13 research outputs found

    Wpływ benzyloadeniny na regenerację pędów Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Green Goddess' in vitro

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    Wpływ cytokinin na namnażanie in vitro pędów Aeschynanthus hybridus 'Carina'

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    Mikrorozmnażanie Allium neapolitanum Cirillo

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    Allium neapolitanum is a valuable species of snow-white flowers, which is suitable for cultivation in flowerbeds, rock gardens as well as in containers. Whole buds of Allium neapolitanum were excised from bulbs in the beginning of October and then they were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing 2 mg BA·dm⁻³ and 0.1 mg NAA·dm⁻³ for shoot initiation. After several passages on the same medium for shoot multiplication, bases of shoots were placed for 2 subcultures on MS medium supplemented with BA or 2-iP in concentration of 2 or 5 mg·dm⁻³ separately or in combination with NAA in concentration of 0.1 or 1 mg·dm⁻³ to obtain multiplication. MS medium without growth regulators was used as a control. The best results were obtained on the medium supplemented with 5 mg BA·dm⁻³ and 0.1 mg NAA·dm⁻³. On average 5.7 shoots regenerated from 1 shoot base during 12 weeks. Three types of auxins, IAA, IBA and NAA in concentration of 0.5 mg·dm⁻³, were used for rooting. It was observed that NAA enhanced root formation but reduced roots length. The best quality rooted shoots were obtained on medium supplemented with 0.5 mg·dm⁻³ IAA. The survival rate of the plantlets under ex vitro condition was 70% after 4 weeks.Allium neapolitanum to cenny gatunek o ozdobnych śnieżnobiałych kwiatach, nadający się do uprawy na rabatach, skalniakach i w pojemnikach. Do badań wykorzystano całe pąki Allium neapolitanum, które izolowano z cebul na początku października i wykładano na pożywkę Murashige i Skooga (MS) zawierającą 2 mg BA·dm⁻³ i 0,1 mg NAA·dm⁻³ w celu inicjacji pędów. Po kilku pasażach namnażania na tej samej pożywce pobierano podstawę pędów, które kultywowano w ciągu 2 pasaży na pożywce MS uzupełnionej BA lub 2iP w stężeniu 2 lub 5 mg·dm⁻³ pojedynczo lub łącznie z NAA w stężeniu 0,1 lub 1 mg·dm⁻³. Kontrolę stanowiła pożywka MS bez regulatorów wzrostu. Najlepsze wyniki namnażania pędów uzyskano na pożywce z dodatkiem 5 mg BA·dm⁻³ i 0,1 mg NAA·dm⁻³, na której z jednej podstawy pędu otrzymano 5,7 pędów po 12 tygodniach kultury. Do ukorzeniania pędów zastosowano trzy auksyny: IAA, IBA i NAA w stężeniu 0,5 mg·dm⁻³. W obecności NAA uzyskano największą liczbę korzeni, lecz były one najkrótsze. Ukorzenione pędy najlepszej jakości otrzymano na pożywce uzupełnionej 0,5 mg·dm⁻³ IAA. Rośliny przenoszone do podłoża do warunków ex vitro przyjmowały się w 70%

    Porównanie zdolnosci regeneracyjnych Allium aflatunense B. Fedtsch. 'Purple Sensation' i Allium karataviense Regel. 'Ivory Queen' w kulturze in vitro

