138 research outputs found

    Czy pojawienie się migrantów zmienia postrzeganie przestrzeni publicznej przez obywateli? Przypadek naruszonej zrównoważoności, Belgrad, Serbia

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    The migrant crisis that hit Europe in 2015 established Belgrade as one of transit cities on the route along which they travel to the final destination. A large number of migrants, no matter of reason for leaving homeland (war, economy, climate change consequences), mostly men travelling alone, prefer to stay in the central urban parks or squares. The result was change of personal feeling of safety of citizens and intensive monitoring by local police, but some other examples gave us a different focus, when the spontaneously formed refugee camp, with tents set up in parks, became a temporary assistance centre and meeting point for citizens and refugees.Podczas kryzysu migracyjny, który dotknął Europę w 2015 r., Belgrad stał się jednym z miast tranzytowych na trasie, którą migranci podróżują do miejsca docelowego. Duża liczba migrantów, bez względu na powód opuszczenia ojczyzny (wojna, gospodarka, konsekwencje zmiany klimatu), głównie mężczyźni podróżujący samotnie, decydowała się zatrzymać w parkach miejskich lub na placach. Rezultatem była zmiana osobistego poczucia bezpieczeństwa obywateli i intensywne monitorowanie przez lokalną policję. Bywało jednak także tak, że spontanicznie tworzony obóz dla uchodźców z namiotami ustawionymi w parkach stawał się tymczasowym centrum pomocy i miejscem spotkań obywateli i uchodźców

    Czy pojawienie się migrantów zmienia postrzeganie przestrzeni publicznej przez obywateli? Przypadek naruszonej zrównoważoności, Belgrad, Serbia

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    The migrant crisis that hit Europe in 2015 established Belgrade as one of transit cities on the route along which they travel to the final destination. A large number of migrants, no matter of reason for leaving homeland (war, economy, climate change consequences), mostly men travelling alone, prefer to stay in the central urban parks or squares. The result was change of personal feeling of safety of citizens and intensive monitoring by local police, but some other examples gave us a different focus, when the spontaneously formed refugee camp, with tents set up in parks, became a temporary assistance centre and meeting point for citizens and refugees.Podczas kryzysu migracyjny, który dotknął Europę w 2015 r., Belgrad stał się jednym z miast tranzytowych na trasie, którą migranci podróżują do miejsca docelowego. Duża liczba migrantów, bez względu na powód opuszczenia ojczyzny (wojna, gospodarka, konsekwencje zmiany klimatu), głównie mężczyźni podróżujący samotnie, decydowała się zatrzymać w parkach miejskich lub na placach. Rezultatem była zmiana osobistego poczucia bezpieczeństwa obywateli i intensywne monitorowanie przez lokalną policję. Bywało jednak także tak, że spontanicznie tworzony obóz dla uchodźców z namiotami ustawionymi w parkach stawał się tymczasowym centrum pomocy i miejscem spotkań obywateli i uchodźców

    Continuous and Integrated Urban Preservation with Emphasis on Culture and Tourism, Case Study of Arnaia

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    Plans and projects of restoration of cultural and historical heritage if implemented in a systematic way, as in an integrated manner applied consistently over time with long term objectives, can contribute to both architectural preservation and increases in attractiveness to new visitors. The culture and tourism industry are significant parts of the economy and settlements have a chance to highlight their potential in particular regarding identity, history or their healthy environment along with possibilities for relaxation and entertainment. This is a way to combine traditional and inherited forms of the environment with the conditions of contemporary life and its demands. In this case study of Arnaia, Greece, the authors examine the process of renewal which was carried out in the last three decades, delineating its progress and positive effects. A focus on the competencies of authorities responsible for the implementation of cultural heritage protection and tourism development along with budgeting concerns and the participation of the local populationFull Paper. The Urban Research Plaza’s 17th Urban Culture Forum, Bangkok, March 12-13,2019

    Methodological Approach to the Elaboration and Implementation of the Spatial-Urban Plan for the Special Purpose Area: Case-Study of Infrastructure Corridor of Highway E-80, Section Nis-Merdare, Serbia

