863 research outputs found

    Does the LIBOR misdirect monetary policy?:a case study on the NIBOR and Norges Bank 2007-11

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    LIBOR as a Keynesian Beauty Contest:a process of endogenous deception

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    Oksitosiini – syntymĂ€n ja Ă€itiyden hormoni

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    Mötet med den muslimska familjen pÄ mödrarÄdgivningen

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    Sammandrag: Oroligheter och krig i vĂ€rlden leder till att det kommer mera invandrare och flyktingar till Finland hela tiden, mĂ„nga av dessa har islam som religion. Uppdrags-givaren för examensarbetet var Vanda stad, syftet med arbetet var att ta reda pĂ„ om det finns sĂ€rdrag i den islamska religionen eller muslimska kulturen gĂ€llande mödrarĂ„d-givning, graviditet och förlossning. Och att ta reda pĂ„ vilka erfarenheter eller önskemĂ„l muslimska kvinnor har gĂ€llande mödrarĂ„dgivning. ForskningsfrĂ„gorna som stĂ€lldes var ”Vilka Ă€r sĂ€rdragen för den muslimska kulturen i förhĂ„llande till graviditet, förlossning och prenatal vĂ„rd” och ”Hurdana erfarenheter av och vilka önskemĂ„l har muslimska familjer gĂ€llande mödrarĂ„dgivningen” Som teoretiskt perspektiv för arbetet fungerar Madeleine Leiningers teori om transkultu-rellt vĂ„rdande. Studien Ă€r en litteratur översikt med systematisk litteratursökning. En de-duktiv, kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys har valts till analysmetod. Resultatet pĂ„ studien visar att de största sĂ€rdragen gĂ€llande vĂ„rden av en muslimsk gravid kvinna Ă€r att ta familjen i beaktan, respektera deras vilja om kvinnliga vĂ„rdare och att diskutera ramadan under gra-viditeten. Resultatet gĂ€llande erfarenheter av mödravĂ„rd visar att muslimska kvinnor öns-kar en vĂ„rdande relation och stöd frĂ„n mödrarĂ„dgivningen och pĂ„ förlossningssjukhuset. VĂ„rdpersonalen bör vara medveten om och visa kĂ€nslighet gĂ€llande kulturella eller reli-giösa behov hos patienter och deras familjer.Abstract: Civil unrest and wars in the world means that there will be more immigrants and refugees moving to Finland, many of these have Islam as a religion. The commiss-ioner for this degree thesis was the city of Vantaa and the aim of this study is to explore what characterizes the Islamic religion or Muslim culture regarding maternal counseling, pregnancy and childbirth. And to find out what experiences or desires Muslim women have regarding maternal care. The research questions asked was "What are the characteristics of the Muslim culture in relation to pregnancy, childbirth and prenatal care" and "What kind of experience of and what are the wishes of Muslim families regarding maternity care" As a theoretical perspective for the work functions Madeleine Leininger's theory of transcultural nursing. The study is a litterature review with systematic search of litterature. A deductive qualitative content analysis has been chosen as method of analysis. The results of the study show that the main characteristics regarding the care of a Muslim pregnant woman is to take the family into account, respect their will of women caretakers and to discuss Ramadan during pregnancy. The results regarding experiences of maternity care indicate that Muslim women desire a caring relationship and support from the maternity clinic and the maternity hospital. Healthcare professionals should be aware of and show sensitivity regarding cultural or religious needs of patients and their families.TiivistelmĂ€: Levottomuudet ja sota maailmassa johtavat siihen, ettĂ€ Suomeen muuttaa enemmĂ€n maahanmuuttajia ja pakolaisia. Monella heillĂ€ on islami uskontona. OpinnĂ€y-tetyön toimeksiantaja oli Vantaan kaupunki. Työn tavoite oli selvittÀÀ, onko piirteitĂ€ islaminuskoon tai muslimikulttuurin koskien Ă€itien neuvontaa, raskautta ja synnytystĂ€, sekĂ€ selvittÀÀ, minkĂ€laisia kokemuksia tai toivomuksia musliminaisilla on Ă€itiysneuvo-lan suhteen. Tutkimuskysymykset olivat ”MitĂ€ piirteitĂ€ on muslimikulttuurissa tai Islamin uskonnossa koskien raskautta, synnytystĂ€ sekĂ€ Ă€itiyshuoltoa.” ja ”MinkĂ€laisia kokemuksia ja toivomuksia muslimiperheillĂ€ on koskien Ă€itiysneuvolaa”. Madeleine Leiningerin teoria transkulttuurisesta hoitotyöstĂ€ toimii teoreettisena vii-tekehyksenĂ€. Tutkimus on kirjallisuuskatsaus systemaattisella kirjallisuus haulla. De-duktiivinen laadullinen sisĂ€llön analyysi on valittu analyysimenetelmĂ€ksi. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ tĂ€rkeimmĂ€t ominaisuudet raskaana olevan musliminaisen hoi-dossa on ottaa perhe huomioon, kunnioittaa tahtoa naislÀÀkĂ€reistĂ€ ja naishoitajista sekĂ€ keskustella Ramadanista raskauden aikana. Tulos kokemuksista Ă€itiyshuollosta osoittaa, ettĂ€ musliminaiset haluavat huolehtivan suhteen ja tukea Ă€itiysneuvolasta ja syn-nytyssairaalasta. Terveyden- huollon ammattilaisten tulisi olla tietoisia ja nĂ€yttÀÀ herkkyyttĂ€ potilaiden ja heidĂ€n per-heiden kulttuurisiin ja uskonnollisiin tarpeisiin

    LIBOR games:means, opportunities and incentives to deceive

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    Being and becoming a teacher in medical education

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    Medical teachers’ conceptions of teaching have implications for student learning. The way teachers understand what it means to be a good teacher and what it means to develop as a teacher affect their aims and practice as teachers and their motivation for engaging in development activities. The aim of this thesis was to clarify how medical teachers understand being lecturers, clinical supervisors and mentors and also how they understand teaching and development as a teacher. In this thesis, the term medical teacher is used for everyone teaching or supervising undergraduate students in medicine or allied health professions at a university campus or associated hospitals. Thirty-nine medical teachers were interviewed. The interviews were semi-structured and analysed using a phenomenographic approach. The findings include qualitatively different ways of understanding: · Being a teacher in the teaching roles of being a lecturer, clinical supervisor and mentor (Study I and II) · Development as a teacher and of teaching (Study III) · Teaching; particularly in relation to how opportunities and barriers for development are perceived (Study IV) The findings of the studies are further elaborated in three ways: 1) By using a model of learning and teaching to explore the different understandings of what it means to be and become a teacher. 2) By exploring perceived differences and similarities between the three teaching roles as described by the individual respondents, 3) By analysing the relationship between different ways of understanding the phenomena studied on an individual level. The way being and becoming a teacher is understood is dynamic and changes over time. Teachers’ understanding of their role constitutes a fundamental dimension of their development as teachers and exerts a significant influence on their teaching. By exploring the effects of various contexts and perceptions of different facets of the teacher role, aspects important to supporting student learning can be addressed

    Systematic Personal Training by Letting Students Teach each Other

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    During the last three years an intranet-based strategy for active learning has been incrementally developed and evaluated at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University. The strategy has been evaluated with over 700 students in ten courses and in interviews with eight teachers. In the last and largest evaluation of the strategy 95% of the students were positive to using the strategy, 91% liked using it, and 88% would recommend the strategy to be used on a large scale in university education. The method makes it possible for all students in a course to receive personal training on all parts of the course curriculum. Our method presents a unique combination of Active Learning, Peer teaching and eLearning
