1,731 research outputs found

    Portfolio as a tool to design individual trajectory of professional future of the individual

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    The article analyzes the possibilities of using the portfolio in terms of University education. It is proved that the use of the portfolio contributes to the solution of important psychological and pedagogical tasks, such as stimulating motivation for learning, striving for a high level of achievement, the development of reflexive and evaluation skillsАнализируются возможности использования портфолио в контексте вузовского обучения. Доказывается, что использование портфолио способствует решению важных психолого-педагогических задач, таких как стимулирование мотивации к обучению, стремление к высокому уровню достижений, развитие рефлексивных и оценочных навыко

    Research of thermal deformation of a kinematic wave reducerwith a modified tooth profile during the work in low temperature conditions

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    In the conditions of the Extreme North working resource of mechanicaltools and machineelements is reduced because of bad weather conditions in this region. At a low temperature materials are exposed to deformation which is capable to break operability of the mechanism. In connection with the high requirements to the accuracy of a kinematic wave reducer, it is necessary to conduct a research for the purpose of comparison of value of thermal deformation and the appointed admission on a reducer detail. If value of thermal deformation is more admission, then it can lead to jamming of the mechanism. The research was conducted for a collected reducer and separately for not loaded driver gear

    Professional identity of graduates-bachelors

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    Рассматривается роль двухуровневой системы высшего образования в становлении профессиональной идентичности студентов. Обосновывается предположение о том, что новый образовательный контекст способствует развитию профессиональной идентичности выпускников-бакалавров. Приводится эмпирическое исследование профессиональной идентичности студентов, обучающихся на разных уровнях подготовки (специалитет и бакалавриат)The article discusses the role of two-level system of higher education in the development of professional identity of students. Justifies the assumption that new educational context contributes to the development of professional identity of graduates-bachelors. Provides an empirical study of professional identity of students studying at different levels: «specialist» and «bachelor

    Gender identity of women managers in education

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    The article analyzes the phenomenon of gender identity. Is devoted to the empirical investigation of the specificity of gender identity of women occupying managerial positions, describe the specifics of their gender and role performance. The necessity of remedial measures aimed at expanding the role of the repertoire of women leadersВ статье проводятся результаты эмпирического исследования специфики гендерной идентичности женщин, занимающих руководящие должности, описывается специфика их гендерных и ролевых характеристик. Обосновывается необходимость коррекционных мер направленных на расширение ролевого репертуара женщин-руководителе

    The project of individual educational trajectories of students

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    The article considers the problem of designing individual educational trajectories of students as a means to achieve variability, flexibility and individualisierung education. Special attention is paid to difficulties of implementation of individual educational trajectories in the practice of the educational process of the UniversityРассматривается проблема проектирования индивидуальных образовательных траекторий студентов как средства, обеспечивающего вариативность, гибкость и индивидуализированность образования. Особое внимание уделяется сложностям внедрения индивидуальных образовательных траекторий в практику учебного процесса вуз

    Research of the load distribution in the wave kinematic reducer with a modified tooth profile and dependence of the load abilities in proportion to its gear ratio and overall dimensions

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    Nowadays, there are many types of reducers based on work of gear trains, which transfer torque. The most popular reducers are with such type of gearing as an involute gear, a worm drive and an eccentrically cycloid gear. A new type of the reducer will be represented in this work. It is a wave reducer with the modified profile of the tooth close to the profile of the tooth of Novikov gearing. So such reducers can be widely used in drives of difficult technical mechanisms, for example, in mechatronics, robotics and in drives of exact positioning. In addition, the distribution of loading in gearing of teeth of a reducer was analyzed in this paper. It proves that the modified profile of the tooth allows distributing loading to several teeth in gearing. As a result, an admissible loading ability of a reducer becomes higher. The aim of the research is to define a possibility to reduce overall dimensions of a reducer without changing the gear ratio or to increase the gear ratio without changing overall dimensions. So, the result of this work will be used in further research

    The image of attractive employer in the performance vypusknikov pedagogical university

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    The article discusses the concept of "image of an attractive employer" and emphasizes the importance of its targeted formation. The analysis of results of empirical research of an image of an attractive employer at graduates of pedagogical higher education institution is resultedВ статье рассматривается понятие «образ привлекательного работодателя» и подчеркивается значимость его целенаправленного формирования. Приводится анализ результатов эмпирического исследования образа привлекательного работодателя у выпускников педагогического вуз

    Individual educational trajectories in the context of higher education

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    The article reveals the content of the concept of individual educational trajectories, analyzes the benefits of implementing individual educational trajectories of the system of higher education, substantiated the effectiveness and necessity of implementation of individual educational trajectories in the educational process of the university. It describes the competencies, emerging as a result of the introduction of the design of individual educational trajectories of studentsВ статье раскрывается содержание понятия индивидуальные образовательные траектории, анализируются преимущества внедрения индивидуальных образовательных траекторий в систему высшего профессионального образования, обосновывается эффективность и необходимость внедрения индивидуальных образовательных траекторий в учебный процесс вуза. Описываются компетенции, формирующиеся в результате внедрения проектирования индивидуальных образовательных траекторий студенто

    Professional orientation of students-psychologists

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    The article analyzes the concept of “professional orientation of the individual”. Results of empirical research of features of professional orientation of students of psychological faculty are presentedАнализируется понятие «профессиональная направленность личности». Представлены результаты эмпирического исследования особенностей профессиональной направленности студентов психологического факультет

    Preparation and Characterization of New Titanocene(IV) Curcuminoid Complexes

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    Titanocene complexes and curcuminoid species have both independently been shown to exhibit a number of biologically relevant properties. While complexes of the type [(η5-cyclopentadienyl)Ti(β-diketonate)]+ have been reported, no curcumin-based analogue has ever been synthesized. Using a straight forward method, several [(η5-cyclopentadienyl)Ti( curc )]+ ( curc = curcuminoidate) have been prepared using an array of synthetic curcumin analogues. 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and single crystal X-ray diffractometry have all been utilized to characterize these compounds