46 research outputs found

    A Survey of Satellite Communications System Vulnerabilities

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    The U.S. military’s increasing reliance on commercial and military communications satellites to enable widely-dispersed, mobile forces to communicate makes these space assets increasingly vulnerable to attack by adversaries. Attacks on these satellites could cause military communications to become unavailable at critical moments during a conflict. This research dissected a typical satellite communications system in order to provide an understanding of the possible attacker entry points into the system, to determine the vulnerabilities associated with each of these access points, and to analyze the possible impacts of these vulnerabilities to U.S. military operations. By understanding these vulnerabilities of U.S. communications satellite systems, methods can be developed to mitigate these threats and protect future systems. This research concluded that the satellite antenna is the most vulnerable component of the satellite communications system’s space segment. The antenna makes the satellite vulnerable to intentional attacks such as: RF jamming, spoofing, meaconing, and deliberate physical attack. The most vulnerable Earth segment component was found to be the Earth station network, which incorporates both Earth station and NOC vulnerabilities. Earth segment vulnerabilities include RF jamming, deliberate physical attack, and Internet connection vulnerabilities. The most vulnerable user segment components were found to be the SSPs and PoPs. SSPs are subject to the vulnerabilities of the services offered, the vulnerabilities of Internet connectivity, and the vulnerabilities associated with operating the VSAT central hub. PoPs are susceptible to the vulnerabilities of the PoP routers, the vulnerabilities of Internet and Intranet connectivity, and the vulnerabilities associated with cellular network access

    Towards automated incident handling: how to select an appropriate response against a network-based attack?

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    The increasing amount of network-based attacks evolved to one of the top concerns responsible for network infrastructure and service outages. In order to counteract these threats, computer networks are monitored to detect malicious traffic and initiate suitable reactions. However, initiating a suitable reaction is a process of selecting an appropriate response related to the identified network-based attack. The process of selecting a response requires to take into account the economics of an reaction e.g., risks and benefits. The literature describes several response selection models, but they are not widely adopted. In addition, these models and their evaluation are often not reproducible due to closed testing data. In this paper, we introduce a new response selection model, called REASSESS, that allows to mitigate network-based attacks by incorporating an intuitive response selection process that evaluates negative and positive impacts associated with each countermeasure. We compare REASSESS with the response selection models of IE-IRS, ADEPTS, CS-IRS, and TVA and show that REASSESS is able to select the most appropriate response to an attack in consideration of the positive and negative impacts and thus reduces the effects caused by an network-based attack. Further, we show that REASSESS is aligned to the NIST incident life cycle. We expect REASSESS to help organizations to select the most appropriate response measure against a detected network-based attack, and hence contribute to mitigate them

    Distributed DDoS Defense:A collaborative Approach at Internet Scale

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    Distributed large-scale cyber attacks targeting the availability of computing and network resources still remain a serious threat. To limit the effects caused by those attacks and to provide a proactive defense, mitigation should move to the networks of Internet Service Providers (ISPs). In this context, this thesis focuses on a development of a collaborative, automated approach to mitigate the effects of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks at Internet Scale. This thesis has the following contributions: i) a systematic and multifaceted study on mitigation of large-scale cyber attacks at ISPs. ii) A detailed guidance selecting an exchange format and protocol suitable to use to disseminate threat information. iii) To overcome the shortcomings of missing flow-based interoperability of current exchange formats, a development of the exchange format Flow-based Event Exchange Format (FLEX). iv) A communication process to facilitate the automated defense in response to ongoing network-based attacks, v) a model to select and perform a semi-automatic deployment of suitable response actions. vi) An investigation of the effectiveness of the defense techniques moving-target using Software Defined Networking (SDN) and their applicability in context of large-scale cyber attacks and the networks of ISPs. Finally, a trust model that determines a trust and a knowledge level of a security event to deploy semi-automated remediations and facilitate the dissemination of security event information using the exchange format FLEX in context of ISP networks

