522 research outputs found

    Are Foreign Migrants more Assimilated than Native Ones?

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    The paper compares the pattern of wage assimilation of foreigners with both native immigrants and local natives in Italy, a country with large internal and international migration. This comparison, not yet exploited, yields understanding of the role played by language and knowledge of social capital. We use the administrative dataset on dependent employment (WHIP), to estimate a fixed effect model of the weekly wages of males aged 18-45 with controls for selection in return migration and unobserved heterogeneity. The three groups of workers start their careers at the same wage level but, as experience increases, the wage profiles of foreigners and natives, both immigrants and locals, diverge. A positive selection in the returns prevails, so that the foreign workers with lower wages are the most likely to stay in Italy. Also an “ethnic” skill differential emerges and a negative status dependence for those entering at low wage level.Migration, Assimilation, Wage differential.

    Padrões de acúmulo de proteínas e carboidratos durante a embriogênese somática de Acca sellowiana

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    The aim of this work was to quantify the protein, starch and total sugars levels during histodifferentiation and development of somatic embryos of Acca sellowiana Berg. For histological observations, the samples were dehydrated in a battery of ethanol, embedded in historesin and stained with toluidine blue (morphology), coomassie blue (protein bodies) and periodic acid-Schiff (starch). Proteins were extracted using a buffer solution, precipitated using ethanol and quantified using the Bradford reagent. Total sugars were extracted using a methanol-chloroform-water (12:5:3) solution and quantified by a reaction with anthrone at 0.2%. Starch was extracted using a 30% perchloric acid solution and quantified by a reaction with anthrone at 0.2%. During the somatic embryogenesis' in vitro morphogenesis and differentiation processes, the total protein levels decreased and the soluble sugars levels increased during the first 30 days in culture and remained stable until the 120th day. On the other hand, total protein levels increased according to the progression in the developmental stages of the somatic embryos. The levels of total sugars and starch increased in the heart and cotyledonary stages, and decreased in the torpedo and pre-cotyledonary stages. These compounds play a central role in the development of somatic embryos of Acca sellowiana. © 2009 Embrapa Informação Tecnológica.O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar os teores de proteína, amido e açúcares totais durante a histodiferenciação e desenvolvimento dos embriões somáticos em Acca sellowiana Berg. Para as observações histológicas, as amostras foram desidratadas em uma bateria de etanol, emblocadas em historesina e coradas com azul de toluidina (morfologia), azul de coomassie (corpos proteicos) e reativo ácido periódico de Schiff (amido). As proteínas foram extraídas usando uma solução tampão, precipitadas usando etanol e quantificadas por meio do reativo de Bradford. Os açúcares totais foram extraídos usando uma solução metanol-clorofórmioágua (12:5:3) e quantificados pela reação com antrona a 0,2%. O amido foi extraído usando uma solução de ácido perclórico a 30% e quantificado pela reação com antrona a 0,2%. Durante a diferenciação e morfogênese in vitro da embriogênese somática, os teores de proteínas totais decresceram e os açúcares solúveis aumentaram durante os 30 primeiros dias em cultura e permaneceram constantes até os 120 dias. Por outro lado, os teores das proteínas totais apresentaram incremento de acordo com a progressão nos estádios de desenvolvimento dos embriões somáticos. Os teores de açúcares totais e de amido aumentaram nos estádios cordiforme e cotiledonar e diminuíram nos estádios torpedo e pré-cotiledonar. Esses compostos exercem papel central no desenvolvimento de embriões somáticos de Acca sellowiana.Fil: Cangahuala-Inocente, Gabriela Claudia. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Steiner, Neusa. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Maldonado, Sara Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Guerra, Miguel Pedro. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Brasi

    Learning the Brexit Lesson? Shifting Support for Direct Democracy in Germany in the Aftermath of the Brexit Referendum

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    The June 2016 Brexit referendum sent international shock waves, possibly causing adjustments in public opinion not only in the UK, but also abroad. We suggest that these adjustments went beyond substantive attitudes on European integration and included procedural preferences towards direct democracy. Drawing on the insight that support for direct democracy can be instrumentally motivated, we argue that the outcome of the Brexit referendum led (politically informed) individuals to update their support for referendums based on their views towards European integration. Using panel data from Germany, we find that those in favour of European integration, especially those with high political involvement, turned more sceptical of the introduction of referendums in the aftermath of the Brexit referendum. Our study contributes to the understanding of preferences for direct democracy and documents a remarkable case of how - seemingly basic - procedural preferences can, in today's internationalized information environment, be shaped by high-profile events abroad

    Relationship between Sustained Reductions in Plasma Lipid and Lipoprotein Concentrations with Apheresis and Plasma Levels and mRNA Expression of PTX3 and Plasma Levels of hsCRP in Patients with HyperLp(a)lipoproteinemia

