385 research outputs found

    Purpose and Autonomous Functioning in College Students

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    This study sought to understand the relationship between a sense of purpose and autonomous functioning in college students. Further, the results were compared with the independent variables of gender, volunteerism, and faith community participation. Participants (n = 356) were undergraduate college students at a small private liberal arts Christian institution located in the Midwest of the United States of America. Measures included the Claremont Purpose Scale and the Index of Autonomous Functioning. Pearson correlations were used to analyze the data, and purpose and autonomous functioning were positively correlated. Women reported higher levels of a sense of purpose and autonomous functioning. Students who were involved in faith communities reported higher levels of autonomous functioning and also were more likely to report a higher sense of purpose. Finally, volunteerism was only associated with a beyond-the-self focus (one of the dimensions of the Claremont Purpose Scale)

    Використання купажованого жиру у технології варених ковбас

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    У результаті проведеної роботи нами знайдено технологічне рішення використання купажу свинячого жиру з гірчичною олією для подовження терміну зберігання варених ковбас. Використання купажованого жиру підвищує стійкість фаршу до окислювального псування та покращує біологічну цінность продукту за рахунок кращої збалансованості жирнокислотного складу. Термін зберігання таких ковбас подовжується з 5 до 7 днів без погіршення функціонально-технологічних показників готового продукту

    Erstellung eines Web 2.0-Konzeptes in Archiven am Beispiel des Historischen Archivs des Ostdeutschen Sparkassenverbandes

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    The use of social media has also become an integral part of archiving. Many archives already have a Facebook profile or maintain their own blog. However, only a few make use of the full potential of Web 2.0. A concept for the strategic use of social media applications has so far been a desideratum in archival science. In this thesis such a Web 2.0 concept is created. The aim of the thesis is to answer the question of how archives can find out which Web 2.0 applications are best suited for the implementation of their work and how these are effectively implemented in the archive work. This will be illustrated using the example of the historical archive of the Ostdeutscher Sparkassenverband. At the beginning the term Web 2.0 is clarified and the most important applications are shown. This is followed by the development of the current state of research on social media applications in archives and the presentation of the practical example. The determination of the current state of the archive in the field of social media is followed by the definition of the objectives. For this purpose, the specific strengths and weaknesses of this business archive are highlighted with the help of various business management instruments. In addition, it is shown which environmental factors and participants the archive has to consider. The STEP-, SWOT- and stakeholder-analyses form the strategic basis for the discussion of the existing weblog, the introduction of a Facebook profile as well as the design of appearances at the services SlideShare and Open Gallery and the establishment of a Wiki. The practice-oriented part of the work explains the introduction and operation of the previously selected Web 2.0 applications. It also shows which marketing strategies are best suited for certain platforms and which personnel resources should be planned for this. The final part of the concept is the elaboration of success measurement. For this purpose, quantitative key figures are collected, and the objectives are then discussed. The conclusion from this elaboration is that archives should not use social media indiscriminately. Rather, one's own situation should be analyzed in order to develop individual strategies for which applications are suitable to address specific users

    Erstellung eines Web 2.0-Konzeptes in Archiven am Beispiel des Historischen Archivs des Ostdeutschen Sparkassenverbandes

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    The use of social media has also become an integral part of archiving. Many archives already have a Facebook profile or maintain their own blog. However, only a few make use of the full potential of Web 2.0. A concept for the strategic use of social media applications has so far been a desideratum in archival science. In this thesis such a Web 2.0 concept is created. The aim of the thesis is to answer the question of how archives can find out which Web 2.0 applications are best suited for the implementation of their work and how these are effectively implemented in the archive work. This will be illustrated using the example of the historical archive of the Ostdeutscher Sparkassenverband. At the beginning the term Web 2.0 is clarified and the most important applications are shown. This is followed by the development of the current state of research on social media applications in archives and the presentation of the practical example. The determination of the current state of the archive in the field of social media is followed by the definition of the objectives. For this purpose, the specific strengths and weaknesses of this business archive are highlighted with the help of various business management instruments. In addition, it is shown which environmental factors and participants the archive has to consider. The STEP-, SWOT- and stakeholder-analyses form the strategic basis for the discussion of the existing weblog, the introduction of a Facebook profile as well as the design of appearances at the services SlideShare and Open Gallery and the establishment of a Wiki. The practice-oriented part of the work explains the introduction and operation of the previously selected Web 2.0 applications. It also shows which marketing strategies are best suited for certain platforms and which personnel resources should be planned for this. The final part of the concept is the elaboration of success measurement. For this purpose, quantitative key figures are collected, and the objectives are then discussed. The conclusion from this elaboration is that archives should not use social media indiscriminately. Rather, one's own situation should be analyzed in order to develop individual strategies for which applications are suitable to address specific users

    Liefländisches Magazin der Lektüre[1]

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    2 kirja Karl Morgensternile, Mitau

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    7 kirja Karl Morgensternile, Mitau

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    2 kirja Karl Morgensternile, Mitau

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    Сутність та класифікація ризиків інвестиційної діяльності

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    Наводиться визначення поняттю "ризики інвестиційної діяльності" за рахунок поєднання його сутнісних характеристик, виконано узагальнення класифікації цих ризиків, запропоновано введення нової класифікаційної групи – "корпоративні ризики", які пов'язані з можливістю втрати контролю над підприємством інвестором-акціонером