measurement.) The aim of this article is to establish the type of hypertension normal values for dogs and cats, clinical signs and therapy. Success in the treatment pathologic alterations on the fundus, chronical kidney changes, or some pulmonal alterations is directly dependent of the results in course of the hypertension, wich is in most cases previous process

    Efficiency of modified therapeutic protocol in the treatment of some varieties of canine cardiovascular dirofilariasis

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    The paper presents clinical diagnostic approaches and therapeutic effects of a specific protocol for the treatment of dogs with cardiovascular dirofilariasis in the Belgrade City (Serbia) territory. The study involved 50 privately owned dogs of different breeds, gender, and age, all showing signs of cardio respiratory disorders. In addition to a general physical examination, blood tests were done to detect microfilaria and adult forms, and X-ray, ECG, and echocardiography were performed as well. At the first examination, 34 out of 50 examined dogs were positive for microfilaria and adult forms. Because of a lack of drug used as the golden standard in dirofilariasis treatment, it involved a combination of doxycycline (10 mg/kg) and ivermectin (6 mu g/kg) supported with Advocate Bayer spot-on. After six months, the first control was performed while continuing treatment with the aforesaid protocol, and the second control was performed after 12 months. Of the 34 treated dogs, all were negative for microfilaria, as early as after the first six months of the treatment (100%). One dog was positive for adult forms of the parasite after six and 12 months. In echocardiography and X-ray examination after 12 months, six dogs showed evident chronic changes. At controls conducted at sixth month and at one year, the implemented therapy was successful in 97.05% (33/34) of primarily infected dogs


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    Acne is a polyetiological chronic disease of pilosebaceous units that affects 80% to 90% of teenagers and adolescents. It is manifested as mild, moderate, or severe form. Since adolescence is time of psychological, emotional and social personality development, the appearance of acne, most frequently on face, demands long-term treatment, significantly affects psychologic and emotional state, creating the feeling of being marked and leading to depression, anxiety, social isolation and negative effect on the quality of life. Timely education, with general information on the causes, duration of the disease and adequate treatment can significantly affect patients’ relation to the disease and reduction of psycho-social problems. The analysis included 220, 39 (55%) males and 60 (45%) females, 14 to 30 years of age (or more), most frequently 16 to 20 years old with moderate form of the disease. Therapy was applied according to valid protocols. Each patient was given full attention with the explanation of the nature and course of the disease. The largest number of patients had the expected results, which was mutually appreciated. It was concluded that individual approach and cooperation during the treatment of each patient were necessary

