15 research outputs found

    Collaborative Dilemma Guide:A Handbook for Elevating Best Team Practices

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    This book delves into the heart of research for societal engagement and social innovation. In an era where the boundaries of academia and the wider world blur, this guide seeks to be an indispensable compass for those seeking to initiate, consolidate, and finalize collaborations that transcend the confines of ‘traditional’ research that solely took place within universities.The handbook is aimed at collaborating partners – both researchers and partners from various sectors in society – who wish to work on their collaboration. Collaborative endeavors include often-hidden social dynamics, which maycharacterize the work environment of all affiliated parties and ultimately what partners are able to achieve together. In short: collaborations leave their mark on the success of any project, so why not become an expert?This book delves into the heart of research for societal engagement and social innovation. In an era where the boundaries of academia and the wider world blur, this guide seeks to be an indispensable compass for those seeking to initiate, consolidate, and finalize collaborations that transcend the confines of ‘traditional’ research that solely took place within universities.The handbook is aimed at collaborating partners – both researchers and partners from various sectors in society – who wish to work on their collaboration. Collaborative endeavors include often-hidden social dynamics, which maycharacterize the work environment of all affiliated parties and ultimately what partners are able to achieve together. In short: collaborations leave their mark on the success of any project, so why not become an expert

    Kom Nærmere - Lugten i Galleriet

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    Baseret på erfaringer hentet fra den allerførste museumsudstilling nogensinde dedikeret udelukkende til duft, problematiserer jeg i artiklen det abstrakte objek- tiverende niveau, dufte ofte håndteres på. Jeg viser, at objektiverende tilgange til duft fordrer en eksistentiel distance, og i et forsøg på at komme nærmere lugt- erfaringers ontologiske fundament introducerer jeg en alternativ tilgang udviklet med inspiration hentet hos Martin Heidegger. På baggrund af min ambition om at udvikle en fænomenologisk sensitiv tilgang til håndtering af det ontologiske spørgs- mål om, hvad lugt er, supplerer jeg allerede eksisterende lugtundersøgelser, og jeg foretager væsentlige justeringer af begrebet tilstedeværelse, som findes i værker af Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht. Ved at fremhæve den menneskelige eksistens som en del af olfaktoriske fænomener afdækker denne fænomenologiske undersøgelse lugtens grundlæggende ontologi. Lugt er altid „noget til nogen“. Lugtoplevelser er således universelt partikulære og kan alene objektiveres regionalt.Søgeord: Olfaktorisk æstetik, tilstedeværelse, nærværelse, Martin Heidegger. Based on experiences drawn from the very first museum exhibition ever dedicated solely to scent, this paper problematizes the abstract level of dealing with odour in terms of objectivity, which is defined at a distance from the experience of human existence. In an effort to move beyond objectified understandings of smell and get up close to the question of smell experiences I draw on the philosophy of Martin Heidegger. Striving to develop a phenomenological approach to smell that could complement already existing smell investigations, I also carry out essential adjustments of the concept of “presence” found in works by Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht. In emphasizing human existence as being part of the olfactory phenomena this phenomenological examination reveals the foundational ontology of odour. Smell is always “something to someone”; universally smell experiences are particular, and only regionally they can be objectified.Keywords: olfactory aesthetics, presence, Anwesenheit, Martin Heidegger

    Noget i luften â mellem tavshed og latter Håndtering af intimiderende lugt på hospitalet

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    Denne artikel diskuterer lugtens intimitet som et betydningsfuldt element i hospitalsvæsenets omsorgsarbejde. Noget af det mest intime, der kan deles med andre mennesker, er lugt. Kropslugte er private, men lader sig sjældent tæmme, og derfor får duft og dunst ofte et intimiderende virke i det sociale liv; de påtvinger os en intimitet, vi ellers ikke havde villet. Særligt mindsket kontrol over kropslugt kan vi få i situationer, hvor vi ikke længere er i stand til at varetage egen hygiejne eller styre kropsfunktioner. Det sker, når vi bliver syge, og på hospitalet er patienter, behandlere og plejere således ofte âindlagteâ til at dele intime lugterfaringer. Episoder fra et dansk hospital vil danne illustrativt grundlag for teoretiske drøftelser af, hvorledes intimiderende lugt kan håndteres blandt andet med tavshed og latter afhængigt af situationers alvorsgrad og patienters behov for omsorg

    ‘The house’ as a framing device for public engagement in STEM museums

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    In the last five to ten years, several science, technology, engineering and medicine (STEM) museums have been experimenting with new forms of public engagement, aiming to be places for curiosity-driven investigation of the cultures of science via multiple perspectives, bringing artists, scientists, researchers, clinicians, members of the public and others together. Yet these diverse and rapidly evolving sites lack a clear definition of their family resemblances – something we argue is crucial for better understanding, advocating, and evaluating what they do. As a starting point for this definitional project we propose ‘the house’ as a metaphor and framing device for public engagement in STEM museums, grounded in experiences at Medical Museion in Denmark and Wellcome Collection in the UK. We further suggest that a Goldilocks principle – the notion of lying between two poles of a continuum in a ‘just right’ position – captures several key features of what it is about the idea of a house that resonates with the approach to public engagement in these museums.Key words: STEM museums, science communication, public engagement, house

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