230 research outputs found

    Bifurcation of gap solitons through catastrophe theory

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    In the theory of optical gap solitons, slowly-moving finite-amplitude Lorentzian solutions are found to mediate the transition from bright to coexistent dark-antidark solitary wave pairs when the laser frequency is detuned out of the proper edge of a dynamical photonic bandgap. Catastrophe theory is applied to give a geometrical description of this strongly asymmetrical 'morphing' process.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Mechanism of wave breaking from a vacuum point in the defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation

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    We study the wave breaking mechanism for the weakly dispersive defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a constant phase dark initial datum that contains a vacuum point at the origin. We prove by means of the exact solution to the initial value problem that, in the dispersionless limit, the vacuum point is preserved by the dynamics until breaking occurs at a finite critical time. In particular, both Riemann invariants experience a simultaneous breaking at the origin. Although the initial vacuum point is no longer preserved in the presence of a finite dispersion, the critical behavior manifests itself through an abrupt transition occurring around the breaking time

    Resonant radiation shed by dispersive shock waves

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    We show that dispersive shock waves resulting from the nonlinearity overbalancing a weak leading-order dispersion can emit resonant radiation owing to higher-order dispersive contributions. We analyze such phenomenon for the defocusing nonlinear Schroedinger equation, giving criteria for calculating the radiated frequency based on the estimate of the shock velocity, revealing also a diversity of possible scenarios depending on the order and magnitude of the dispersive corrections

    Shocks in nonlocal media

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    We investigate the formation of collisionless shocks along the spatial profile of a gaussian laser beam propagating in nonlocal nonlinear media. For defocusing nonlinearity the shock survives the smoothing effect of the nonlocal response, though its dynamics is qualitatively affected by the latter, whereas for focusing nonlinearity it dominates over filamentation. The patterns observed in a thermal defocusing medium are interpreted in the framework of our theory.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Modulational instability in dispersion oscillating fiber ring cavities

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    We show that the use of a dispersion oscillating fiber in passive cavities significantly extend modulational instability to novel high-frequency bands, which also destabilize the branches of the steady response which are stable with homogeneous dispersion. By means of Floquet theory, we obtain exact explicit expression for the sideband gain, and a simple analytical estimate for the frequencies of maximum gain. Numerical simulations show that stable stationary trains of pulses can be excited in the cavity

    Parametric excitation of multiple resonant radiations from localized wavepackets

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    Fundamental physical phenomena such as laser-induced ionization, driven quantum tunneling, Faraday waves, Bogoliubov quasiparticle excitations, and the control of new states of matter rely on time-periodic driving of the system. A remarkable property of such driving is that it can induce the localized (bound) states to resonantly couple to the continuum. Therefore experiments that allow for enlightening and controlling the mechanisms underlying such coupling are of paramount importance. We implement such an experiment in a special fiber optics system characterized by a dispersion oscillating along the propagation coordinate, which mimics "time". The quasi-momentum associated with such periodic perturbation is responsible for the efficient coupling of energy from the localized wave-packets sustained by the fiber nonlinearity into free-running linear dispersive waves (continuum), at multiple resonant frequencies. Remarkably, the observed resonances can be explained by means of a unified approach, regardless of the fact that the localized state is a soliton-like pulse or a shock front

    Dispersive dam-break flow of a photon fluid

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    We investigate the temporal photonic analogue of the dam-break phenomenon for shallow water by exploiting a fiber optics setup. We clearly observe the decay of the step-like input (photonic dam) into a pair of oppositely propagating rarefaction wave and dispersive shock wave. Our results show evidence for a critical transition of the dispersive shock into a self-cavitating state. The detailed observation of the cavitating state dynamics allows for a fully quantitative test of the Whitham modulation theory applied to the universal defocusing nonlinear Schroedinger equation

    Competing Turing and Faraday instabilities in longitudinally modulated passive resonators

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    We experimentally investigate the interplay of Turing and Faraday (modulational) instabilities in a bistable passive nonlinear resonator. The Faraday branch is induced via parametric resonance owing to a periodic modulation of the resonator dispersion. We show that the bistable switching dynamics is dramatically affected by the competition between the two instability mechanisms, which dictates two completely novel scenarios. At low detunings from resonance switching occurs between the stable stationary lower branch and the Faraday-unstable upper branch, whereas at high detunings we observe the crossover between the Turing and Faraday periodic structures. The results are well explained in terms of the universal Lugiato-Lefever model

    A collective modulation instability of multiple four-wave mixing

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    We investigate the modulation instability of multiple four-wave mixing arising from a dual-frequency pump in a single-mode fiber or waveguide. By applying the Floquet theory on account of the periodic nature of four-wave mixing, we reveal a collective type of instability occurring in the anomalous dispersion regime. Our interpretation of the linear stability analysis is validated by the numerical solution of the nonlinear Schroedinger equationComment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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