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    Spatial plan of the special purpose area constitutes a basic tool in the planning of infrastructure corridor of a highway. The aim of the plan is to define the planning basis and provision of spatial conditions for the construction and operation of the highway, as well as for developing other infrastructure systems in the corridor. This paper presents a methodology and approach to the preparation of the Spatial Plan for the special purpose area for the infrastructure corridor of the highway E-80, Section Niš- Merdare in Serbia. The applied methodological approach is based on the combined application of the integrative and participatory method in the decision-making process on the sustainable development of the highway corridor. It was found that, for the planning and management of the infrastructure corridor, a key problem is coordination of spatial and urban planning, strategic environmental assessment and sectoral traffic planning and designing. Through the development of the plan, special attention is focused on increasing the accessibility of the local and regional surrounding, reducing the adverse impacts on the development of settlements and the economy, protection of natural resources, natural and cultural heritage, and the development of other infrastructure systems in the corridor of the highway. As a result of the applied methodology, this paper analyzes the basic features such as coverage, the concept, protected zones, service facilities and objects, the rules of development and construction, etc. Special emphasis is placed to methodology and results of the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Spatial Plan, and to the importance of protection measures, with the special significance of air and noise protection measures. For evaluation in the Strategic Environmental Assessment, a multicriteria expert evaluation (semiquantitative method) of planned solutions was used in relation to the set of goals and relevant indicators, based on the basic set of indicators of sustainable development. Evaluation of planned solutions encompassed the significance and size, spatial conditions and probability of the impact of planned solutions on the environment, and the defined goals of strategic assessment. The framework of implementation of the Spatial Plan is presented, which is determined for simultaneous elaboration of planning solutions at two levels: the strategic level of spatial plan and detailed urban plan level. It is also analyzed the relationship of the Spatial Plan to other applicable planning documents for the planning area. The effects of this methodological approach relate to enabling integrated planning of the sustainable development of the infrastructure corridor of the highway and its surrounding area, through coordination of spatial, urban and sectoral traffic planning and design, as well as the participation of all key actors in the adoption and implementation of planned decisions. By the conclusions of the paper it is pointed to direction for further research, particularly in terms of harmonizing methodology of Nebojsa Stefanovic PhD, is with Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Serbia (e-mail: [email protected]). planning documentation and preparation of technical-design documentation.Apstrakt objavljen i u elektronskom časopisu: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Vol:13, No:2, 2019. International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 13(2) 2019 [https://waset.org/abstracts/civil-and-environmental-engineering/100253] ISNI:000000009195026

    The spatial and urban planning concerns related to nuclear facilities locations case study of the Vinča institute location

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    The spatial and urban planning is one of the key instruments for the planned formation and development of locations for nuclear facilities, especially in terms of meeting the strict spatial conditionality, as well as in terms of the formation of protection zones in their surroundings. This paper systemizes the international criteria and requirements for the locations of nuclear facilities and analyses the spatial distribution of nuclear facilities in the surrounding countries of the Republic of Serbia. The research was conducted on the example of the location of the Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, within which the fulfilment of spatial requirements, treatment of the location in the existing spatial and urban plans and relationship between other functions in the surrounding area were analysed. The paper proves the starting hypothesis that the general requirements related to both the spatial development of nuclear facilities locations and the protection from radiation have not been met in the Vinca location and its surroundings. It was determined that the spatial and urban plans encompassing the area of Vinca do not contain sufficiently specific planning solutions and that, as such, they do not provide a sufficient planning basis for meeting the necessary requirements and obligations regarding the protection from radiation. The paper also gives recommendations for further spatial development and protection of the Vinca location and its surroundings. The research conducted in this paper indicates the importance and priority of further research so that the necessary planning solutions for further development of the complex in Vinca and for the formation of protection zones could be defined through creating a new planning documentation. In addition, the paper particularly highlights the need for conducting a research to identify a location for permanent disposal of radioactive waste. It also indicates the necessity of considering the aspects of environmental protection and protection from radiation in the national and international context

    A Methodological Framework for the Integrated Planning of the Protection and Development of the Natural Resource Areas in Serbia -Case Study of the Spatial Plans for the Special Purpose Area for the Protected Natural Areas

