324 research outputs found

    Comparison of History Effects in Magnetization in Weakly pinned Crystals of high-TcT_c and low-Tc_c Superconductors

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    A comparison of the history effects in weakly pinned single crystals of a high TcT_c YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7 - \delta} (for H \parallel c) and a low TcT_c Ca3_3Rh4_4Sn13_{13}, which show anomalous variations in critical current density Jc(H)J_c(H) are presented via tracings of the minor magnetization hysteresis loops using a vibrating sample magnetometer. The sample histories focussed are, (i) the field cooled (FC), (ii) the zero field cooled (ZFC) and (iii) an isothermal reversal of field from the normal state. An understanding of the results in terms of the modulation in the plastic deformation of the elastic vortex solid and supercooling across order-disorder transition is sought.Comment: Presented in IWCC-200

    Variation in the observed effect of Xpert MTB/RIF testing for tuberculosis on mortality: A systematic review and analysis of trial design considerations [version 2; peer review: 3 approved]

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    Background: Most studies evaluating the effect of Xpert MTB/RIF testing for tuberculosis (TB) concluded that it did not reduce overall mortality compared to usual care. We conducted a systematic review to assess whether key study design and execution features contributed to earlier identification of patients with TB and decreased pre-treatment loss to follow-up, thereby reducing the potential impact of Xpert MTB/RIF testing. / Methods: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, and Scopus for literature published from 1st January 2009 to February 2019. We included all primary intervention studies that had evaluated the effect of Xpert MTB/RIF on mortality compared to usual care in participants with presumptive pulmonary TB. We critically reviewed features of included studies across: Study setting and context, Study population, Participant recruitment and enrolment, Study procedures, and Study follow-up. / Results: We included seven randomised and one non-randomised study. All included studies demonstrated relative reductions in overall mortality in the Xpert MTB/RIF arm ranging from 6% to 40%. However, mortality reduction was reported to be statistically significant in two studies. Study features that could explain the lack of observed effect on mortality included: the higher quality of care at study sites; inclusion of patients with a higher pre-test probability of TB leading to higher than expected empirical rates; performance of additional diagnostic testing not done in usual care leading to increased TB diagnosis or empiric treatment initiation; the recruitment of participants likely to return for follow-up; and involvement of study staff in ensuring adherence with care and follow-up. / Conclusion: Most studies of Xpert MTB/RIF were designed and conducted in a manner that resulted in more patients being diagnosed and treated for TB, minimising the potential difference in mortality Xpert MTB/RIF testing could have achieved compared to usual care

    Validation of the ALS Assay in Adult Patients with Culture Confirmed Pulmonary Tuberculosis

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    BACKGROUND: We have earlier shown that Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine-specific IgG Antibodies in Lymphocyte Supernatant (ALS) can be used for diagnosis of active tuberculosis (TB) in adults and children. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The ALS method was validated in a larger cohort (n = 212) of patients with suspicion of pulmonary TB using multiple antigens (BCG, LAM, TB15.3, TB51A, CFP10-ESAT6-A, CFP, CW) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The sensitivity and specificity of the ALS assay was calculated using non-TB patients as controls. The sensitivity and the specificity were highest with BCG vaccine (90% and 88% respectively) followed by LAM (89% and 87% respectively). Simultaneous assessment of multiple antigen-specific antibodies increased sensitivity (91%) and specificity (88%). Using higher lymphocyte count in smaller volume of culture media increased detection and reduced the assay duration to ∼30 hrs. Twenty one patients with clinical findings strongly suggestive of TB finally diagnosed as non-TB patients were positive by the ALS assay, of which 9 (43%) were positive for 7 antigens and 19 (90%) for at least 3 antigens. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our findings show that simultaneous detection of antigens improves the diagnostic potential of the ALS assay; the modified method increases sensitivity and can provide results in <48 hours, and enable detection of some cases of pulmonary TB that are not detectable by standard methods

    A study of supercooling of the disordered vortex phase via minor hysteresis loops in 2H-NbSe_2

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    We report on the observation of novel features in the minor hysteresis loops in a clean crystal of NbSe_2 which displays a peak effect. The observed behavior can be explained in terms of a supercooling of the disordered vortex phase while cooling the superconductor in a field. Also, the extent of spatial order in a flux line lattice formed in ascending fields is different from (and larger than) that in the descending fields below the peak position of the peak effect; this is attributed to unequal degree of annealing of the state induced by a change of field in the two cases.Comment: 5 pages of text + 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Stable and Metastable vortex states and the first order transition across the peak effect region in weakly pinned 2H-NbSe_2

