7,564 research outputs found

    Does a Non-Magnetic Solar Chromosphere Exist?

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    Enhanced chromospheric emission which corresponds to an outwardly increasing semiempirical temperature structure can be produced by wave motion without any increase in the mean gas temperture. Hence, the sun may not have a classical chromosphere in magnetic field free internetwork regions. Other significant differences between the properties of dynamic and static atmospheres should be considered when analyzing chromospheric observations.Comment: 4 pages, uuencoded compressed postscript file including three figures. APJL accepte

    On the Formation of Active Regions

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    Magneto-convection can produce an active region without an initial coherent flux tube. A simulation was performed where uniform, untwisted, horizontal magnetic field of 1 kG strenght was advected into the bottom of a computational domain 48 Mm wide by 20 Mm deep. The up and down convective motions produce a hierarchy of magnetic loops with a wide range of scales, with smaller loops riding "piggy back" in a serpentine fashion on larger loops. When a large loop approaches the surface it produces an small active region with a compact leading spot and more diffuse following spots

    The Effects of Weak Spatiotemporal Noise on a Bistable One-Dimensional System

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    We treat analytically a model that captures several features of the phenomenon of spatially inhomogeneous reversal of an order parameter. The model is a classical Ginzburg-Landau field theory restricted to a bounded one-dimensional spatial domain, perturbed by weak spatiotemporal noise having a flat power spectrum in time and space. Our analysis extends the Kramers theory of noise-induced transitions to the case when the system acted on by the noise has nonzero spatial extent, and the noise itself is spatially dependent. By extending the Langer-Coleman theory of the noise-induced decay of a metastable state, we determine the dependence of the activation barrier and the Kramers reversal rate prefactor on the size of the spatial domain. As this is increased from zero and passes through a certain critical value, a transition between activation regimes occurs, at which the rate prefactor diverges. Beyond the transition, reversal preferentially takes place in a spatially inhomogeneous rather than in a homogeneous way. Transitions of this sort were not discovered by Langer or Coleman, since they treated only the infinite-volume limit. Our analysis uses higher transcendental functions to handle the case of finite volume. Similar transitions between activation regimes should occur in other models of metastable systems with nonzero spatial extent, perturbed by weak noise, as the size of the spatial domain is varied.Comment: 16 page

    Extremal Black Holes in Dynamical Chern-Simons Gravity

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    Rapidly rotating black hole solutions in theories beyond general relativity play a key role in experimental gravity, as they allow us to compute observables in extreme spacetimes that deviate from the predictions of general relativity. Such solutions are often difficult to find in beyond-general-relativity theories due to the inclusion of additional fields that couple to the metric non-linearly and non-minimally. In this paper, we consider rotating black hole solutions in one such theory, dynamical Chern-Simons gravity, where the Einstein-Hilbert action is modified by the introduction of a dynamical scalar field that couples to the metric through the Pontryagin density. We treat dynamical Chern-Simons gravity as an effective field theory and work in the decoupling limit, where corrections are treated as small perturbations from general relativity. We perturb about the maximally-rotating Kerr solution, the so-called extremal limit, and develop mathematical insight into the analysis techniques needed to construct solutions for generic spin. First we find closed-form, analytic expressions for the extremal scalar field, and then determine the trace of the metric perturbation, giving both in terms of Legendre decompositions. Retaining only the first three and four modes in the Legendre representation of the scalar field and the trace, respectively, suffices to ensure a fidelity of over 99% relative to full numerical solutions. The leading-order mode in the Legendre expansion of the trace of the metric perturbation contains a logarithmic divergence at the extremal Kerr horizon, which is likely to be unimportant as it occurs inside the perturbed dynamical Chern-Simons horizon. The techniques employed here should enable the construction of analytic, closed-form expressions for the scalar field and metric perturbations on a background with arbitrary rotation.Comment: 25+9 pages (single column), 10 figures, 1 table; matches published versio

    Immersed Boundary Smooth Extension: A high-order method for solving PDE on arbitrary smooth domains using Fourier spectral methods

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    The Immersed Boundary method is a simple, efficient, and robust numerical scheme for solving PDE in general domains, yet it only achieves first-order spatial accuracy near embedded boundaries. In this paper, we introduce a new high-order numerical method which we call the Immersed Boundary Smooth Extension (IBSE) method. The IBSE method achieves high-order accuracy by smoothly extending the unknown solution of the PDE from a given smooth domain to a larger computational domain, enabling the use of simple Cartesian-grid discretizations (e.g. Fourier spectral methods). The method preserves much of the flexibility and robustness of the original IB method. In particular, it requires minimal geometric information to describe the boundary and relies only on convolution with regularized delta-functions to communicate information between the computational grid and the boundary. We present a fast algorithm for solving elliptic equations, which forms the basis for simple, high-order implicit-time methods for parabolic PDE and implicit-explicit methods for related nonlinear PDE. We apply the IBSE method to solve the Poisson, heat, Burgers', and Fitzhugh-Nagumo equations, and demonstrate fourth-order pointwise convergence for Dirichlet problems and third-order pointwise convergence for Neumann problems

    Neoglacial cooling culminates in rapid sea ice oscillations in eastern Fram Strait

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    EGU2011-407 The spatial and temporal distribution of sea ice in the subpolar North Atlantic is mainly controlled by the advection of warm Atlantic Water via the Norwegian and West Spitsbergen Current in eastern Fram Strait. Simultaneously, polar water and sea ice from the Arctic Ocean is transported southward by the East Greenland Current. Hence, variations in the strength of this oceanic circulation regime may either stimulate or reduce the sea ice extent. Based on organic geochemical studies of a high-resolution sediment core from eastern Fram Strait we provide new evidence for the highly variable character of the sea ice conditions in this area. The combination of the sea ice proxy IP25 (Belt et al., 2007) with phytoplankton derived biomarkers (e.g. brassicasterol, dinosterol; Volkman 2006) enables a reliable reconstruction of sea surface and sea ice conditions, respectively (Müller et al., 2009; 2010). By means of these biomarkers, we trace gradually increasing sea ice occurrences from the Mid to the Late Holocene – consistent with the neoglacial cooling trend. Throughout the past ca. 3,000 years (BP) we observe a significant short-term variability in the biomarker records, which points to rapid advances and retreats of the sea ice cover at the continental margin of West Spitsbergen. The co-occurrence of IP25 and phytoplankton markers, however, suggests that the primary productivity benefits from these sea ice surges. As such, higher amounts of open-water phytoplankton biomarkers together with peak abundances of IP25 indicate recurring periods of enhanced ice-edge phytoplankton blooms at the core site. To what extent a seesawing of temperate Atlantic Water may account for these sea ice fluctuations requires further investigation. Concurrent variations in Siberian river discharge (Stein et al., 2004) or Norwegian glacier extents (Nesje et al., 2001), however, strengthen that these fluctuations may be assigned to variations in the North Atlantic/Arctic Oscillation (NAO/AO) and (hence) a weakened/accelerated Atlantic Water input and Arctic sea ice export
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