24,144 research outputs found

    Infrared Continuum from HII Regions

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    Expected flux calculation for infrared free-free emission from planetary nebul

    Spectral components at visual and infrared wavelengths in active galactic nuclei

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    Aperture-dependent infrared photometry of active galactic nuclei are presented which illustrate the importance of eliminating starlight of the galaxy in order to obtain the intrinsic spectral distribution of the active nuclei. Separate components of emission are required to explain the infrared emission with a spectral index of alpha approx = 2 and the typical visual-ultraviolet continuum with alpha approx = 0.3 (where F(nu) varies as nu(sup-alpha). Present evidence does not allow unique determination of the appropriate mechanisms, but the characteristics of each are discussed

    Adjointness Relations as a Criterion for Choosing an Inner Product

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    This is a contribution to the forthcoming book "Canonical Gravity: {}From Classical to Quantum" edited by J. Ehlers and H. Friedrich. Ashtekar's criterion for choosing an inner product in the quantisation of constrained systems is discussed. An erroneous claim in a previous paper is corrected and a cautionary example is presented.Comment: 6 pages, MPA-AR-94-

    Magnetic correlations of the quasi-one-dimensional half-integer spin-chain antiferromagnets SrM2M_2V2_2O8_8 (MM = Co, Mn)

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    Magnetic correlations of two iso-structural quasi-one-dimensional (1D) antiferromagnetic spin-chain compounds SrM2M_2V2_2O8_8 (MM = Co, Mn) have been investigated by magnetization and powder neutron diffraction. Two different collinear antiferromagnetic (AFM) structures, characterized by the propagation vectors, kk = (0 0 1) and kk = (0 0 0), have been found below ∼\sim 5.2 K and ∼\sim 42.2 K for the Co- and Mn-compounds, respectively. For the Mn-compound, AFM chains (along the cc axis) order ferromagnetically within the abab plane, whereas, for the Co-compound, AFM chains order ferro-/antiferromagnetically along the a/ba/b direction. The critical exponent study confirms that the Co- and Mn-compounds belong to the Ising and Heisenberg universality classes, respectively. For both compounds, short-range spin-spin correlations are present over a wide temperature range above TNT_N. The reduced ordered moments at base temperature (1.5 K) indicate the presence of quantum fluctuations in both compounds due to the quasi-1D magnetic interactions.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 9 table

    Using rewards and penalties to obtain desired subject performance

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    Operant conditioning procedures, specifically the use of negative reinforcement, in achieving stable learning behavior is described. The critical tracking test (CTT) a method of detecting human operator impairment was tested. A pass level is set for each subject, based on that subject's asymptotic skill level while sober. It is critical that complete training take place before the individualized pass level is set in order that the impairment can be detected. The results provide a more general basis for the application of reward/penalty structures in manual control research

    The effects of alcohol on driver performance in a decision making situation

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    The results are reviewed of driving simulator and in-vehicle field test experiments of alcohol effects on driver risk taking. The objective was to investigate changes in risk taking under alcoholic intoxication and relate these changes to effects on traffic safety. The experiments involved complex 15 minute driving scenarios requiring decision making and steering and speed control throughout a series of typical driving situations. Monetary rewards and penalties were employed to simulate the real-world motivations inherent in driving. A full placebo experimental design was employed, and measures related to traffic safety, driver/vehicle performance and driver behavior were obtained. Alcohol impairment was found to increase the rate of accidents and speeding tickets. Behavioral measures showed these traffic safety effects to be due to impaired psychomotor performance and perceptual distortions. Subjective estimates of risk failed to show any change in the driver's willingness to take risks when intoxicated

    Infrared astronomy research and high altitude observations

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    Highlights are presented of studies of the emission mechanisms in the 4 to 8 micron region of the spectrum using a circular variable filter wheel spectrometer with a PbSnTe photovoltaic detector. Investigations covered include the spectroscopy of planets, stellar atmospheres, highly obscured objects in molecular clouds, planetary nebulae, H2 regions, and extragalactic objects

    Photonic band mixing in linear chains of optically coupled micro-spheres

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    The paper deals with optical excitations arising in a one-dimensional chain of identical spheres due optical coupling of whispering gallery modes (WGM). The band structure of these excitations depends significantly on the inter-mixing between WGMs characterized by different values of angular quantum number, ll. We develop a general theory of the photonic band structure of these excitations taking these effects into account and applied it to several cases of recent experimental interest. In the case of bands originating from WQMs with the angular quantum number of the same parity, the calculated dispersion laws are in good qualitative agreement with recent experiment results. Bands resulting from hybridization of excitations resulting from whispering gallery modes with different parity of ll exhibits anomalous dispersion properties characterized by a gap in the allowed values of \emph{wave numbers} and divergence of group velocity.Comment: RevTex, 28 pages, 7 Figure
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