    Odgovor akutne faze kod Wistar pacova posle kontrolisanog krvarenja

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    After injury the acute-phase response of the organism activates mechanisms which imply the release of cytokines, stress hormones, and mediators of pain and inflammation. The main function of the acutephase response is to hinder further damage of the injured tissue by activating reparative processes. The increase in the concentration of acute phase proteins and the concurrent decrease in albumins and prealbumins indicate that there is a strong link between the liver and the traumatized site. Considering bleeding to be a major injury it can be supposed that it can result in changes in acute phase proteins concentrations despite the fact that it is not directly related to inflammatory reactions. In order to confirm this presumption the concentration changes in negative and positive acute phase proteins in Wistar rats' blood plasma were measured during a 10 day period after controlled bleeding. The result of the therapeutic effects of transfusion on acute phase proteins was estimated in a group of rats in the so called 'hospital stage' at which the blood loss was recovered by citrate blood transfusions. At the end of the 10th day the rats were monitored for an additional 10 day period. The obtained results confirm that bleeding is an impressive trauma and the acute phase response results in a significant change in acute phase proteins. These changes arise quickly, the highest concentrations were achieved within the first 24 to 72h and thereon they slowly declined.Odgovor akutne faze organizma na povredu tkiva aktivira mehanizme koji podrazumevaju oslobađanje citokina, hormona stresa, medijatora bola i zapaljenja. Njegova glavna funkcija je sprečavanje daljeg i većeg oštećenja povređenog tkiva uz aktivaciju reparatornih procesa. Porast koncentracije proteina akutne faze i smanjenje albumina i prealbumina ukazuje da postoji veza između mesta povrede i jetre. Smatrajući da je hemoragija teška povreda, pretpostavili smo da ona može izazvati promene u koncentraciji proteina akutne faze bez obzira što primarno nije povezana sa inflamatornom reakcijom. U cilju dokazivanja ove pretpostavke tokom 10 dana su praćene promene 'negativnih' proteina akutne faze; albumina i 'pozitivnih'; fibrinogena, α-2 makroglobulina i haptoglobina, kao i β-1 globulina i γ-globulina u plazmi Wistar pacova koji su bili podvrgnuti kontrolisanom iskrvarenju. Za potrebe ovog eksperimenta konstruisan je i novi model kontrolisanog krvarenja, koji je jedinkama omogućio preživljavanje tokom sledećih 10 dana, u toku kojih se merila promena relativnih koncentracija akutno-faznih proteina. Ispitan je i uticaj terapijskog efekta transfuzije na stanje proteina akutne faze na grupi pacova koji su u tzv. 'hospitalnoj fazi' kao nadoknadu izgubljene krvi, dobili infuziju citrirane krvi. Po završetku eksperimenta nadgledano je opšte stanje životinja i praćen je letalitet tokom 10 dana. Rezultati našeg istraživanja potvrđuju pretpostavku da je krvarenje teška trauma za organizam pri čemu se odgovor akutne faze manifestuje značajnom promenom koncentracije odgovarajućih proteina, čije se maksimalne koncentracije registruju u prvih 24-72 časa nakon traume

    Hipertenzija kod pasa i mačaka - uzroci i posledice

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    During the nineties of the past century, several authors underscored the necessity of measuring blood pressure during a regular clinical examination of veterinary patients, because hypertension occurs as an accessory symptom in the course of diseased conditions. In addition to blood pressure measurements, most authors believe that it is necessary also to examine intraocular pressure, like in human medicine. Hypertension can be defined as a chronic increase of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Systemic blood pressure is proportionate to the heart rate and total peripheral resistance, while physiological control depends on the reninangiotensin system, aldosterone, prostaglandin, adrenergic and neurogenic factors. Some other factors can also have an influence on the measured values of blood pressure (such as age, sex, race, temperament, environment, and, in part, also how and where the pressure measurement was taken). It has been generally accepted in veterinary medicine than an animal can be considered hypertensive if the measured systolic/diastolic pressures are higher than 180/100 mm Hg. Hypertension can be primary (sometimes also defined as essential or idiopathic) when it is a consequence of several factors which include heart, neurological, kidney, endocrine, and metabolic aspects. Hypertension is defined as secondary when it occurs as a consequence of certain chronic disorders (such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism, pheochromocytoma, and diabetes mellitus). Blood pressure can be measured in animals using direct or indirect methods. The oscilometric and the ultrasonographic methods are equally used in the world today. Following detailed studies by large numbers of authors, the physiological frameworks of blood pressure in animals have been precisely determined. Different treatments are applied in the therapy of hypertension in animals, such as: restrictive diets, diuretics, a, and (3 blockers, blockers of calcium channels, vasodilators, ACE inhibitors. Hypertension can also be a state that requires emergency treatment, when it is resolved with aggressive therapy.Devedesetih godina prošlog veka više autora je istaklo neophodnost procene krvnog pritiska prilikom uobičajenog kliničkog pregleda veterinarskih pacijenata, jer se hipertenzija javlja kao prateći simptom za vreme različitih bolesnih stanja. Osim merenja krvnog pritiska većina autora smatra daje neophodno da se obavi pregled očnog dna, kao i u humanoj medicini. Hipertenzija može da se definiše kao hronično povećanje sistoličnog i dijastoličnog krvnog pritiska. Sistemski krvni pritisak je proporcionalan srčanom učinku i totalnom perifernom otporu, dok fiziološka kontrola zavisi od renin-angiotenzin sistema, aldosterona, prostaglandina, adrenergičkih i neurogenih faktora. I neki drugi činioci mogu da imaju uticaja na izmerene vrednosti krvnog pritiska (kao što su starost, pol, rasa, temperament, okruženje i delimično način i mesto merenja pritiska). U veterinarskoj medicini generalno je prihvaćeno da se neka životinja može da smatra hipertenzivnom ukoliko izmereni sistolni/dijastolni pritisci prelaze 180/100 mm Hg. Hipertenzija može da bude primarna (nekad definisana i kao esencijalna ili idiopatska) kada je posledica većeg broja faktora, koji uključuju srčane, neurološke, bubrežne, endokrine i metaboličke aspekte. Hipertenzija se definiše kao sekundarna kada se javlja kao posledica nekih hroničnih poremećaja kao što su hipertireoidizam, hipotireoidizam, hiperadrenokorticizam, feohromocitom i dijabetes melitus). Krvni pritisak kod životinja može da se izmeri direktnim i indirektnim metodama. U svetu se danas podjednako koriste i oscilometrijske i ultrasonografske metode. Nakon opsežnih studija većeg broja autora precizno su utvrđeni fiziološki okviri krvnog pritiska kod životinja. U terapiji hipertenzije životinja koriste se različiti tretmani kao što su: restriktivne dijete, diuretici, α1 i β blokatori, blokatori kalcijumovih kanala, vazodilatatori, ACE inhibitori. Hipertenzija može biti i urgentno stanje kada se rešava agresivnom terapijom

