1,991 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Impact of Cognitive Load in Evaluating Gaze-based Typing

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    Gaze-based virtual keyboards provide an effective interface for text entry by eye movements. The efficiency and usability of these keyboards have traditionally been evaluated with conventional text entry performance measures such as words per minute, keystrokes per character, backspace usage, etc. However, in comparison to the traditional text entry approaches, gaze-based typing involves natural eye movements that are highly correlated with human brain cognition. Employing eye gaze as an input could lead to excessive mental demand, and in this work we argue the need to include cognitive load as an eye typing evaluation measure. We evaluate three variations of gaze-based virtual keyboards, which implement variable designs in terms of word suggestion positioning. The conventional text entry metrics indicate no significant difference in the performance of the different keyboard designs. However, STFT (Short-time Fourier Transform) based analysis of EEG signals indicate variances in the mental workload of participants while interacting with these designs. Moreover, the EEG analysis provides insights into the user's cognition variation for different typing phases and intervals, which should be considered in order to improve eye typing usability.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, IEEE CBMS 201

    Associations between physical activity, physical fitness, and body composition in adults living in Germany: A cross-sectional study

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    Background & aims Body composition (BC) changes with age and is associated with morbidity and mortality. A physically active lifestyle influences BC and represents an important predictor of successful aging. To emphasize this, the World Health Organization established activity recommendations for all age groups. We describe BC during adulthood using a cross-sectional sample from a German community and investigate the associations between physical activity (PA), physical fitness (PF), and BC. Methods Data from 329 men and women aged 35 to 86 years were analyzed. PA was measured by questionnaire and classified into sport activity and habitual activity. PF was measured through physical performance tests and BC by bioelectrical impedance analysis. Fat mass index (FMI) and fat-free mass index (FFMI) were calculated to represent height-adjusted BC. Associations between PA, PF, and BC were analyzed using linear regression models. Results For both sexes, strength was positively associated with FFMI (♂: ß = 0.313; ♀: ß = 0.213) and phase angle (♂: ß = 0.357; ♀: ß = 0.409). For FMI, a significant negative association with strength was found only in women (ß = -0.189). Cardiorespiratory fitness showed a negative association with FMI (ß = -0.312) and FFMI (ß = -0.201) for men, while in women a positive association was found for FFMI (ß = 0.186). For coordination, a significant association with FMI was observed only in women (ß = -0.190). Regarding PA only one significant relationship between sport activity and FMI among women (ß = -0.170) was found

    The new EU migration and asylum package: breakthrough or admission of defeat?

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    On 23 September 2020, the European Commission presented its long-awaited draft of a new migration and asylum package to overcome the protracted blockade in this policy area. Central elements are the planned preliminary examinations of asylum applications at the external borders of the European Union (EU) and a new division of labour among the member states, which in the future will have the choice between accepting asylum seekers and returning those who have been rejected. The risk of human rights violations inherent in these suggestions is immense. However, since this also applies to the status quo - as the situation on the Greek islands shows - the pros and cons of the reform proposal must be carefully weighed up. Support for the reform package can only be justified if the combination of restrictive and protection-oriented elements, as intended by the Commission, is maintained in the intergovernmental negotiations. (author's abstract

    The externalisation of European refugee protection: a legal, practical and political assessment of current proposals

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    In many European countries, the number of asylum applications continues to rise, as does the appeal of right-wing populist parties. In response, initiatives such as the Brit­ish government’s Rwanda Plan and the Italian government’s agreement with Albania aim to significantly reduce the number of arrivals by transferring asylum procedures and refugee protection to third countries. It is worth noting that although similar pro­posals in the past have never progressed beyond the idea stage, concrete implemen­tation procedures are currently under discussion for Rwanda and Albania. However, there are several legal and normative concerns as well as practical challenges that need to be carefully considered. These approaches would fundamentally jeopardise international refugee protection and harm vital foreign policy interests as well as the credibility of the development cooperation of Germany and the European Union (EU). (author's abstract

    The refugee drama in Syria, Turkey, and Greece: why a comprehensive approach is needed

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    The plight of refugees in the Syrian province of Idlib, on the Greek islands, and on the EU's external borders has worsened dramatically over the last few months. Once more, the European Union (EU) is split on questions of asylum and migration, and it portrays limited capacity to act in issues of foreign and security policy. What options does the EU have to address the deteriorating situation? This question has become even more pressing due to the spread of Covid-19. The EU-Turkey statement of 2016 has strengthened cooperation with Ankara on humanitarian aid and border controls, but it also has major weaknesses. A comprehensive approach is needed. The EU should prioritise providing new financial resources for Turkey that should be com­plemented by scaling-up assistance to Greece as well as to Syria's neighbours. In addition, the Europeans should support the creation of a safe zone in northern Idlib. (author's abstract

    Novel Personalized Score Predicts Risk for Postoperative Biliary Leak in Liver Surgery—a Retrospective Database Analysis