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    The effect of lipoprotein apheresis (Direct Adsorption of Lipids, DALI) (LA) on plasma levels of pentraxin 3 (PTX3), an inflammatory marker that reflects coronary plaque vulnerability, and expression of PTX3 mRNA was evaluated in patients with hyperLp(a)lipoproteinemia and angiographically defined atherosclerosis/coronary artery disease. Eleven patients, aged 55 ± 9.3 years (mean ± SD), were enrolled in the study. PTX3 soluble protein levels in plasma were unchanged by 2 sessions of LA; however, a downregulation of mRNA expression for PTX3 was observed, starting with the first session of LA (p < 0.001). The observed reduction was progressively increased in the interval between the first and second LA sessions to achieve a maximum decrease by the end of the second session. A statistically significantly greater treatment-effect correlation was observed in patients undergoing weekly treatments, compared with those undergoing treatment every 15 days. A progressive reduction in plasma levels of C-reactive protein was also seen from the first session of LA, with a statistically significant linear correlation for treatment-effect in the change in plasma levels of this established inflammatory marker (R(2) = 0.99; p < 0.001). Our findings suggest that LA has anti-inflammatory and endothelium protective effects beyond its well-established efficacy in lowering apoB100-containing lipoproteins

    Multicultural Literature that Brings People Together

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    Over the past ten years we have been tracking a specific type of multicultural literature. We diligently look for literature for youth that reflects multiple cultures within the story line or images projected through illustrations. The books we focused on in this theme depict multiple characters reflecting a variety of ethnic backgrounds because this mosaic of characters is what we see to be more of a reflection of our changing world. The interaction of young people today across ethnic lines is more prevalent and we believe will continue to become common place as long as adults allow and encourage this interchange to happen. A good example is a book by Maya Ajmera, Yvonne Wakim Dennis, Arlene Hirschfelder and Cynthia Pon called Children of the U.S.A. It is filled with rich photos of children in 51 cities across the United States and celebrates their ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds. Subtle and effective ways to project this natural occurrence is through literature. The dilemma we see is the lack of such multicultural literature, so we wrote this article with two goals in mind. One is teachers and librarians would be encouraged to use this literature in their classrooms and libraries. Second, we hope that more authors and illustrators are encouraged to write and illustrate stories that portray an interaction of characters from multiple ethnic backgrounds

    Phyto-Estrogene: molekulartoxikologische Untersuchungen zu Mechanismen der Chemoprävention durch Isoflavone und Lignane an humanen Brustzelllinien

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    Es besteht eine inverse Beziehung zwischen dem Brustkrebsrisiko und einer Ernährung reich an Soja- und Vollkornprodukten hin, deren wertgebende Inhaltsstoffe die Isoflavone und Lignane sind. Mögliche durch Phytoestrogene vermittelte krebspräventive Mechanismen sind die Hemmung des Zellwachstums sowie die Induktion körpereigener Schutzsysteme, zu denen die Glutathion S-Transferasen (GST) und die NAD(P)H: Quinonoxidoreduktase (NQO1) als bedeutende Entgiftungsenzyme des Brustgewebes gehören. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten potenziell chemopräventive Aktivitäten von Isoflavonoiden und Lignanen sowie deren bakterieller Darmmetabolite bestimmt werden. Phytoestrogene als Bestandteile einer Soja- und Vollkornprodukt-reichen Diät wirken chemopräventiv auf frühe Stadien der Krebsentwicklung, bevor der Brustkrebs-Phänotyp vollständig etabliert ist. Chemopräventive Wirkmechanismen sind die Hemmung des Zellwachstums, die Stimulation der zellulären Entgiftungskapazität und folglich der Schutz vor ultimaten Karzinogenen und damit Brustkrebs-initiierenden Ereignissen. Auf der anderen Seite besteht bei bereits bestehenden malignen Vorstufen ein möglicherweise erhöhtes Risiko der Tumorprogression durch die induzierte Wachstumsstimulation

    Banano explosivo

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    Urabá. Colonización, violencia y crisis del Estado. Fernando Botero Herrera. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, 1990, 198 págs

    Revisar el Renacimiento para entender el Darién

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    Tierra firme. El Darién en el imaginario de los conquistadores. Paolo Vignolo y Virgilio Becerra (Comps.) Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia, Bogotá, 2011, 301 págs., il

    Students’ satisfaction with general practitioners’ feedback to their reflective writing: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Reflective Writing (RW) is increasingly being implemented in medical education. Feedback to students’ reflective writing (RW) is essential, but resources for individualized feedback often lack. We aimed to determine whether general practitioners (GPs) teaching students clinical skills could also provide feedback to RW and whether an instruction letter specific to RW feedback increases students’ satisfaction.Methods: GPs were randomized to the two study arms using block randomization. GPs in both groups received an instruction letter on giving students feedback on clinical skills. Additionally, intervention group GPs received specific instructions on providing feedback to students’ RW. Students completed satisfaction questionnaires on feedback received on clinical skills and RW. T-tests were employed for all statistical analysis to compare groups.Results: Eighty-three out of 134 physicians participated: 38 were randomized to the control, 45 to the intervention group. Students were very satisfied with the feedback on RW and clinical skills regardless of tutors’ group allocation. A specific instruction letter had no additional effect on students’ satisfaction.Conclusion: Based on student satisfaction, GPs who give students feedback on clinical skills are also well suited to provide feedback on RW. This approach can facilitate the introduction of mandatory RW into the regular medical curriculum