    Biohemijske promene u krvnom serumu pasa tretiranih fenobarbitonom

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    Despite being described as the safest antiepileptic drug of first choice the presented literature data are much varied as far as dog blood serum biochemical parameters are considered. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of phenobarbitone at different per os doses on the values of selected blood serum biochemical parameters in dogs during both short and long term application. The study was conducted on 30 dogs of different races, both sexes, ranging from 2 to 8 years of age. A total of 15 healthy and 15 dogs suffering from idiophatic epilepsy were observed. During the short term per os application of phenobarbitone (given at 3 week intervals) to the healthy population in varied doses a statistically significant increase in ALT and AP was recorded. Application of 16 mg/kg/day of phenobarbitone to the healthy population during 14 days resulted in a significant increase of ALT and AP. This increase was dependant on the duration of the treatment. During chronic application of phenobarbitone to dogs suffering from idiopathic epilepsy a significant increase in values of AP and ALT depending on the given dose was recorded. In two of the studied epileptic dogs treated with high therapeutic doses of phenobarbitone clinical signs of hepatotoxicity were recorded. Hepatotoxicity resulted in decreased albumin and total protein concentrations, as well as increased blood serum total bilirubin, AST, ALP and AP. The obtained results indicate that a long term application of phenobarbitone at high therapeutic doses can cause hepatotoxicity. However, there was no relationship between phenobarbitone dosage and duration of therapy and blood glucose, urea, creatinine, total proteins, albumins, total bilirubin, triglycerides and cholesterol.Iako označen kao antiepileptik prvog izbora i veoma bezbedan lek, u literaturi su prezentovani različiti podaci o uticaju fenobarbitona na vrednosti biohemijskih parametara krvnog seruma kod pasa. S obzirom na to, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj fenobarbitona pri različitim per os dozama na vrednosti biohemijskih parametara krvnog seruma kod pasa, tokom kratkotrajne i dugotrajne aplikacije. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na 30 pasa različitih rasa, oba pola, starosne kategorije od dve do osam godina, od kojih su 15 bili zdravi psi a 15 psi oboleli od idiopatske epilepsije. Tokom kratkotrajne per os aplikacije fenobarbitona (intervali od po tri nedelje) zdravoj populaciji pasa pri različitim per os dozama, u krvnom serumu je registrovano značajno povećanje aktivnosti ALT i vrlo značajno povećanje aktivnosti AP u zavisnosti od doze leka. Aplikacija fenobarbitona u dozi od 16 mg/kg/dnevno tokom 14 nedelja zdravoj populaciji pasa ukazala je, na vrlo značajno povećanje aktivnosti ALT i AP u zavisnosti od dužine trajanja aplikacije. Tokom hronične aplikacije fenobarbitona psima obolelim od idiopatske epilepsije, ustanovljeno je statistički vrlo značajno povećanje aktivnosti AP i ALT u krvnom serumu u zavisnosti od doze leka. Kod dve jedinke u bolesnoj grupi pasa pri visokim terapeutskim dozama fenobarbitona registrovana je hepatotoksičnost, što je dovelo do statistički značajnog smanjenja koncentracije albumina i ukupnih proteina, statistički značajnog povećanja koncentracije ukupnog bilirubina, statistički značajnog povećanja aktivnosti AST i statistički vrlo značajnog povećanja aktivnosti ALT i AP u krvnom serumu Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da dugotrajna aplikacija fenobarbitona, pri visokim terapeutskim dozama može izazvati hepatotoksičnost. Nije ustanovljeno postojanje veze između koncentracije glukoze, uree, kreatinina, ukupnih proteina, albumina, ukupnog bilirubina, triglicerida i holesterola u krvnom serumu pasa sa per os dozom fenobarbitona, niti sa dužinom trajanja terapije

