587 research outputs found

    A New TNM Classification for Breast Cancer to Meet the Demands of the Present and the Challenges of the Future

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    In this article we will describe our proposed changes to the breast cancer tumour nodal metastasis (TNM) classification which, while retaining TNM structure to ensure compatibility is retained, will render it more useful and better able to accommodate future developments. We propose changing T to specify exact tumor size (a tumor of pathological diameter 1.7 cm would be pT1.7); changing N to specify the number of metastatic lymph nodes over the total number removed (e.g., pN5/21); adding suffixes to M to indicate metastatic site; removing in situ neoplasms from the classification, since they are not carcinomas and are incapable of metastasizing; and removing the terms 'infiltrating' and 'invasive' since they are redundant. Finally, we would include hormone receptor, HER2, and other biological indicators of prognosis, as they are verified, in a placeholder system appended to the TNM. These proposals shift the emphasis from the quantity of tumor present to the quality of the cancer

    A Molecular Study of Alfalfa Megasporogenesis

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    Our ability to control plant reproduction impacts on both seed production and plant breeding. A female sterility mutation was previously described (Rosellini et al., 1998; 2003) revealing a female-specific arrest of sporogenesis associated with ectopic, massive callose deposition within the nucellus. The goal of this study is to isolate and characterize genes involved in megasporogenesis and female sterility in alfalfa

    local therapy for breast cancer in malignant lymphoma survivors

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    Summary Aims: Breast cancer is the most frequent secondary tumor in young women previously treated with mantle radiation for Hodgkin's disease. Prior therapeutic radiation to the breast region is considered an absolute contraindication to breast conservative surgery, and mastectomy is considered the treatment of choice. We performed a retrospective review to assess the potential of performing breast conservative surgery and intraoperative radiotherapy with electrons (ELIOT), in these patients. Methods and results: Forty-three patients affected by early breast cancer, previously treated with mantle radiation for malignant lymphoma, who underwent breast conservative surgery and ELIOT, were identified in our institution. Median age at diagnosis of lymphoma was 26 years (49% were less than 25). Median interval between lymphoma and breast cancer occurrence was 19 years. A total dose of 21 Gy (prescribed at 90% isodose) in 39 patients (91%), of 17 Gy (prescribed at 100% isodose) in 1 patient and 18 Gy (prescribed at 90% isodose), was delivered. ELIOT was well tolerated in all patients without any unusual acute or late reactions. After a median follow-up of 52 months, local recurrence occurred in 9% of the patients and metastases in 7% patients. Conclusion: In patients previously treated for lymphoma, partial breast irradiation, and in particular ELIOT, permits breast conservative surgery without acute local complications, decreasing the number of avoidable mastectomies

    Environmental complaint insights through text mining based on the driver, pressure, state, impact, and response (DPSIR) framework. Evidence from an Italian environmental agency

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    Individuals, local communities, environmental associations, private organizations, and public representatives and bodies may all be aggrieved by environmental problems concerning poor air quality, illegal waste disposal, water contamination, and general pollution. Environmental complaints represent the expressions of dissatisfaction with these issues. As the time-consuming of managing a large number of complaints, text mining may be useful for automatically extracting information on stakeholder priorities and concerns. The paper used text mining and semantic network analysis to crawl relevant keywords about environmental complaints from two online complaint submission systems: online claim submission system of Regional Agency for Prevention, Environment and Energy (Arpae) (“Contact Arpae”); and Arpae's internal platform for environmental pollution (“Environmental incident reporting portal”) in the Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy. We evaluated the total of 2477 records and classified this information based on the claim topic (air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, waste, odor, soil, weather-climate, sea-coast, and electromagnetic radiation) and geographical distribution. Then, this paper used natural language processing to extract keywords from the dataset, and classified keywords ranking higher in Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) based on the driver, pressure, state, impact, and response (DPSIR) framework. This study provided a systemic approach to understanding the interaction between people and environment in different geographical contexts and builds sustainable and healthy communities. The results showed that most complaints are from the public and associated with air pollution and odor. Factories (particularly foundries and ceramic industries) and farms are identified as the drivers of environmental issues. Citizen believed that environmental issues mainly affect human well-being. Moreover, the keywords of “odor”, “report”, “request”, “presence”, “municipality”, and “hours” were the most influential and meaningful concepts, as demonstrated by their high degree and betweenness centrality values. Keywords connecting odor (classified as impacts) and air pollution (classified as state) were the most important (such as “odor-burnt plastic” and “odor-acrid”). Complainants perceived odor annoyance as a primary environmental concern, possibly related to two main drivers: “odor-factory” and “odors-farms”. The proposed approach has several theoretical and practical implications: text mining may quickly and efficiently address citizen needs, providing the basis toward automating (even partially) the complaint process; and the DPSIR framework might support the planning and organization of information and the identification of stakeholder concerns and priorities, as well as metrics and indicators for their assessment. Therefore, integration of the DPSIR framework with the text mining of environmental complaints might generate a comprehensive environmental knowledge base as a prerequisite for a wider exploitation of analysis to support decision-making processes and environmental management activities

