1,029 research outputs found

    ODISys - (Ozeanographisches Daten Informations-System) - nicht nur für Ozeanographen

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    An oceanographic software is presented which enables quick access to oceanographic databases. The program is interactive, yields a graphic display for quick-look of data availability and parameter ranges. Additionally, the results of the data retrieval are stored in an ASCII file which can be interfaced with commercial programs like spreadsheet and isoline software. An example is given for the temperature distribution in Greenland waters

    Das Klima um Grönland - 1996

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    Based on air temperature data from three sites of West and East Greenland, on ice charts for the area 54°N, 71°N and 20°W, 70°W, and on CTD profile observations around Greenland, the annual variability of climate is shown. Mean monthly air temperature data from Nuuk/West Greenland reveal the long-term interannual changes of air temperature anomalies. The warming trend which was observed during November, December 1995 was maintained into 1996 for about five months. Thus, spring warming of the near surface water layers, especially on the shallow bank areas off West Greenland has been favoured. As a result of mild air temperatures over most of 1996, sea ice conditions were about normal around Greenland and off eastern Canada. Subsurface observations indicate considerable warming of the 0-200 m water layer off West Greenland. The thermal anomaly of this layer amounts to +1.59K, which is the second highest value on record since the warm 1964 event. The warmer than normal conditions as recorded since November 1995 off East and West Greenland, point at intermediate warming which is characteristic of the second half of the recent decades. The long-term trend of air temperature anomalies off West Greenland points, however, still at cooling, a trend which is persistent since the early 1970s. As the potential driving mechanism for the intermediate warming in the Labrador Sea area, the sea level air pressure gradient between Iceland and the Azores is identified. The 1996 value of this gradient, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Index, is strongly negative and this represents the flow of mild air masses from the midlatitude Atlantic Ocean to the Greenland/Labrador Sea region. Accordingly, air temperature anomalies indicated unusual warming during the month of February which amounted to >2K in the region of Baffin Land, Labrador and Greenland

    Westgrönlandstrom - anomal kalt?

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    Variationen im Temperaturfeld der Dohrn Bank

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    Wieder warmes Wasser bei Westgrönland

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    Westgrönland, der Kabeljaubestand und die hydrographische Situation im Herbst 1988

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    Über die positive Entwicklung des Kabeljaubestandes unter Westgrönland, ab Mitte der 80iger Jahre wurde bereits im Vorjahr berichtet. Die mit FFS "Walther Herwig" im Herbst 1987 erzielten Surveyergebnisse dokumentieren einen steilen Anstieg der Bestandsgröße sowohl hinsichtlich der Individuenzahl (Abundanz) als auch des Bestandsgewichts (Biomasse) um das 4-fache auf 583 Millionen Fische bzw. um das 6-fache auf 464000 Tonnen. Diese Bestandszunahme war zahlenmäßig zu 88% und gewichtsmäßig zu 85% auf die Rekrutierung der 3 jährigen Kabeljau des starken Nachwuchsjahrganges 1984 zurückzuführen

    Keine überdurchschnittlichen Nachwuchsjahrgänge bei den Nutzfischen der Nordsee

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    In January/February 2001, Germany participated with “Walther Herwig III” in the International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) of ICES by contributing 70 half hour tows with the Grande Ouverture Verticale Bottom Trawl (GOV), 78 hydrographic stations, and 88 catches with the Method-Isaac-Kidd net (MIK), mostly in the central and northern North Sea. In total, 368 fishing stations by means of the GOV were covered by the international fleet. Preliminary results indicate that only indices for herring, whiting, and – to some degree – haddock are in the long-term mean. In contrast, the index for cod gives reason to serious concern. In addition, indices for both mackerel and Norway pout do not show any signs for an increasing strength of these stocks. Oceanographic data show that in comparison with the data from 1995 onwards actual temperatures and salinities are in the normal range. However, mean water temperatures of this short period are about more than a half degree above the long-term means of the period 1961 to 1990