    Kardiopulmonarna metastrongiliodoza pasa i mačaka doprinos za postavljanje dijagnoze

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    Background. In the last fifteen years on the European continent and also worldwide, the prevalence of cardiopulmonary metastrongyloidosis in dogs and cats has increased significantly, especially cases involving those parasites which are the most important for veterinary practice (Angiostrongylus vasorum, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and Crenosoma vulpis). Scope and Approach. The aim of this study is to present a detailed clinical-parasitological approach to highlight the importance of these helminths, and to display the newest findings concerning the diagnostic possibilities in dogs and cats Key Findings and Conclusions. The effects of global warming, vector range shift, the frequent transportation and movement of animals to other epizootic areas, as well as the intensification of merchandise transportation and movement of people are just some of the potential factors which could impact the dynamics of incidence, upkeep and spread of cardiopulmonary nematodoses in carnivores. For the timely implementation of effective treatment of sick animals, it essential to accurately diagnose these parasitoses. Accurate, timely diagnosis can, in the end, significantly contribute to the prognostic course of disease in infected carnivores. Cardiopulmonary metastrongyloidoses in dogs and cats have great clinical-parasitological significance because of their high degree of pathogenicity, their spread outside endemic areas, the difficulties encountered in establishing their diagnosis, and the fact that they represent a potential danger to human health.Uvod. U poslednjih petnaest godina, na evropskom kontinentu i širom sveta značajno se povećala prevalencija kardiopulmonalnih metastrongilidoza kod pasa i mačaka, naročito onih uzročnika koji imaju najveći značaj za veterinarsku praksu (Angiostrongylus vasorum, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus i Crenosoma vulpis). Cilj i pristup. Cilj ovog rada je da se detaljnim kliničko-parazitološkim osvrtom istakne značaj ove grupe helmintoza i da se prikažu najnovija saznanja vezana za mogućnosti njihove dijagnostike kod pasa i mačaka. Ključni nalazi i zaključak. Efekti globalnog zagrevanja, pomeranje granica habitacije vektora, učestalo kretanje i transport životinja u druga epizootiološka područja, intenziviran promet robe i velika fluktuacija ljudi, samo su neki od potencijalnih faktora koji bi mogli uticati na ovakvu dinamiku pojavljivanja, održavanja i širenja kardiopulmonalnih nematodoza kod mesojeda. Za blagovremeno sprovođenje efikasnog tretmana obolelih jedinki neophodna je precizna dijagnostika ovih parazitoza, što u krajnjem ishodu značajno može uticati na prognostički tok oboljenja kod inficiranih mesojeda. S obzirom na stepen njihove patogenosti, poteškoće koje se javljaju u postavljanju dijagnoze, kao i činjenicu da neke od njih predstavljaju potencijalnu opasnost po zdravlje ljudi, navedena oboljenja imaju izuzetan klinički i epizootiološki značaj