    DDoS 3.0 - How terrorists bring down the internet

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    Dependable operation of the Internet is of crucial importance for our society. In recent years Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have quickly become a major problem for the Internet. Most of these attacks are initiated by kids that target schools, ISPs, banks and web-shops; the Dutch NREN (SURFNet), for example, sees around 10 of such attacks per day. Performing attacks is extremely simple, since many websites offer “DDoS as a Service”; in fact it is easier to order a DDoS attack than to book a hotel! The websites that offer such DDoS attacks are called “Booters” or “Stressers”, and are able to perform attacks with a strength of many Gbps. Although current attempts to mitigate attacks seem promising, analysis of recent attacks learns that it is quite easy to build next generation attack tools that are able to generate DDoS attacks with a strength thousand to one million times higher than the ones we see today. If such tools are used by nation-states or, more likely, terrorists, it should be possible to completely stop the Internet. This paper argues that we should prepare for such novel attacks

    DDoS Defense using MTD and SDN

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    Distributed large-scale cyber attacks targeting the availability of computing and network resources still remains a serious threat. In order to limit the effects caused by those attacks and to provide a proactive defense, mitigation should move to the networks of Internet Service Providers. In this context, Moving Target Defense (MTD) is a technique that increases uncertainty due to an ever-changing attack surface. In combination with Software Defined Networking (SDN), MTD has the potential to reduce the effects of a large-scale cyber attack. In this paper, we combine the defense techniques moving- target using Software Defined Networking and investigate their effectiveness. We review current moving-target defense strategies and their applicability in context of large-scale cyber attacks and the networks of Internet Service Providers. Further, we enforce the implementation of moving target defense strategies using Software Defined Networks in a collaborative environment. In particular, we focus on ISPs that cooperate among trusted partners. We found that the effects of a large-scale cyber attack can be significantly reduced using the moving-target defense and Software Defined Networking. Moreover, we show that Software Defined Networking is an appropriate approach to enforce implementation of the moving target defense and thus mitigate the effects caused by large-scale cyber attacks

    Whom do we trust - Booters and SSL/TLS certificates

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    SPRING 2016, 11th edition of the SPRING series, is a single-track event that was sponsored by the special interest group Security – Intrusion Detection and Response (SIDAR) of the German Informatics Society (GI). The purpose of SPRING is to provide young researchers the opportunity to discuss their work with other students and specialists in the research area of IT security. In particular, SPRING is a venue for presentation of early-stage research and solicits submission of scientific papers presenting novel research on malware analysis, intrusion detection, and related systems security topics. As per our tradition, SPRING encourages submissions from the following broad areas: Analysis of vulnerabilities, intrusion detection, malware, incident management and forensics. This year the SPRING 2016 graduate workshop was held in Darmstadt, Germany, and was hosted at the University of Applied Sciences. SPRING took place from the 2nd to the 3rd of June 2016 and was the eleventh edition of the graduate workshop on IT security. It followed the successful events in Neubiberg in 2015, Bochum in 2014, Munich in 2013, Berlin in 2012, Bochum in 2011, Bonn in 2010, Stuttgart in 2009, Mannheim in 2008, Dortmund in 2007 and Berlin in 2006. SPRING 2016 was organized in a 2-day program to encourage interactions between all participants. The program consists of a main track and opening research keynotes. The presented volume includes all extended abstracts presented at SPRING 2016 as defined within the overall final program

    "LUDO" - Kids playing Distributed Denial of Service

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    Distributed denial of service attacks pose a serious threat to the availability of the network infrastructures and services. GEĚżANT, the pan-European network with terabit capacities witnesses close to hundreds of DDoS attacks on a daily basis. The reason is that DDoS attacks are getting larger, more sophisticated and frequent. At the same time, it has never been easier to execute DDoS attacks, e.g., Booter services offer paying customers without any technical knowledge the possibility to perform DDoS attacks as a service. Given the increasing size, frequency and complexity of DDoS attacks, there is a need to perform a collaborative mitigation. Therefore, we developed (i) a DDoSDB to share real attack data and allow collaborators to query, compare, and download attacks, (ii) the Security attack experimentation framework to test mitigation and response capabilities and (iii) a collaborative mitigation and response process among trusted partners to disseminate security event information. In addition to these developments, we present and would like to discuss our latest research results with experienced networking operators and bridging the gap between academic research and operational business