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    The peak effect in weakly pinned superconductors is accompanied by metastable vortex states. Each metastable vortex configuration is characterized by a different critical current density J_c, which mainly depends on the past thermomagnetic history of the superconductor. A recent model [G. Ravikumar, et al, Phys. Rev. B 61, R6479 (2000)] proposed to explain the history dependent J_c postulates a stable state of vortex lattice with a critical current density J_c^{st}, determined uniquely by the field and temperature. In this paper, we present evidence for the existence of the stable state of the vortex lattice in the peak effect region of 2H-NbSe_2. It is shown that this stable state can be reached from any metastable vortex state by cycling the applied field by a small amplitude. The minor magnetization loops obtained by repeated field cycling allow us to determine the pinning and "equilibrium" properties of the stable state of the vortex lattice at a given field and temperature unambiguously. The data imply the occurence of a first order phase transition from an ordered phase to a disordered vortex phase across the peak effect.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. Corresponding author: S. Ramakrishna

    Effect of pinning and driving force on the metastability effects in weakly pinned superconductors and the determination of spinodal line pertaining to order-disorder transition

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    We explore the effect of varying drive on metastability features exhibited by the vortex matter in single crystals of 2H-NbSe2_2 and CeRu2_2 with varying degree of random pinning. An optimal balance between the pinning and driving force is needed to view the metastability effects in typically weakly pinned specimen of low temperature superconductors. As one uses samples with larger pinning in order to differentiate the response of different metastable vortex states, one encounters a new phenomena, viz., the second magnetization peak (SMP) anomaly prior to the PE. Interplay between the path dependence in the critical current density and the non-linearity in the electromagnetic response determine the metastability effects seen in first and the third harmonic response of the ac susceptibility across the temperature regions of the SMP and the PE. The limiting temperature above which metastability effects cease can be conveniently located in the third harmonic data, and the observed behavior can be rationalized within the Beans Critical State model. A vortex phase diagram showing the different vortex phases for a typically weakly pinned specimen has been constructed via the ac susceptibility data in a crystal of 2H-NbSe2_2 which shows the SMP and the PE anomalies. The phase space of coexisting weaker and stronger pinned regions has been identified. It can be bifurcated into two parts, where the order and disorder dominate, respectively. The former part continuously connects to the reentrant disordered vortex phase pertaining to the small bundle pinning regime, where the vortices are far apart, interaction effects are weak and the polycrystalline form of flux line lattice prevails.Comment: Submitted to the Special Volume on Vortex State Studies, Pramana J. Phy

    Treatment outcomes of new tuberculosis patients hospitalized in Kampala, Uganda: a prospective cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: In most resource limited settings, new tuberculosis (TB) patients are usually treated as outpatients. We sought to investigate the reasons for hospitalisation and the predictors of poor treatment outcomes and mortality in a cohort of hospitalized new TB patients in Kampala, Uganda. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Ninety-six new TB patients hospitalised between 2003 and 2006 were enrolled and followed for two years. Thirty two were HIV-uninfected and 64 were HIV-infected. Among the HIV-uninfected, the commonest reasons for hospitalization were low Karnofsky score (47%) and need for diagnostic evaluation (25%). HIV-infected patients were commonly hospitalized due to low Karnofsky score (72%), concurrent illness (16%) and diagnostic evaluation (14%). Eleven HIV uninfected patients died (mortality rate 19.7 per 100 person-years) while 41 deaths occurred among the HIV-infected patients (mortality rate 46.9 per 100 person years). In all patients an unsuccessful treatment outcome (treatment failure, death during the treatment period or an unknown outcome) was associated with duration of TB symptoms, with the odds of an unsuccessful outcome decreasing with increasing duration. Among HIV-infected patients, an unsuccessful treatment outcome was also associated with male sex (P = 0.004) and age (P = 0.034). Low Karnofsky score (aHR = 8.93, 95% CI 1.88 - 42.40, P = 0.001) was the only factor significantly associated with mortality among the HIV-uninfected. Mortality among the HIV-infected was associated with the composite variable of CD4 and ART use, with patients with baseline CD4 below 200 cells/µL who were not on ART at a greater risk of death than those who were on ART, and low Karnofsky score (aHR = 2.02, 95% CI 1.02 - 4.01, P = 0.045). CONCLUSION: Poor health status is a common cause of hospitalisation for new TB patients. Mortality in this study was very high and associated with advanced HIV Disease and no use of ART