9 research outputs found

    A Lower Temperature FDM 3D Printing for the Manufacture of Patient-Specific Immediate Release Tablets

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    Purpose. The fabrication of a ready-to-use immediate release tablets via 3D printing provides a powerful tool to on-demand individualization of dosage form. This work aims to adapt a widely used pharmaceutical grade polymer, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), for instant on-demand production of immediate release tablets via FDM 3D printing. Methods. Dipyridamole or theophylline loaded filaments were produced via processing a physical mixture of API (10%) and PVP in the presence of plasticizer through hot-melt extrusion (HME). Computer software was utilized to design a caplet-shaped tablet. The surface morphology of the printed tablet was assessed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The physical form of drug and its integrity following an FDM 3D printing were assessed using x-ray powder diffractometry (XRPD), thermal analysis and HPLC. In vitro drug release studies for all 3D printed tablets were conducted in a USP II dissolution apparatus. Results. Bridging 3D printing process with HME in the presence of a thermostable filler, talc, enabled the fabrication immediate release tablets at temperatures as low as 110oC. The integrity of two models drugs was maintained following HME and FDM 3D printing. XRPD indicated that a portion of the loaded theophylline remained crystalline in the tablet. The fabricated tablets demonstrated excellent mechanical properties, acceptable in-batch variability and an immediate in vitro release pattern. Conclusions. Combining the advantages of PVP as an impeding polymer with FDM 3D printing at low temperatures, this approach holds a potential in expanding the spectrum of drugs that could be used in FDM 3D printing for on demand manufacturing of individualised dosage forms

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of programs activating the unemployed in the Stalowa Wola district

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    Tematem niniejszej pracy dyplomowej jest ocena skuteczności zatrudnieniowej i kosztowej programów aktywizujących bezrobotnych w powiecie stalowowolskim. Rozdział pierwszy zawiera teoretyczny zarys przedmiotu pracy, w którym wprowadzono i wyjaśniono kluczowe pojęcia, teorie, polityki dla zrozumienia dalszych rozważań.W rozdziale drugim przedstawiono literaturę przedmiotu, a więc analizę ekspertów nad skutecznością programów aktywizujących bezrobotnych. W ostatnim rozdziale zamieszczono badania, polegające na analizie danych zastanych, uzyskanych od Powiatowego Urzędu Pracy w Stalowej Woli. Na końcu pracy znajdują się wnioski, w których odpowiedziano na pytanie badawcze: Czy programy aktywizujące bezrobotnych były skuteczne?W odpowiedzi zaznaczono, iż skuteczność zatrudnieniowa i kosztowa bezrobotnych ze stalowowolskiego powiatu, w roku 2020 była zadowalająca. Na ten wynik składa się wiele czynników, m. in. okres trwania pandemii Covid-19, a także niewykorzystanie wszystkich, możliwych narzędzi aktywizujących.The subject of this thesis is an assessment of employment effectiveness and cost - effective programs in the stalowolski district. The first chapter contains a theoretical outline of the subject of the dissertation which introduces and explains the key concepts, theories and policies in order to facilitate understanding further considerations. The second chapter presents the literature of the subject, i.e. the analysis of experts on the effectiveness of the programs activating the unemployed. The last chapter publishes research, based on the analysis of existing studies obtained from the District Labour Office in Stalowa Wola. At the end of the work there are conclusions which answers the research question: Were the activation programs for the unemployed effective? In response, it point out the fact that the employment and cost effectiveness of the unemployed from the stalowolski district, in 2020 was satisfactory. This conclusion is underpinned by many factors. For instance, the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as insufficient use of all possible activation tools

    Characteristics of Pruritus in Various Clinical Variants of Psoriasis: Results of the Multinational, Multicenter, Cross-Sectional Study

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    Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory skin disease present in about 3% of the world’s population. The clinical symptoms manifest diversely, therefore one can distinguish several subtypes of psoriasis. The majority of patients with psoriasis experience pruritus, which is an unpleasant sensation that decreases patients’ quality of life. The knowledge on pruritus in different subtypes of psoriasis is limited. We have performed a cross-sectional, prospective, and multicenter study to evaluate the relationship between clinical subtypes of psoriasis (large-plaque, nummular, guttate, palmoplantar, inverse, erythrodermic, palmoplantar pustular, generalized pustular psoriasis, and psoriasis of the scalp) and the prevalence, intensity, and clinical manifestation of itch. We introduced a questionnaire assessing various aspects of pruritus to a total of 254 patients. Out of these, 42 were excluded. Pruritus was present in 92.9% of the remaining patients and its prevalence did not depend on the clinical subtype. A correlation between the severity of psoriasis and the intensity of itch was explicitly noticeable in palmoplantar pustular psoriasis and scalp psoriasis (p < 0.05). The itch sensation was individual and differed among subtypes of psoriasis. In conclusion, pruritus is a frequent phenomenon, and its presentation is different in various subtypes of psoriasis