6 research outputs found

    Promotion-Focused Inclinations and University Academic Staff Patronage of Deposit Money Banks in Rivers State

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Promotion-focused inclinations and University academic staff patronage of Deposit Money Banks in Rivers State. Drawing on the Self-Regulatory Focus Theory, the paper argues that Promotion-focused inclinations can influence customer patronage of these banks’ products. Primary data collected with structured questionnaire from seven hundred and ninety-two (792) academic staff of three Universities in Rivers State, were analyzed using the Spearman’s rank order correlation coefficient, as obtained in SPSS version 20.0. The study found a significant and positive relationship between Promotion-focused orientations of the University academic staff and their patronage of the Deposit Money Bank. The paper, therefore, recommends that Deposit Money Banks in Rivers State soliciting for patronage from these University Academic Staff should offer bank products that are in tandem with promotion orientations of their value customers. Keywords: Accomplishment Inclination, Advancement Inclination, Customer Patronage, Personal Development Inclination, Promotion-focused inclinations, Self-Regulatory focus


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    A cardinal objective of marketing is to create value for customers and to capture value from customers in return; and building strong brands facilitate the achievement of this objective. Strong brands win customers’ preference through the assurance of value. The focus of this study is to examine the association between brand value and marketing wellness measured in terms of new product success, sales growth and market share. The study utilised data collected from sixty-six (66) respondents comprising of branch managers, marketing managers and inside sales officers of deposit money banks using a structured questionnaire. The P(r) was employed as the test statistic. All the statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS version 20.0. The study found positive and statistically significant correlation between brand value and all the three indices of marketing wellness considered in the study, with marketing share showing the strongest link with brand value. The study thus concludes that brand value influences marketing wellness and recommends that banks that seek marketing wellness measured in terms of market share, new product success and sales growth should build strong brands that consumers will hold in high repute and that also assure value for consumers


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    The aim of this study was to determine the nexus between frontline employee competence development and responsiveness of QSRs, using training, coaching and mentoring as dimensions of competence development. Responsiveness was treated unidimensionally. The study adopted an explanatory research design and used a questionnaire to collect primary data; while the Spearman’s rank order correlation served as the test statistic, relying on SPSS version 20.0. The study observed that frontline employee competence development associates strongly with responsiveness of QSRs as all the dimensions of competence development posted strong, positive and statistically significant relationship with responsiveness. The study concludes that frontline employee competence development informs responsiveness of QSRs, or that responsiveness of QSRs depends on mentoring, training and coaching of frontline employees. The study recommends that QSRs that seek to be responsive to changes in their operating environments must continually update the competencies of their frontline employees through mentoring, training and coaching.   Article visualizations

    Store Image and Marketing Performance of Supermarkets in South-East Region of Nigeria

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    This paper empirically examined store image and marketing performance of supermarkets in South-East region of Nigeria. The purpose of this paper is to determine to what extent store image enhance marketing performance of supermarkets in South-East region of Nigeria in order to meet customer needs and wants at profit. The paper adopts the documentary and survey methods. The statistical tool adopted for this paper is the Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient with the aid of statistical package for social sciences. The findings of the study show that store image is strongly related to marketing performance of supermarkets. The paper recommends among others that supermarket operators: to embrace modern marketing concept activities; customer relation/services should be stepped up to measure up to those offered by competitors; and that regular publicity and adverts should be organized to promote the image of supermarkets. Keywords: Store Image, Marketing Performance, Supermarkets, Profit Margin, Customer Service

    Store Image and Marketing Performance of Supermarkets in South-East Region of Nigeria

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    This paper empirically examined store image and marketing performance of supermarkets in South-East region of Nigeria. The purpose of this paper is to determine to what extent store image enhance marketing performance of supermarkets in South-East region of Nigeria in order to meet customer needs and wants at profit. The paper adopts the documentary and survey methods. The statistical tool adopted for this paper is the Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient with the aid of statistical package for social sciences. The findings of the study show that store image is strongly related to marketing performance of supermarkets. The paper recommends among others that supermarket operators: to embrace modern marketing concept activities; customer relation/services should be stepped up to measure up to those offered by competitors; and that regular publicity and adverts should be organized to promote the image of supermarkets. Keywords:Store Image, Marketing Performance, Supermarkets, Profit Margin, Customer Servic

    A theoretical reflection of celebrity endorsement in Nigeria

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    The use of celebrities such as movie stars, sports heroes, entertainers, music experts and all the likes as endorsers by marketers in promoting brand awareness, recognition, and preferences, has become the order of the day in advertising practices both in developed and developing economies. It therefore behooves on marketing professionals to design possible techniques to enhance its effective use by companies. This instigated the researchers to theoretically examine what celebrity endorsement is all about, celebrity-worship relationship and endorser effects, risks associated with the use of celebrity endorsement and celebrity endorsement selection criteria. A critical review of extant literature revealed that celebrity endorsement makes advertisement more memorable and the company in the short-run generates high brand awareness as well as an increase in market share. There are certain risks associated with celebrity endorsement such as negative publicity, overshadowing, multiple endorsement, over-endorsement, extinction and cost implications. The study indicated that, successful celebrity endorsement is a combination of attributes such as trustworthiness, expertise, similarity, familiarity, likeability, and a match between the celebrity and the message (brand,). To ensure the effective use of celebrity endorsement, the paper highlighted some strategic options