    Serbia: Another endemic region for canine ocular thelaziosis

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    Canine thelaziosis is widely distributed in Far Eastern countries and considered endemic in many European countries, between latitudes 39 and 46 N. Because of the unique relationship between the causer and its intermediate and final hosts, the genus Thelazia is one of the most specialized nematodes in the taxon. Thelazia callipaeda (superfamily: Thelazioidea) infects the conjunctivas of several mammalians, including dogs and humans. Since dogs may also represent a reservoir of infection for humans, the aim of the study was to show the epidemiological situation of thelaziosis in dogs in the Republic of Serbia, after it was first diagnosed in 2014, which is crucial for the successful treatment, control, and prevention of the disease. The research was performed on privately owned dogs in the period from the end of April 2013 to the end of October 2015 in 7 different regions in Serbia. Adult parasites were mechanically removed from dogs with manifested ocular disorders, and thelaziosis was diagnosed in 178 out of 501 animals. The high prevalence of T. callipaeda in dogs (35.52%) in the analyzed areas of Serbia indicates the endemicity of eyeworm infestation in these areas

    Respiratorna kapilarioza pasa i mačaka - klinički, parazitološki i epidemiološki značaj

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    Respiratory capillariasis is a disease of domestic and wild carnivores as well as of people, caused by nematode Eucoleus aerophilus syn. Capillaria aerophila, which lives as a parasite in mucosa of trachea, bronchi and bronchioles, rarely in nasal and frontal sinuses of the host. This parasite has either direct or indirect development cycle which includes optional transition hosts - earthworms. Clinical picture is manifested in the form of a very severe respiratory disease, which is accompanied by an increased bronchovesicular sound, sneezing, gasping and chronic dry cough. Despite the fact that this nematode is widespread in all the parts of the world, that it causes a disease followed by a severe clinical picture and has a zoonotic potential as well, it has been insufficiently investigated and moreover from clinical and parasitological aspect it has not been given enough attention so far. The reason for this is the fact that C. aerophila had been considered to be a strain of very low level of pathogenicity causing only sporadic respiratory infections in dogs and cats. The interest of scientific community for this parasitosis increased the moment when its causative agent spread outside the endemic areas. From the standpoint of monitoring and health protection of both carnivores and peorle, knowledge of basic epizootiological and epidemiological characteristics of these nematodes is of crucial importance, having in mind that its prevalence has significantly increased in dogs and cats in the last ten years, both in Europe and worldwide.Respiratorna kapilarioza je oboljenje domaćih, divljih mesojeda i ljudi, prouzrokovano nematodom Eucoleus aerophilus syn. Capillaria aerophila, koja parazitira u mukozi traheje, bronhija i bronhiola, retko u nazalnim i frontalnim sinusima domaćina. Parazit ima direktan ili indirektan razvojni ciklus, u koji su uključeni fakultativni prelazni domaćini - kišne gliste. Klinička slika se manifestuje u vidu vrlo teškog respiratornog oboljenja, koje je praćeno pojačanim bronho-vezikularnim šumom, kijanjem, hroptanjem i hroničnim suvim kašljem. I pored toga što je rasprostranjena u skoro svim delovima sveta, prouzrokuje oboljenje praćeno teškom kliničkom slikom i poseduje zoonozni potencijal, ova nematodoza nije dovoljno istražena, a sa kliničko-parazitološkog aspekta joj nije posvećeno dovoljno pažnje. Razlog za to je i činjenica, što se dugo smatralo da je C. aerophila vrsta niskog stepena patogenosti i da prouzrokuje respiratorne infekcije pasa i mačaka koje se javljaju sporadično. Interesovanje naučne javnosti za ovu parazitozu se povećalo od onog trenutka, kada se njen uzročnik proširio izvan endemskih područja. Sa stanovišta praćenja i zaštite zdravstvenog stanja mesojeda i ljudi, od izuzetnog je značaja poznavanje osnovnih epizootiološko-epidemioloških karakteristika ove nematodoze, čija se prevalencija značajno povećala u poslednjih deset godina, kod pasa i mačaka kako u Evropi, tako i širom sveta