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    Background The number of liver resections is constantly rising over the last decades. Despite the reduction of overall mortality and morbidity in liver surgery, biliary leakage is still a relevant postoperative complication that can lead to a fatal postoperative course. Aim of this analysis is the identification of specific risk factors for postoperative biliary complications after liver resections and the development of a predictive biliary leakage risk score. Methods A single-center, retrospective analysis of 844 liver resections performed in the Department of Visceral, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Technische Universität Dresden, between 1/2013 and 12/2019 is conducted to identify risk factors for postoperative biliary leakage and a risk score for biliary leakage after hepatectomy is established based on multivariate regression. The score has been validated by an independent validation cohort consisting of 142 patients. Results Overall morbidity is 43.1% with 36% surgical complications and an overall mortality of 4.3%. Biliary leakage occurred in 15.8% of patients. A predictive score for postoperative biliary leakage based on age, major resection, pretreatment with FOLFOX/cetuximab and operating time is created. Patients are stratified to low ( 15%) risk with a sensitivity of 67.4% and a specificity of 70.7% in development cohort and a specificity of 68.2% and sensitivity of 75.8% in validation cohort. Conclusions The presented score is robust and has been validated in an independent patient cohort. Depending on the calculated risk, prevention or early treatment can be initiated to avoid bile leakage and to improve postoperative course

    Childhood haemorrhagic stroke: a 7-year single-centre experience

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    Background In recent years, there has been increasing research interest in improving diagnostic and management protocols in childhood arterial ischaemic stroke (AIS). However, childhood stroke comprises, in approximately equal parts, both arterial ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke (HS). Objective The aim of this study was to focus on the aetiology, clinical presentation, treatment and short-term outcome of children with spontaneous intracranial bleeding in a university hospital and elucidate differences to childhood AIS. Design We performed a retrospective analysis of electronic medical records of children (28 days-18 years) diagnosed with HS between 2010 and 2016. Results We included 25 children (male child, n=11) with a median age of 8 years 1 month. The most common clinical presentations were vomiting (48%), headache (40%) and altered level of consciousness (32%). In more than half of the patients, HS was caused by vascular malformations. Other risk factors were brain tumour, coagulopathy and miscellaneous severe underlying diseases. Aetiology remained unclear in one child. Therapy was neurosurgical in most children (68%). Two patients died, 5 patients needed further (rehabilitation) treatment and 18 children could be discharged home. Conclusions HS differs from AIS in aetiology (vascular malformations as number one risk factor), number of risk factors ('mono-risk' disease), clinical presentation (vomiting, headache and altered level of consciousness) and (emergency) therapy

    Das Flüchtlingsdrama in Syrien, der Türkei und Griechenland: warum ein umfassender Ansatz nötig ist

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    Das dramatisch anwachsende Flüchtlingselend in der syrischen Provinz Idlib, auf den griechischen Inseln und an den EU-Außengrenzen zeigt: Die Europäische Union ist asyl- und migrationspolitisch zerrissen sowie außen- und sicherheitspolitisch kaum handlungsfähig. Was kann sie dennoch unternehmen, um das Flüchtlingsdrama zu bewältigen? Diese Frage ist angesichts der Ausbreitung von Covid-19 noch dringlicher geworden. Die EU-Türkei-Erklärung von 2016 hat die Kooperation mit Ankara bei der humanitären Hilfe und der Grenzüberwachung gestärkt, weist aber große Schwächen auf. Ein umfassender Ansatz ist nötig. Die EU sollte sich darauf konzentrieren, der Türkei neue Finanzmittel zur Verfügung zu stellen, die ergänzt werden sollten durch massive Hilfen für Griechenland und die Nachbarstaaten Syriens. Zu­dem sollten sich die Europäer für die Schaffung einer Schutzzone in Nord­syrien einsetzen. (Autorenreferat

    Endspurt bei der Reform des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Asylsystems: Herausforderungen und Handlungsmöglichkeiten für die deutsche und europäische Asylpolitik

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    Noch steht nicht fest, ob das Asyl- und Migrationspaket der EU-Kommission vor den Europawahlen 2024 verabschiedet werden kann; viele Elemente bleiben im Rat sowie zwischen Rat und Parlament umstritten. Angesichts der hitzigen Debatte über die asyl- und migrationspolitische Handlungsfähigkeit der EU und der Wahlerfolge rechtspopulistischer Parteien steht viel auf dem Spiel. Die ursprünglich angestrebte Balance von restriktiven und schutzorientierten Elementen wurde im Rat deutlich in Richtung Abschreckung verschoben. Aktuell zeigt sich das insbesondere bei der sogenannten Krisen-Verordnung. Die Bundesregierung sollte sich in den weiteren Verhandlungen dafür einsetzen, dass diese Verordnung nicht für sachfremde Ziele instrumentalisiert wird, dass mit Blick auf das gesamte Reformpaket die Überwachung grundrechtlicher Standards glaubwürdiger und robuster wird und dass sich die EU mit den Reformen nicht noch abhängiger von autokratischen Drittstaaten macht. (Autorenreferat