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    Spatial plans for special purpose areas for natural resources are one of the main instruments for their protection and development, and significant results have been achieved in spatial planning practice in Serbia in recent years. The main purpose of this research is to consider a methodological framework for drawing up integrated plans enabling protection and development in areas of natural resources. The results of comparative analysis are presented through a case study of four spatial plans: for the Kopaonik and Đerdap national parks and for the Stara Planina Mountain and Radan Mountain nature parks. The representation of the elements and models of implementation in the plans was considered. The main conclusion of this paper is that the integrated planning for the protection and development of natural resource areas in spatial plans is satisfactory, primarily in terms of the relativization of conflicts, through monitoring the implementation of the plans can be further improved

    Technical and logical methods for improving the process of urban planning in Serbia

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    The subject of the paper is an analysis of the methodology for developing urban plans, considered in a normative, organizational and interest context. Based on current legislation defining the content and procedure for adopting a plan, and the institutional framework that defines the participants in the planning process, a basic methodological model for a planning solution was formed, which was then improved in the context of the collaborative planning paradigm. Starting from the assumption that harmonizing the different interests represents the "grey zone" of planning in Serbia, the paper explores various methodological steps that would give a space for better cooperation between all stakeholders, and therefore contribute to the improvement of procedures for developing plans and the quality of the planning solutions themselves. On the basis of this research, a methodology for urban planning is defined as a logical and technical method of successively configuring a planning solution in a normative, organizational and interest context. Through analysis of the application of the methodological model in practice and a case study, it was confirmed that the method of producing a plan that includes timely and meaningful cooperation can reconcile the interests of the different stakeholders in planning

    Comparative analysis of elements and models of implementation in local-level spatial plans in Serbia

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    Implementation of local-level spatial plans is of paramount importance to the development of the local community. This paper aims to demonstrate the importance of and offer further directions for research into the implementation of spatial plans by presenting the results of a study on models of implementation. The paper describes the basic theoretical postulates of a model for implementing spatial plans. A comparative analysis of the application of elements and models of implementation of plans in practice was conducted based on the spatial plans for the local municipalities of Arilje, Lazarevac and Sremska Mitrovica. The analysis includes four models of implementation: the strategy and policy of spatial development; spatial protection; the implementation of planning solutions of a technical nature; and the implementation of rules of use, arrangement and construction of spaces. The main results of the analysis are presented and used to give recommendations for improving the elements and models of implementation. Final deliberations show that models of implementation are generally used in practice and combined in spatial plans. Based on the analysis of how models of implementation are applied in practice, a general conclusion concerning the complex character of the local level of planning is presented and elaborated

    Models of Implementation of Spatial Plans: Theoretical Approach and Case Studies for Spatial Plans for the Special Purpose Area

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    The implementation of spatial plans is the weakest link of planning; it is insufficiently theoretically explored, methodologically unpositioned and in practice only partially carried out. The main direction in considering improvements in the implementation of plans is that it must be viewed and focused by means of spatial plans in order to as much as possible reduce the impact of all those factors outside the planning system. The study points to the need for and offers the definition of a model of implementation for spatial plans rooted in the theory of planning. The elements and contents of the proposed model of implementation suggest a logical, functional and temporal coherence of all planning decisions covered by the plan. The process of implementing the plan depends directly on the type and method of planning. Four basic models of implementation are defined. The results of research on the application of the implementation model in spatial planning practice in the Republic of Serbia are presented. These are obtained on the basis of multicriteria comparative analysis carried out on a case study of 11 spatial plans. The chapter suggests possible directions for further study, primarily in terms of applying the model of implementation in practice

    The implementation model of planning rules in spatial plans

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    The implementation of spatial plans in past practice in Serbia was the weakest link of planning - theoretically insufficiently studied, methodologically vague and non-positioned, and only formally and partially carried out in practice. There is a general agreement that implementation should be perceived and oriented through spatial plans, in order to maximize the effect on other factors beyond the planning system. For that reason it is necessary to define theoretically the model of implementation for the spatial plan, the elements and contents of which reflect the logical, functional and time coherence of all planning decisions. Since there are several different methods and objects of planning, this paper has singled out four basic models and presents the results of the research (comparative analyses) into the role of application in the planning practice in Serbia using the example of a model of implementation for planning rules. An evaluated and studied model of implementation was applied in spatial plans for areas of special purpose and spatial plans of the local government units. This paper provides recommendations for further application of the model in the planning practice in Serbia