271 research outputs found

    Stability of L∞L^\infty solutions for hyperbolic systems with coinciding shocks and rarefactions

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    We consider a hyperbolic system of conservation laws u_t + f(u)_x = 0 and u(0,\cdot) = u_0, where each characteristic field is either linearly degenerate or genuinely nonlinear. Under the assumption of coinciding shock and rarefaction curves and the existence of a set of Riemann coordinates ww, we prove that there exists a semigroup of solutions u(t)=Stu0u(t) = \mathcal{S}_t u_0, defined on initial data u0∈L∞u_0 \in L^\infty. The semigroup S\mathcal{S} is continuous w.r.t. time and the initial data u0u_0 in the Lloc1L^1_{\text{loc}} topology. Moreover S\mathcal{S} is unique and its trajectories are obtained as limits of wave front tracking approximations.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figure

    Motif counting beyond five nodes

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    Counting graphlets is a well-studied problem in graph mining and social network analysis. Recently, several papers explored very simple and natural algorithms based on Monte Carlo sampling of Markov Chains (MC), and reported encouraging results. We show, perhaps surprisingly, that such algorithms are outperformed by color coding (CC) [2], a sophisticated algorithmic technique that we extend to the case of graphlet sampling and for which we prove strong statistical guarantees. Our computational experiments on graphs with millions of nodes show CC to be more accurate than MC; furthermore, we formally show that the mixing time of the MC approach is too high in general, even when the input graph has high conductance. All this comes at a price however. While MC is very efficient in terms of space, CC’s memory requirements become demanding when the size of the input graph and that of the graphlets grow. And yet, our experiments show that CC can push the limits of the state-of-the-art, both in terms of the size of the input graph and of that of the graphlets

    The Limits of Popularity-Based Recommendations, and the Role of Social Ties

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    In this paper we introduce a mathematical model that captures some of the salient features of recommender systems that are based on popularity and that try to exploit social ties among the users. We show that, under very general conditions, the market always converges to a steady state, for which we are able to give an explicit form. Thanks to this we can tell rather precisely how much a market is altered by a recommendation system, and determine the power of users to influence others. Our theoretical results are complemented by experiments with real world social networks showing that social graphs prevent large market distortions in spite of the presence of highly influential users.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, KDD 201

    Numerical Investigations on the Instability of Boulders Impacted by Experimental Coastal Flows

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    Coastal boulders transported inland by marine hazards, such as tsunamis and storms, are commonly found worldwide. Studies on the transport process of coastal boulders contribute to the understanding of a wide range of phenomena such as high-energy flow events, fluid-structure interaction, and coastal sediments. Consequently, it is crucial to understand how boulders move, but even more important to determine the instability condition for boulder transport. The hydrodynamic formulas including drag and lift coefficients are widely used to predict the incipient motion of boulders while few studies are conducted to evaluate the capability of these formulas. Recently, a series of laboratory experiments carried out at the Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory (Italian acronym LIDR) of the University of Bologna, Italy, revealed that boulders can start moving when the flow height and flow velocity are lower than the theoretical threshold computed by hydraulic formulas. In this paper, we use a numerical shallow water model to reproduce these freely available laboratory data with the aim of testing the capability of the model in capturing the main evolution of the process, and of casting new light on the instability condition of coastal boulders

    Optimal Solutions for a Class of Set-Valued Evolution Problems

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    The paper is concerned with a class of optimization problems for moving sets t↦Ω(t)⊂R2t\mapsto\Omega(t)\subset\mathbb{R}^2, motivated by the control of invasive biological populations. Assuming that the initial contaminated set Ω0\Omega_0 is convex, we prove that a strategy is optimal if an only if at each given time t∈[0,T]t\in [0,T] the control is active along the portion of the boundary ∂Ω(t)\partial \Omega(t) where the curvature is maximal. In particular, this implies that Ω(t)\Omega(t) is convex for all t≥0t\geq 0. The proof relies on the analysis of a one-step constrained optimization problem, obtained by a time discretization.Comment: 41 pages, 18 figure

    SBV Regularity for Genuinely Nonlinear, Strictly Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws in one space dimension

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    We prove that if t↦u(t)∈BV(R)t \mapsto u(t) \in \mathrm {BV}(\R) is the entropy solution to a N×NN \times N strictly hyperbolic system of conservation laws with genuinely nonlinear characteristic fields ut+f(u)x=0, u_t + f(u)_x = 0, then up to a countable set of times {tn}n∈N\{t_n\}_{n \in \mathbb N} the function u(t)u(t) is in SBV\mathrm {SBV}, i.e. its distributional derivative uxu_x is a measure with no Cantorian part. The proof is based on the decomposition of ux(t)u_x(t) into waves belonging to the characteristic families u(t)=∑i=1Nvi(t)r~i(t),vi(t)∈M(R), r~i(t)∈RN, u(t) = \sum_{i=1}^N v_i(t) \tilde r_i(t), \quad v_i(t) \in \mathcal M(\R), \ \tilde r_i(t) \in \mathrm R^N, and the balance of the continuous/jump part of the measures viv_i in regions bounded by characteristics. To this aim, a new interaction measure \mu_{i,\jump} is introduced, controlling the creation of atoms in the measure vi(t)v_i(t). The main argument of the proof is that for all tt where the Cantorian part of viv_i is not 0, either the Glimm functional has a downward jump, or there is a cancellation of waves or the measure μi,jump\mu_{i,\mathrm{jump}} is positive

    Discovery of two distinct red clumps in NGC419: a rare snapshot of a cluster at the onset of degeneracy

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    Colour-magnitude diagrams (CMD) of the SMC star cluster NGC419, derived from HST/ACS data, reveal a well-delineated secondary clump located below the classical compact red clump typical of intermediate-age populations. We demonstrate that this feature belongs to the cluster itself, rather than to the underlying SMC field. Then, we use synthetic CMDs to show that it corresponds very well to the secondary clump predicted to appear as a result of He-ignition in stars just massive enough to avoid electron-degeneracy settling in their H-exhausted cores. The main red clump instead is made of the slightly less massive stars which passed through electron-degeneracy and ignited He at the tip of the RGB. In other words, NGC419 is the rare snapshot of a cluster while undergoing the fast transition from classical to degenerate H-exhausted cores. At this particular moment of a cluster's life, the colour distance between the main sequence turn-off and the red clump(s) depends sensitively on the amount of convective core overshooting, Lambda_c. By coupling measurements of this colour separation with fits to the red clump morphology, we are able to estimate simultaneously the cluster mean age (1.35(-0.04,+0.11) Gyr) and overshooting efficiency (Lambda_c=0.47(-0.04,+0.14)). Therefore, clusters like NGC419 may constitute important marks in the age scale of intermediate-age populations. After eye inspection of other CMDs derived from HST/ACS data, we suggest that the same secondary clump may also be present in the LMC clusters NGC1751, 1783, 1806, 1846, 1852, and 1917.Comment: To appear in MNRAS Letters (www.blackwell-synergy.com). Better printed in colou
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