    Neutron emission in Ni-H systems

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    In this paper evidence is reported for neutron emission during energy production in Ni-H systems at about 700 kelvin. Neutrons were detected directly by He3 counters and indirectly by gold activation

    Prime osservazioni su specie perenni ed annue autoriseminanti in vista della organizzazione di catene di foraggiamento in ambienti mediterranei

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    Nel corso del periodo 1987-89 sono state valutate le potenzialità produttive e la distribuzione della produzione di 32 tra ecotipi e varietà di graminacee e leguminose foraggere annue e perenni provenienti prevalentemente dall'Italia centrale. La prova è stata condotta contemporaneamente in tre ambienti appartenenti a diverse zone bioclimatiche dell'area mediterranea (Perugia, Grosseto e Sassari) utilizzando uno schema sperimentale a blocchi randomizzati con quattro ripetizioni. I rilievi effettuati hanno riguardato il ricopri mento specifico e la produzione di sostanza secca determinata con criteri differenti: mensilmente per le leguminose annue; al 50% della fioritura e quindi mensilmente per le leguminose perenni; all'inizio della spigatura e quindi mensilmente per le graminacee. Per le specie annuali oltre alla sostanza secca è stata determinata la produzione di seme. L'obiettivo è stato quello di caratterizzare materiali che possano essere impiegati scalarmente per dilatare il periodo di utilizzazione diretta al pascolo. Dai risultati è stato possibile individuare, a seconda delle località, alcune popolazione di Medicago polymorpha L., Trifolium subterraneum L. e Lotus sp. pl. che hanno permesso di anticipare il periodo di utilizzazione primaverile e prolungare quello autunnale. Su questa base sono stati ipotizzati esempi di catene di foraggiamento semplificate (a tre anelli). Per quanto concerne le specie annue autoriseminanti, esse sembrano poter svolgere un importante ruolo nella regolazione della distribuzione stagionale della produzione foraggera nelle due località caratterizzate da un clima più tipicamente mediterraneo (Grosseto e Sassari) mentre la produzione di seme è risultata più che soddisfacente per assicurare l'autorisemina in tutte e tre le località. During the period 1987-1989, the yield and the distribution of forage production of 32 ecotypes and varieties of annual and perennial forage Iegumes and grasses were evaluated. The origin of plant materials was CentraI Italy. The trial was carried out in three environments characterized by different Mediterranean subclimates (Perugia, Grosseto and Sassari). The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replicates. Specific ground cover was assessed in fall 1987, 1988 and 1989. Dry matter yield was assessed: monthly for annual legumes; at 50% of flowering and then monthly for perennial legumes; at early heading and then monthly for grasses. Seed yield of annual species was also recorded. Aim of the trial was to characterize plant materials that could be utilized subsequently in order to extend the period of direct utilization of herbage by grazing animals. It was possible depending on localities, to identify some populations of Medicago polymorpha L., Trifolium subterraneum L. and Lotus sp. pl.. that allowed to bring forward the spring utilization and to extend the autumn utilization. On the basis of the resu1ts obtained, it was possible to set up some simplified forage chains. Annual self reseeding species seemed to be more important to improve seasonal distribution of herbages in the typical Mediterranean locations (Sassari and Grosseto). Seed production was more than appreciable in order to allow self reseeding at the three locations
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