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    Allium aflatunense and Allium karataviense are valuable bulbous plants grown in a garden. Moreover, Allium aflatunense is one of the most decorative species for cut flowers industry. These plants characterize with a low multiplication rate. Immature inflorescence stem sections and leaf bases isolated from ‘Allium aflatunense ‘Purple Sensation’ and Allium karataviense ‘Ivory Queen’ bulbs in October were used as source of explants for shoot regeneration. The use of a two – step sterilization procedure (2% Cl- – 30 min and 1% Cl- –15 min) gave much better results than a one – step (2% Cl- – 30 min). Inflorescence explants in inverted orientation were cultured on a Murashige and Skoog [1962] medium containing BA in concentration of 2 mg·dm⁻³ and NAA in concentration of 1 mg·dm⁻³. Leaf bases placed in normal and inverted orientation were incubated on MS medium supplemented with: BA 2 mg·dm⁻³ plus NAA 1 mg·dm⁻³, BA 5 mg·dm⁻³ plus NAA 1 mg·dm⁻³ and TDZ 1 mg·dm⁻³ plus NAA 1 mg·dm⁻³. In subsequent experiments clumps consisting of 2 shoots were cultured on MS medium containing BA 0.5, 1, 2 mg·dm⁻³ with NAA 0.1 mg·dm⁻³ and BA 2 mg·dm⁻³ with IAA 0.1 mg·dm⁻³ for 6 weeks. A multiplication rate during four subcultures on medium with addition of BA 0.5 mg·dm⁻³ and NAA 0.1 mg·dm⁻³ was also examined. Explants from young inflorescences and from immature leaf bases were found effective to form shoots. The orientation of leaf explants did not have a significant effect on the number of regenerating shoots. 5.7 to 7.5 shoots were achieved for Allium aflatunense ‘Purple Sensation’ on studied media during 6 weeks of multiplication and 3.5 to 5.1 shoots for Allium karataviense ‘Ivory Queen’. Multiplication rate of 31.3 shoots for Allium aflatunense ‘Purple Sensation’ and 26.6 shoots for Allium karataviense ‘Ivory Queen’ was possible to obtain on medium supplemented with BA 0.5 mg·dm⁻³ and NAA 0.1 mg·dm⁻³ after 32 weeks of culture.Allium aflatunense i Allium karataviense to cenne rośliny cebulowe do uprawy w ogrodach. Ponadto Allium aflatunense jest jednym z najbardziej dekoracyjnych gatunków uprawianym na kwiat cięty. Rośliny te charakteryzują się niskim współczynnikiem rozmnażania. Źródłem materiału do zapoczątkowania kultur były fragmenty młodych pędów kwiatostanowych i nasady liści izolowane w paĨdzierniku z Allium aflatunense ‘Purple Sensation’ i Allium karataviense ‘Ivory Queen’. Zastosowanie sterylizacji dwukrotnej (2% Cl- – 30 min i 1% Cl- –15 min) dało lepsze rezultaty niż sterylizacja pojedyncza. Eksplantaty z pędów kwiatostanowych wykładano w pozycji odwrotnej do naturalnej i kultywowano na pożywce Murashige i Skooga [1962] zawierającej BA 2 mg·dm⁻³ i NAA 1 mg·dm⁻³. Podstawy liści układano w pozycji naturalnej i odwróconej i inkubowano na pożywce MS z dodatkiem: BA 2 mg·dm⁻³ + NAA 1 mg·dm⁻³, BA 5 mg·dm⁻³ + NAA 1 mg·dm⁻³ i TDZ 1 mg·dm⁻³ + NAA 1 mg·dm⁻³. W kolejnym doświadczeniu zespoły pędów zawierające 2 pędy namnażano na pożywkach MS uzupełnionych: BA 0,5; 1; 2 mg·dm⁻³ oraz NAA 0,1 mg·dm⁻³ i BA 2 mg·dm⁻³ oraz IAA 0,1 mg·dm⁻³ podczas 6 tygodni. Oceniono również współczynnik namnażania pędów podczas 4 pasaży na pożywce z dodatkiem BA 0,5 mg·dm⁻³ i NAA 0,1 mg·dm⁻³. Fragmenty młodych pędów kwiatostanowych i podstawa liści wykazywały duże zdolności regeneracyjne pędów. Sposób ułożenia eksplantatów nie wywierał istotnego wpływu na liczbę regenerujących pędów. Na badanych pożywkach uzyskano od 5,7 do 7,5 pędów Allium aflatunense ‘Purple Sensation’ i od 3,5 do 5,1 pędów Allium karataviense ‘Ivory Queen’ podczas 6 tygodni namnażania. Podczas 32 tygodni namnażania pędów na pożywce zawierającej BA 0,5 mg·dm⁻³ i NAA 0,1 mg·dm⁻³ uzyskano 31,3 pędów Allium aflatunense ‘Purple Sensation’ i 26,6 pędów of Allium karataviense ‘Ivory Queen’

    Operational Forest Monitoring in Siberia Using Multi-source Earth Observation Data

