34 research outputs found

    Compressive sampling for multispectral imaging in the vis-NIR-TIR: optical design of space telescopes

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    Micro-satellites equipped with multispectral payloads are now under development to acquire information on the radiation reflected and emitted from the earth in the vis-NIR-TIR bands. In this framework, we are studying different approaches based on the compressive sampling technique supported by innovative multispectral detectors, where the image sampling is performed on the telescope focal plane with a Digital Micromirror Device (DMD). We will describe in the paper the possibilities and the constraints given by the use of the DMD in the focal plane. The optical design of the telescope, relay system and detector in two different application cases will be provided

    A tripartite organelle platform links growth factor receptor signaling to mitochondrial metabolism

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    One open question in the biology of growth factor receptors is how a quantitative input (i.e., ligand concentration) is decoded by the cell to produce specific response(s). Here, we show that an EGFR endocytic mechanism, non-clathrin endocytosis (NCE), which is activated only at high ligand concentrations and targets receptor to degradation, requires a tripartite organelle platform involving the plasma membrane (PM), endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria. At these contact sites, EGFR-dependent, ER-generated Ca2+ oscillations are sensed by mitochondria, leading to increased metabolism and ATP production. Locally released ATP is required for cortical actin remodeling and EGFR-NCE vesicle fission. The same biochemical circuitry is also needed for an effector function of EGFR, i.e., collective motility. The multiorganelle signaling platform herein described mediates direct communication between EGFR signaling and mitochondrial metabolism, and is predicted to have a broad impact on cell physiology as it is activated by another growth factor receptor, HGFR/MET.Endocytic control of receptor signaling is emerging as more complex than mere signal attenuation. Here, authors describe an interorganelle platform formed during EGFR endocytosis that allows communication between EGFR and mitochondrial metabolism

    Non-lethal aging of tropical catch-and-release sport fishery species

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    Non-lethal methods for deriving age estimates from species of conservation significance or those supporting catch-and-release sport fisheries can assist in their sustainable management. In this study we tested if dorsal spines provide equivalent age estimates to otoliths for two species of large tropical snappers (Lutjanus goldiei and L. fuscescens, Lutjanidae) that support a catch-and-release sport fishery in remote parts of Papua New Guinea. Comparison of putative age estimates from sections taken at the base, mid and tip of the dorsal spine revealed that the base sections provided the most similar ages to otoliths, while mid and tip sections underestimated otolith age, especially for older individuals. Dorsal spine base-sections provided equivalent age estimates to otoliths for both species across the full range of ages examined (up to 17 for L. goldiei, and 14 for L. fuscescens). Like other lutjanids, these species show a wide range in length-at-age. This means that small fish are not necessarily young fish, and recruitment could potentially fail for more than a decade before anglers or guides notice a lack of smaller fish in their captures, by which time the opportunity to identify and reverse the cause of recruitment failure may have passed. Dorsal spines provide an effective and minimally-harmful means of monitoring population age structure to ensure ongoing recruitment to the fishery, and offer the opportunity for engagement of anglers, guides, and community members in the sustainable management of this fishery

    CD73 Regulates Stemness and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Ovarian Cancer-Initiating Cells

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    Summary: Cancer-initiating cells (CICs) have been implicated in tumor development and aggressiveness. In ovarian carcinoma (OC), CICs drive tumor formation, dissemination, and recurrence, as well as drug resistance, thus accounting for the high death-to-incidence ratio of this neoplasm. However, the molecular mechanisms that underlie such a pathogenic role of ovarian CICs (OCICs) remain elusive. Here, we have capitalized on primary cells either from OC or from its tissues of origin to obtain the transcriptomic profile associated with OCICs. Among the genes differentially expressed in OCICs, we focused on CD73, which encodes the membrane-associated 5′-ectonucleotidase. The genetic inactivation of CD73 in OC cells revealed that this molecule is causally involved in sphere formation and tumor initiation, thus emerging as a driver of OCIC function. Furthermore, functional inhibition of CD73 via either a chemical compound or a neutralizing antibody reduced sphere formation and tumorigenesis, highlighting the druggability of CD73 in the context of OCIC-directed therapies. The biological function of CD73 in OCICs required its enzymatic activity and involved adenosine signaling. Mechanistically, CD73 promotes the expression of stemness and epithelial-mesenchymal transition-associated genes, implying a regulation of OCIC function at the transcriptional level. CD73, therefore, is involved in OCIC biology and may represent a therapeutic target for innovative treatments aimed at OC eradication. : Cavallaro et al. characterized the transcriptome of OCIC-enriched primary cultures and found CD73 as an upregulated gene. CD73 was then shown to regulate the expression of stemness and EMT-associated genes. The expression and function of CD73 in OCICs is required for tumor initiation, and CD73-targeted drugs decrease the rate of tumor take and inhibit cancer growth. Keywords: CD73, ovarian cancer, cancer-initiating cells, cancer stem cells, EMT, adenosin

    A Molecular Thermometer for Nanoparticles for Optical Hyperthermia

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    We developed an all-optical method to measure the temperature on gold (nanorods and nanostars) and magnetite nanoparticles under near-infrared and radiofrequency excitation by monitoring the excited state lifetime of Rhodamine B that lies within congruent to 2.20 nm from the nanoparticle surface. We reached high temperature sensitivity (0.029 +/- 0.001 ns/degrees C) and low uncertainty (+/- 0.3 degrees C). Gold nanostars are congruent to 3 and congruent to 100 times more efficient than gold nanorods and magnetite nanoparticles in inducing localized hyperthermi

    Do People Avoid Morally Relevant Information? Evidence from the Refugee Crisis

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    Combining click data from a Swedish newspaper and administrative data on asylum seekers in Sweden, I examine whether a larger presence of refugees in a municipality induces people to avoid news that may encourage welcoming the newcomers. Exploiting the unexpected inflow of refugees to Sweden during 2015 and their exogenous allocation across Swedish municipalities, I find that people living in municipalities where the relative number of refugees has been larger read fewer articles about asylum seekers. I then identify articles that may raise feelings of compassion towards the refugees. The decrease in information acquisition is 36 larger for such empathic articles