3,516 research outputs found

    Quantum-measurement backaction from a Bose-Einstein condensate coupled to a mechanical oscillator

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    We study theoretically the dynamics of a hybrid optomechanical system consisting of a macroscopic mechanical membrane magnetically coupled to a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate via a nanomagnet attached at the membrane center. We demonstrate that this coupling permits us to monitor indirectly the center-of-mass position of the membrane via measurements of the spin of the condensed atoms. These measurements normally induce a significant backaction on the membrane motion, which we quantify for the cases of thermal and coherent initial states of the membrane. We discuss the possibility of measuring this quantum backaction via repeated measurements. We also investigate the potential to generate nonclassical states of the membrane, in particular Schrödinger-cat states, via such repeated measurements

    Thermodynamic evidence for valley-dependent density of states in bulk bismuth

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    Electron-like carriers in bismuth are described by the Dirac Hamiltonian, with a band mass becoming a thousandth of the bare electron mass along one crystalline axis. The existence of three anisotropic valleys offers electrons an additional degree of freedom, a subject of recent attention. Here, we map the Landau spectrum by angle-resolved magnetostriction, and quantify the carrier number in each valley: while the electron valleys keep identical spectra, they substantially differ in their density of states at the Fermi level. Thus, the electron fluid does not keep the rotational symmetry of the lattice at low temperature and high magnetic field, even in the absence of internal strain. This effect, reminiscent of the Coulomb pseudo-gap in localized electronic states, affects only electrons in the immediate vicinity of the Fermi level. It presents the most striking departure from the non-interacting picture of electrons in bulk bismuth.Comment: 6 pages, 3 Figure

    Quantum measurement backaction from a BEC coupled to a mechanical oscillator

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    We study theoretically the dynamics of a a hybrid optomechanical system consisting of a macroscopic mechanical membrane magnetically coupled to a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate via a nanomagnet attached at the membrane center. We demonstrate that this coupling permits us to monitor indirectly the center-of-mass position of the membrane via measurements of the spin of the condensed atoms. These measurements normally induce a significant backaction on the membrane motion, which we quantify for the cases of thermal and coherent initial states of the membrane. We discuss the possibility of measuring that quantum backaction via repeated measurements. We also investigate the potential to generate non-classical states of the membrane, in particular Schrodinger cat states, via such repeated measurements.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to PR

    Novel metallic and insulating states at a bent quantum Hall junction

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    A non-planar geometry for the quantum Hall (QH) effect is studied, whereby two quantum Hall (QH) systems are joined at a sharp right angle. When both facets are at equal filling factor nu the junction hosts a channel with non-quantized conductance, dependent on nu. The state is metallic at nu = 1/3, with conductance along the junction increasing as the temperature T drops. At nu = 1, 2 it is strongly insulating, and at nu = 3, 4 shows only weak T dependence. Upon applying a dc voltage bias along the junction, the differential conductance again shows three different behaviors. Hartree calculations of the dispersion at the junction illustrate possible explanations, and differences from planar QH structures are highlighted.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, text + figs revised for clarit

    The role of quantum fluctuations in the optomechanical properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a ring cavity

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    We analyze a detailed model of a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a ring optical resonator and contrast its classical and quantum properties to those of a Fabry-P{\'e}rot geometry. The inclusion of two counter-propagating light fields and three matter field modes leads to important differences between the two situations. Specifically, we identify an experimentally realizable region where the system's behavior differs strongly from that of a BEC in a Fabry-P\'{e}rot cavity, and also where quantum corrections become significant. The classical dynamics are rich, and near bifurcation points in the mean-field classical system, the quantum fluctuations have a major impact on the system's dynamics.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, submitted to PR

    Quantum backaction in spinor-condensate magnetometry

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    We provide a theoretical treatment of the quantum backaction of Larmor frequency measurements on a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate by an off-resonant light field. Two main results are presented; the first is a “quantum jump” operator description that reflects the abrupt change in the spin state of the atoms when a single photon is counted at a photodiode. The second is the derivation of a conditional stochastic master equation relating the evolution of the condensate density matrix to the measurement record. We provide a few examples of the application of this formalism and comment on its application to metrology

    Generation of mechanical squeezing via magnetic dipoles on cantilevers

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    A scheme to squeeze the center-of-mass motional quadratures of a quantum mechanical oscillator below its standard quantum limit is proposed and analyzed theoretically. It relies on the dipole-dipole coupling between a magnetic dipole mounted on the tip of a cantilever to equally oriented dipoles located on a mesoscopic tuning fork. We also investigate the influence of several sources of noise on the achievable squeezing, including classical noise in the driving fork and the clamping noise in the oscillator. A detection of the state of the cantilever based on state transfer to a light field is considered. We investigate possible limitations of that scheme.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, submitted to PR

    The elevated Curie temperature and half-metallicity in the ferromagnetic semiconductor Lax_{x}Eu1x_{1-x}O

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    Here we study the effect of La doping in EuO thin films using SQUID magnetometry, muon spin rotation (μ\muSR), polarized neutron reflectivity (PNR), and density functional theory (DFT). The μ\muSR data shows that the La0.15_{0.15}Eu0.85_{0.85}O is homogeneously magnetically ordered up to its elevated TCT_{\rm C}. It is concluded that bound magnetic polaron behavior does not explain the increase in TCT_{\rm C} and an RKKY-like interaction is consistent with the μ\muSR data. The estimation of the magnetic moment by DFT simulations concurs with the results obtained by PNR, showing a reduction of the magnetic moment per Lax_{x}Eu1x_{1-x}O for increasing lanthanum doping. This reduction of the magnetic moment is explained by the reduction of the number of Eu-4ff electrons present in all the magnetic interactions in EuO films. Finally, we show that an upwards shift of the Fermi energy with La or Gd doping gives rise to half-metallicity for doping levels as high as 3.2 %.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure