77 research outputs found

    Seasonal variations of contribution of large and fine fractions of phytoplankton to primary production and chlorophyll a in the Sevastopol Bay from April 1985 till March 1986

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    It has been shown that in the Sevastopol Bay during the year primary production and chlorophyll "a" created by picoplankton (0.45-2.5 µm) consisted on the average 20-44% of total production. It was approximately a half of the level for oligotrophic waters of the ocean. Picoplankton of waters studied is represented by eucaryotes, cell diameter of which is, as a rule, about 2-3 µm. Contribution of the finest fraction of phytoplankton (0.43-0.85 µm) to primary production and con¬tent of chlorophyll "a" was insignificant (0-4%)

    Changes in psychophysiological condition of high skilled female wrestlers in the dynamics of the menstrual cycle

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    <p>The features of functioning of organism of sportswomen are studied in the dynamics of menstrual cycle and the changes of the psychophysiological state of sportswomen are investigational in each of phases of menstrual cycle. In research took part 35 highly skilled sportswomen - fighters in age 18-29 years. The questionnaire of sportswomen is conducted with the purpose of determination of age, sporting qualification, terms and state of flowing of menstrual cycle on the questionnaire of N.V. Svechnikova in modification of L.G. Shakhlina. The results of own researches of the psychophysiological state of sportswomen of high qualification are presented. Recommendations are resulted for trainers on application of pedagogical influences, which are directed on the increase of psychical firmness, overcoming of the physical and emotional loadings of sportswomen in the premenstrual, menstrual and ovarian phases of cycle. It is recommended to pick up the adequate loadings taking into account the phase of menstrual cycle, because of decline of capacity and change in the psychoemotional state of sportswomen.</p

    Chlorophyll a concentration in plankton, biomass of different taxonomic phytoplankton groups, dominating algae species, and some parameters of coastal surface waters of the Black Sea

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    Based on data obtained at three stations in coastal waters of the Black Sea off Sevastopol in 2000 and 2001, we present seasonal dynamics of the carbon to chlorophyll a ratio in nano- and microphy-toplankton. This parameter varied approximately tenfold throughout the year. Its maximum values (442-500) were obtained in summer (July), when Pyrrophyta dominated in phytoplankton. Minimum values (36-56) were observed in winter (December),when diatomaceous species predominated. We derive a regression relating the carbon to chlorophyll a ratio to proportion of Pyrrophyta in total phytoplankton biomass, doing so separately for warm and cold seasons. Regression equations demonstrate coupled action of irradiance, temperature, and nutrient availability on the carbon to chlorophyll a ratio. For Pyrrophyta phytoplankton assemblage R**2 = 0.95, and for diatomaceous one R**2 = 0.87

    (Table 1) Main parameters of consumption of inorganic nitrogen compounds by microplankton in the western Black Sea in April 1993

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    Parameters of provision of the phytoplankton community with inorganic nitrogen compounds in the western Black Sea in April 1993 are analyzed (specifically, dependence of rates of uptake of nitrates and ammonium by microplankton on substrate concentration, diurnal dynamics of assimilation of mineral nitrogen, values of f-ratios, and proportions of carbon and nitrogen fluxes). In most cases all the parameters of degree of phytoplankton provision with mineral nitrogen are shown to vary unidirectionally, both at the surface and in the photosynthesis zone. Individual areas of a relatively small region studied differed markedly in their level of provision of algae with inorganic nitrogen compounds - from complete saturation to high degree of limitation of phytoplankton development due to nitrogen deficiency in the environment. Obtained results allow to estimate provision of Black Sea phytoplankton with nitrogen in terms of limitation of rates of uptake of its inorganic compounds

    Some features of the critical point

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