2,151 research outputs found

    Ny parkeringspolitik for Aarhus Kommune: Parkeringspolitik 2018

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    Fortællingen om Aarhus beskriver Aarhus således: ”Aarhus har en fantastisk placering ved havet og skoven. Et levende pulserende bymiljø og den smukkeste natur beliggende helt tæt på hinanden. Aarhus er en rummelig by med plads til at udfolde sig, uanset om man er ung, gammel eller børnefamilie, studerende, kunstner, etableret erhvervsvirksomhed eller iværksætter. Man kan føle sig hjemme i Aarhus. Byen udvikler sig hurtigere og hurtigere. Vi bliver mange flere aarhusianere, vi får nye bydele, en ny skyline, nye virksomheder, nye uddannelsesinstitutioner, nye kulturinstitutioner, et supersygehus, en letbane - byen ændrer karakter. Vi bevarer de grønne åndehuller, og vi fylder dem og byrummet med liv.” Aarhus har i de sidste 10 år været attraktiv at bosætte sig i og befolkningstilvæksten har været i størrelsesordenen 4.000-5.000 personer pr. år. Samtidig er der flere, som får bil, og der køres mere. Det betyder, at der efterspørges mere parkering. Især i Aarhus Midtby, hvor der er begrænset plads, er der pres på parkeringen – og her især gadeparkeringen. Både beboere, virksomheder, kunder og besøgende efterspørger mere parkering. Der er i dag næsten altid ledig parkeringskapacitet i Aarhus Midtby men den ledige kapacitet er hovedagligt i parkeringsanlæg mens der er mangel på parkeringspladser i boligområderne. Her bruges kapaciteten ofte af pendlere og besøgende da parkeringen i stor grad er gratis og dermed presses beboerne på deres parkering. Parkeringspolitikken skal derfor blandt andet understøtte at bilister med ærinde i Midtbyen kan køre direkte til et parkeringsanlæg, og derfra let gå til det relevante mål i Midtbyen. Desuden skal den sikre tilstrækkelig parkering til beboere i Midtbyen. Samtidig skal vi, jf. fortællingen om Aarhus, benytte vores gaderum til andet en parkering for at opnå det Aarhus som vi alle ønsker. For at opnå dette er der en række midler der tages i anvendelse; beboerparkering i hele Aarhus Midtby, udvidet område og tidsrum med betalingsparkering, differentieret priser på parkering for henholdsvis gadeparkering og parkering i anlæg m.m. Alt i alt er det den største ændring i kommunens parkeringspolitik siden 1999 hvor beboerparkeringsordningerne blev indført

    District Heating Expansion Potential with Low-Temperature and End-Use Heat Savings

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    District heating has the potential to play a key role in the transition towards a renewable energy system. However, the development towards reduced heat demands threatens the feasibility of district heating. Despite this challenge, opportunity exists in the form of fourth generation district heating, which operates at lower temperatures and enables better renewable integration. This article investigates this challenge by examining the district heating potential within three scenarios: The first is a reference scenario with current heat demand and temperatures, the second includes heat demand savings and the third includes reduced grid temperatures in addition to heat savings. To examine the scenarios, two models are developed. The first is a heat atlas model, in which heat demands are mapped on an address level. The second model assesses district heating expansion potentials based on economic costs. The models are applied using an example case of The Northern Region of Denmark. The article concludes that the district heating potential is highest in the reference scenario. When heat savings are introduced, district heating expansions, in most cases, will not be feasible. Introducing low-temperature district heating modestly increases the feasible expansion potential. This general conclusion is highly dependent on the specific system examined

    Experimental Monte Carlo Quantum Process Certification

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    Experimental implementations of quantum information processing have now reached a level of sophistication where quantum process tomography is impractical. The number of experimental settings as well as the computational cost of the data post-processing now translates to days of effort to characterize even experiments with as few as 8 qubits. Recently a more practical approach to determine the fidelity of an experimental quantum process has been proposed, where the experimental data is compared directly to an ideal process using Monte Carlo sampling. Here we present an experimental implementation of this scheme in a circuit quantum electrodynamics setup to determine the fidelity of two qubit gates, such as the cphase and the cnot gate, and three qubit gates, such as the Toffoli gate and two sequential cphase gates

    Composite Dipolar Recoupling: Anisotropy Compensated Coherence Transfer in Solid-State NMR

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    The efficiency of dipole-dipole coupling driven coherence transfer experiments in solid-state NMR spectroscopy of powder samples is limited by dispersion of the orientation of the internuclear vectors relative to the external magnetic field. Here we introduce general design principles and resulting pulse sequences that approach full polarization transfer efficiency for all crystallite orientations in a powder in magic-angle-spinning experiments. The methods compensate for the defocusing of coherence due to orientation dependent dipolar coupling interactions and inhomogeneous radio-frequency fields. The compensation scheme is very simple to implement as a scaffold (comb) of compensating pulses in which the pulse sequence to be improved may be inserted. The degree of compensation can be adjusted and should be balanced as a compromise between efficiency and length of the overall pulse sequence. We show by numerical and experimental data that the presented compensation protocol significantly improves the efficiency of known dipolar recoupling solid-state NMR experiment

    Heat Matters: The Missing Link in REPowerEU:2030 District Heating Deployment for a long-term Fossil-free Future

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    This report employs a Smart Energy System approach to redesign Europe's energy infrastructure, emphasizing the expansion of district heating as a strategic move to eliminate gas-based heating in European buildings. It introduces a novel quantification of waste heat potentials and integrates it with analyses of future potential district heating market shares in Europe. Both in a REPowerEU 2030 and long-term decarbonization temporal perspective. Additionally, it provides a quantification of the investment required in district heating infrastructure to achieve substantial reductions in the EU's natural gas consumption. This report contributes to the ongoing the Heat Roadmap Europe project series