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    Forest cover disturbance rates are increasing in the forests of Siberia due to intensification of human activities and climate change. In this paper two satellite data sources were used for automated forest cover change detection. Annual ALOS PALSAR backscatter mosaics (2007–2010) were used for yearly forest loss monitoring. Time series of the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI, 2000–2014) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) were integrated in a web-based data middleware system to assess the capabilities of a near-real time detection of forest disturbances using the break point detection by additive season and trends (Bfast) method. The SAR-based average accuracy of the forest loss detection was 70 %, whereas the MODIS-based change assessment using breakpoint detection achieved average accuracies of 50 % for trend-based breakpoints and 43.4 % for season-based breakpoints. It was demonstrated that SAR remote sensing is a highly accurate tool for up-to-date forest monitoring. Web-based data middleware systems like the Earth Observation Monitor, linked with MODIS time series, provide access and easy-to-use tools for on demand change monitoring in remote Siberian forests

    PEARL – environmental management system for port authorities

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    Platforma PEARL to system dostosowany do potrzeb portów morskich, który pozwala na integrację danych satelitarnych oraz naziemnych w celu jak najlepszego zarządzania środowiskiem portowym. Dane satelitarne uzupełnione informacjami pozyskanymi z pomiarów insitu, dotyczącymi: jakości wody i powietrza, jakości osadów, prądów morskich, prędkości i kierunku rozchodzenia się fal morskich, zostały wykorzystane między innymi do monitorowania: pól wiatrów, plam ropy, prądów morskich, temperatury powierzchniowej wody, ruchu statków. Dostęp do danych naziemnych został zapewniony przez porty. Wybór danych satelitarnych był uwarunkowany możliwościami ich wykorzystania, a także związany z indywidualnymi potrzebami użytkowników. Platforma jest gotowa do implementacji. Jej działanie zostało sprawdzone w trzech europejskich portach w Barcelonie (Hiszpania), Southampton (Wielka Brytania) oraz Tallinie (Estonia).The PEARL system is a tailor-made platform based on a modular structure which provides an Environmental Management System for Port Authorities that allows the incorporation of future data sources (new in-situ sensors, future space missions, etc) as they become available. The EO data are used to monitor physical parameters related to the Port environment, such as sea surface winds, coastal swell fields, oil spills, currents, ship traffic, sea surface temperature, and can be integrated to complement in-situ sensors in the same port area. The selection of the EO data was made taking into account the end-users’ environmental needs and the EO data limitations. Each port gave access to their in-situ sensors to provide data for integration with EO information. The selected in-situ sensors measured: air and water quality, turbidity, sediment quality currents, wave speed and direction.The paper gives an overview on the system architecture, data selection and on the results of the PEARL platform validation. The platform is ready to use and was validated in three European ports: the ports of Barcelona, Southampton and Tallinn

    Integrating concepts of artificial intelliegence in the EO4GEO body of knowledge

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    The EO4GEO Body of Knowledge (BoK) forms a structure of concepts and relationships between them, describing the domain of Earth Observation and Geo-Information (EO/GI). Each concept carries a short description, a list of key literature references and a set of associated skills which are used for job profiling and curriculum building. As the EO/GI domain is evolving continuously, the BoK needs regular updates with new concepts embodying new trends, and deprecating concepts which are not relevant anymore. This paper presents the inclusion of BoK concepts related to Artificial Intelligence. This broad field of knowledge has links to several applications in EO/GI. Its connection to concepts, already existing in the BoK, needs special attention. To perform a clean and structural integration of the cross-cutting domain of AI, first a separate cluster of AI concepts was created, which was then merged with the existing BoK. The paper provides examples of this integration with specific concepts and examples of training resources in which AI-related concepts are used. Although the presented structure already provides a good starting point, the positioning of AI within the EO/GI-focussed BoK needs to be further enhanced with the help of expert calls as part of the BoK update cycle

    Non-parametric retrieval of aboveground biomass in Siberian boreal forests with ALOS PALSAR interferometric coherence and backscatter intensity

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    The main objective of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of two recently popular non-parametric models for aboveground biomass (AGB) retrieval from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) L-band backscatter intensity and coherence images. An area in Siberian boreal forests was selected for this study. The results demonstrated that relatively high estimation accuracy can be obtained at a spatial resolution of 50 m using the MaxEnt and the Random Forests machine learning algorithms. Overall, the AGB estimation errors were similar for both tested models (approximately 35 t∙ha[Subscript: −1]). The retrieval accuracy slightly increased, by approximately 1%, when the filtered backscatter intensity was used. Random Forests underestimated the AGB values, whereas MaxEnt overestimated the AGB values