27 research outputs found

    Totalfosforanalyser vid Institutionen för miljöanalys 1965 - 2000

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    Institutionen för miljöanalys (IMA) vid SLU har under lĂ„ng tid analyserat mĂ„nga olika vattenkemiska variabler. Flertalet av dessa variabler finns lĂ„nga tidsserier, i mĂ„nga fall upp till 35 Ă„r lĂ„nga mĂ€tserier. Institutionen har som ambition att stĂ€ndigt förbĂ€ttra analyserna, vilket dock kan innebĂ€ra vissa revideringar av Ă€ldre material. I december Ă„r 2000 inledde IMA en granskning av totalfosforanalyserna som resulterade i att avvikande nivĂ„er uppdagades för perioden januari 1991 – juni 1996. Avvikelsen har visats sannolikt vara ett absolut fel som har resulterat i en förhöjning pĂ„ ca. 1,2 ”g P/l (95%-igt konfidensintervall = ± 0.2 ”g P/l). Felet har orsakats av en osĂ€kerhet vid bestĂ€mningen av nollnivĂ„n i samband med en instabil baslinje hos ett Ă€ldre analysinstrument. Det aktuella instrumentet byttes ut vid halvĂ„rsskiftet 1996, vilket resulterade i en snabb förbĂ€ttring av kvaliteten pĂ„ analysen som dĂ€refter har varit god i jĂ€mförelse med analysresultat frĂ„n andra laboratorier. Förhöjningen av totalfosfornivĂ„n har störst effekt pĂ„ sjöar och vattendrag med lĂ„ga halter, speciellt i vatten med liten inom- och mellanĂ„rsvariation sĂ„som VĂ€nern och VĂ€ttern. NivĂ„n i mindre sjöar, samt vattendrag med stor haltvariation pĂ„verkas dock endast i mindre utstrĂ€ckning eftersom pĂ„verkan frĂ„n omgivningen har större betydelse i dessa fall. De förhöjda totalfosfornivĂ„erna har inte kunnat pĂ„visas ha nĂ„gon uppenbar effekt pĂ„ bestĂ€mningar av de totala mĂ€ngderna fosfor som transporteras i vattendragen

    Miten hollantilaiset selviytyvÀt kallistuvasta energiasta?

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    Effects of gas phase components on phosphorus removal from an iron-rich digested sludge

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    Gas phase effects on key elements in digested sludge were investigated, with focus on phosphorus and its removal. Simplified models in the form of predominance diagrams were used to explore Eh-pH regions that are favourable to the precipitation of struvite or vivianite. Experiments performed included subjecting the digestate to conditions low in carbon dioxide and/or oxygen. Effects on key elements in the liquid phase of the digestate were in line with expectations and the simplified models

    TÀnk cirkulÀrt genom att Ätervinna nÀringsÀmnen

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    Indirect DNA extraction method suitable for acidic soil with high clay content

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    DNA extraction is an essential procedure when investigating microbial communities in environmental samples by sequencing technologies. High clay soils can be problematic as DNA adsorbs to the clay particles and can thereby be preserved from lysed, non-viable cells for a substantial period of time. In order to accurately estimate the intact and living microbial community in the soil, extracellular DNA from dead, remnant bacterial cells needs to be removed prior to DNA extraction. One possibility is to use a sodium phosphate buffer to release both extracellular DNA and bacterial cells from the clay particles. After removing the extracellular DNA by centrifugation, the remaining viable cells can be harvested and DNA extracted. The described method is a modification of a procedure for separating extracellular DNA and bacterial cells from acidic clay soils. ‱ The modified method increases bacterial cell yields from acidic clay soils, such as acid sulfate soil. ‱ The modified method eliminates some steps from the original method, as only DNA from intact bacterial cells is required. ‱ The indirect DNA extraction method increases the workload compared to standard direct extraction methods, but subsequent downstream analyses will give a more representative picture of the viable microbial community composition in the soil. Method name: Indirect DNA extraction, Keywords: Microbial community, Extracellular DNA, Acid sulfate soil, 16S rRNA gen