2,909 research outputs found

    Systematics in the Pb^(208)-Th^(232), Pb^(207)-U^(235), and Pb^(206)-U^(238) Systems

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    In a study of cogenetic zircons it was found that the measured Pb^(208)/Th^(232) and Pb^(207)/U^(235) ratios formed a linear array in the corresponding coupled Pb-U-Th evolution diagram, which has an upper intersection on the concordia curve at the same time point as that determined by the Pb^(206)/U^(238), Pb^(207)/U^(235) array. Although the U-Pb data lie in the accessible region for nonfractionating daughter loss, the Th-Pb results lie outside the corresponding region. The zircon concentrates analyzed were shown to be multiphase assemblages with variable U and Th contents and variable Th/U ratios, even within single crystals. The zircons contain local domains of high radioactivity which appear to be highly discordant. A relationship between discordance and the average concentration of U and Th in a sample is given. The degree of discordance increases with the concentration of U and Th and with the increasing Th/U ratio, causing preferential loss of Pb^(208) and the departure from the region accessible to a single phase without fractionation. The theoretical aspects of the (equation image) diagram from the viewpoint of single-phase and multiphase assemblages are discussed, and it is shown that the variability of the Th/U ratio is of fundamental importance in understanding the evolution of the Th-U-Pb system. The existence of these systematics in nature may provide an additional independent dating system and a further means of studying transport from natural systems

    A Unified Picture of the FIP and Inverse FIP Effects

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    We discuss models for coronal abundance anomalies observed in the coronae of the sun and other late-type stars following a scenario first introduced by Schwadron, Fisk & Zurbuchen of the interaction of waves at loop footpoints with the partially neutral gas. Instead of considering wave heating of ions in this location, we explore the effects on the upper chromospheric plasma of the wave ponderomotive forces. These can arise as upward propagating waves from the chromosphere transmit or reflect upon reaching the chromosphere-corona boundary, and are in large part determined by the properties of the coronal loop above. Our scenario has the advantage that for realistic wave energy densities, both positive and negative changes in the abundance of ionized species compared to neutrals can result, allowing both FIP and Inverse FIP effects to come out of the model. We discuss how variations in model parameters can account for essentially all of the abundance anomalies observed in solar spectra. Expected variations with stellar spectral type are also qualitatively consistent with observations of the FIP effect in stellar coronae.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Ap

    Variations in solar wind fractionation as seen by ACE/SWICS over a solar cycle and the implications for Genesis Mission results

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    We use ACE/SWICS elemental composition data to compare the variations in solar wind fractionation as measured by SWICS during the last solar maximum (1999-2001), the solar minimum (2006-2009) and the period in which the Genesis spacecraft was collecting solar wind (late 2001 - early 2004). We differentiate our analysis in terms of solar wind regimes (i.e. originating from interstream or coronal hole flows, or coronal mass ejecta). Abundances are normalized to the low-FIP ion magnesium to uncover correlations that are not apparent when normalizing to high-FIP ions. We find that relative to magnesium, the other low-FIP elements are measurably fractionated, but the degree of fractionation does not vary significantly over the solar cycle. For the high-FIP ions, variation in fractionation over the solar cycle is significant: greatest for Ne/Mg and C/Mg, less so for O/Mg, and the least for He/Mg. When abundance ratios are examined as a function of solar wind speed, we find a strong correlation, with the remarkable observation that the degree of fractionation follows a mass-dependent trend. We discuss the implications for correcting the Genesis sample return results to photospheric abundances.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Characterization of the TruSense S310 Laser Range System for Contact-less Measurement of Liquid Levels in Large-Volume Neutrino Detectors

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    Neutrino experiments often use large volumes of water, organic scintillators or noble liquids as active detection material. Due to the large hydrostatic and buoyancy forces involved, precise knowledge of the liquid levels inside the detector tank are mandatory. Here we present the main characteristics of the TruSense S310 Laser Range System. Level measurements can be performed without direct contact to the liquid and through a gas-proof acrylic window, thus preserving the strict radiopurity and chemical requirements of the target liquid. We report the results of a suit of laboratory experiments for short-term precision tests (±\pm5\,mm) and long-term stability studies. Moreover, we demonstrate that the infrared laser can be used while standard bi-alkali PMTs are operational. We discuss the mechanical layout and integration of the system in the OSIRIS pre-detector that will monitor the radiopurity of the liquid scintillator for the large-volume neutrino experiment JUNO

    Hereditary hydrocephalus internus in a laboratory strain of golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus)

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    Golden hamsters of one common laboratory strain had a high incidence of hydrocephalus internus. When a severity score of hydrocephalus was used, a major autosomal recessive locus could be identified. However, when a binary score (hydrocephalus, no hydrocephalus) was used, no such major locus could be detected and results of test matings were not consistent with Mendelian inheritance. Golden hamsters with severe forms of hydrocephalus had a dorsally compressed and ventrally intact hippocampus. Implications for the behavior and well-being of affected hamsters are unknown but researchers using this strain should be aware of the likely presence of hydrocephalu

    Cryogenic silicon detectors with implanted contacts for the detection of visible photons using the Neganov-Luke Effect

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    There is a common need in astroparticle experiments such as direct dark matter detection, 0{\nu}\b{eta}\b{eta} (double beta decay without emission of neutrinos) and Coherent Neutrino Nucleus Scattering experiments for light detectors with a very low energy threshold. By employing the Neganov-Luke Effect, the thermal signal of particle interactions in a semiconductor absorber operated at cryogenic temperatures, can be amplified by drifting the photogenerated electrons and holes in an electric field. This technology is not used in current experiments, in particular because of a reduction of the signal amplitude with time which is due to trapping of the charges within the absorber. We present here the first results of a novel type of Neganov-Luke Effect detector with an electric field configuration designed to improve the charge collection within the semiconductor.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Journal of Low Temperature Physic

    Computed tomography-osteoabsorptiometry for assessing the density distribution of subchondral bone as a measure of long-term mechanical adaptation in individual joints

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    To estimate subchondral mineralisation patterns which represent the long-term loading history of individual joints, a method has been developed employing computed tomography (CT) which permits repeated examination of living joints. The method was tested on 5 knee, 3 sacroiliac, 3 ankle and 5 shoulder joints and then investigated with X-ray densitometry. A CT absorptiometric presentation and maps of the area distribution of the subchondral bone density areas were derived using an image analyser. Comparison of the results from both X-ray densitometry and CT-absorptiometry revealed almost identical pictures of distribution of the subchondral bone density. The method may be used to examine subchondral mineralisation as a measure of the mechanical adaptability of joints in the living subject