39 research outputs found

    Noise adding radiometer performance analysis

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    The DSN noise adding radiometer (NAR) measurement accuracy is analyzed. The NAR capability is part of the precision power monitor function recently introduced in the DSN. The potential system noise temperature measurement accuracy is estimated to be about 1.5% with the 1 kelvin noise diode. Performance verification requires comparison noise temperature measurements with the manual Y factor method and routine monitoring of critical elements in the NAR system such as system linearity and noise diode calibration. A technique is presented to calibrate and reduce the effects of the receiving system nonlinearity. Unsatisfactory performance or degradation of these critical NAR elements would require appropriate system upgrading

    Millimeter-wave atmospheric loss prediction method

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    Relationship between atmospheric attenuation and the ground temperature and humidity provides a reference from which changes in temperature and humidity will produce a corresponding atmospheric loss figure. Computer program computes atmospheric loss due to water content, given the measured loss and ground temperature and humidity

    Reflectometer for receiver input impedance match measurement Patent

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    Reflectometer for receiver input impedance match measuremen

    Reflectometer for receiver input system

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    Reflectometer, built into a microwave input system, measures the match of devices in the waveguide system of tracking receivers. Match measurements can be made on a routine calibration basis. It was installed in the S-band receiving system in the feed cone of the 210-ft antenna

    Microwave cryogenic thermal-noise standards

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    Field operational waveguide noise standard with nominal noise temperature of 78.09 plus/minus 0.12 deg K is calibrated more precisely than before. Calibration technique applies to various disciplines such as microwave radiometry, antenna temperature and loss measurement, and low-noise amplifier performance evaluation

    Cryogenic waveguide window is sealed with plastic foam

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    Waveguide windows made with polystyrene preformed plastic and sealed with foamed-in-place plastic are useful in any microwave waveguide system using cryogenic cooling

    Minimizing noise-temperature measurement errors

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    An analysis of noise-temperature measurement errors of low-noise amplifiers was performed. Results of this analysis can be used to optimize measurement schemes for minimum errors. For the cases evaluated, the effective noise temperature (Te) of a Ka-band maser can be measured most accurately by switching between an ambient and a 2-K cooled load without an isolation attenuator. A measurement accuracy of 0.3 K was obtained for this example

    Giotto mission support

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    Deep Space Network (DSN) support of the Giotto mission to Comet Halley is summarized. The support is described beginning with the prelaunch testing and continues through the post comet encounter period

    A radiometric method for measuring the insertion loss of radome materials

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    Radiometer system measures effective noise temperature directed towards sky, with and without radome over antenna horn. Data is then translated into computer format. With additional transmission line insertion loss data from other measurements, computer calculates insertion loss of radome material

    Non-linearity in measurement systems: Evaluation method and application to microwave radiometers

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    A simple method for determination and correction of nonlinaearity in measurement systems is presented. The technique is applicable to a wide range of measuring systems. The basic concept, an analysis, and a sample application are given. Nonlinearity of the Goldstone DSS 13 low noise HEMT 2.3 GHz (S-band) radiometer system results in noise temperature measurement errors. These errors are successfully correct with this method