13 research outputs found

    Spatial diversity of planktonic protists in the Lagoon of Venice (LTER-Italy) based on 18S rDNA

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    Transitional waters are subject to a high degree of variability in space and time. In this study, protist plankton communities of the Lagoon of Venice were compared among four sites characterised by different environmental conditions with a metabarcoding approach. High throughput sequencing (HTS) of the V4-18S rDNA fragment in 32 samples collected on four dates, from April 2016 to February 2017, produced 1,137,113 reads, which were grouped into 4,058 OTUs at 97% similarity. Bacillariophyta and Ciliophora were the most abundant groups in the entire dataset in terms of read number (27.6% and 16.6%, respectively), followed by Dinophyta (10.9%), Cryptophyceae (9.7%), and Syndiniales (6.1%). The contribution of protist groups markedly varied across the seasons, but spatial differences were also recorded in the lagoon. In April, a higher contribution of Bacillariophyta characterized St1 and 5 (68.0% and 61.1%), whereas Sts2 and 3 showed a higher percentage of Ciliophora (18.6 and 23.4%, respectively) and dinoflagellates (10.3 and 7.7%). In July, diatom blooms occurred at Sts1, 2 and 3, with some differences in the dominant species. At St2 Dinophyta reached the highest contribution of the whole sampling period in the area (30.6%), while St5 was quite distinct, with a low contribution of diatoms and a dominance of Ciliophora (34.0%) and Trebouxiophyceae (36.4%). All the stations in November were characterized by relatively high abundance of Ciliophora (21.4-51.9%). In February, diatom contribution was relevant only at St5 (29.3%), Teleaulax acuta peaked at St3 (ca. 36%), Syndiniales at St2 (38.8%) and Dictyochophyceae at St1 (24.2%). The α-diversity indexes (observed OTUs, Shannon and Pielou evenness) showed a high variability over space and time. Overall, diversity and community composition were rather similar between the intermediate and deeper Sts2 and 3 on all sampling dates whereas they at time differed between the landward and shallow Sts1 and 5. While the most marked differences occurred over the temporal scale, the depth of the station and the relatedness with the external marine coastal environment appear to play a major role in the spatial distribution of protist communities within the lagoon

    Dinoflagellate resting cysts from surface sediments of the Adriatic Ports: distribution and potential spreading patterns

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    The ability of microalgae to preserve viable in coastal sediments as resting forms provides a reservoir of biodiversity and a useful tool to determine species spreadings. This study represents the first port baseline survey on dinoflagellate cysts, investigated in nine Adriatic ports during a cross border project. 40 dinoflagellate taxa were detected. The assemblages resulted in all ports dominated by Lingulodinium polyedra and Alexandrium minutum/affine/tamutum group. General separation to the western and eastern side of the Adriatic regarding cysts assemblage composition, partially abundance, was observed. Seven taxa were detected as non-indigenous species for the Adriatic. Two taxa are included in the list of harmful aquatic organisms, indicating the potential threat of ballast waters in the Adriatic. Potential spreading of taxa by general circulation and ballast waters, intra- and extra-Adriatic was investigated. The entering in to force of the ballast waters management regulations should enhance prospects to minimize future harmful impacts

    Phytoplankton Dynamics and Water Quality in the Venice Lagoon

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    We analyzed the phytoplankton abundance and community structure monthly over a 20-year period (1998–2017) at five stations in the Venice lagoon (VL), one of the sites belonging to the Long-Term Ecological Research network of Italy (LTER-Italy). We focused on phytoplankton seasonal patterns, inter-annual variability and long-term trends in relation to water quality. Diatoms numerically dominated (ca. 60% on average), followed by nanoflagellates (37%), while coccolithophorids and dinoflagellates contributed less than 2%. We observed distinct seasonal and inter-annual changes in the abundance and floristic composition of the phytoplankton groups, whilst no clear long-term trend was statistically significant. We also assessed the water quality changes, applying to our dataset the multimetric phytoplankton index (MPI), recently officially adopted by Italy to accomplish the water framework directive (WFD) requirements. The index evidenced a temporal improvement of the water quality from “moderate” to “good” and allowed us to confirm its reliability to address the changes in the water quality, not only spatially—as previously known—but also for following the yearly time trends. Overall, our results highlight the importance of long-term observations, for understanding the variability in the phytoplankton communities of the lagoon as well as the relevance of their use to test and apply synthetic descriptors of water quality, in compliance with the environmental directives

    Isolated erythrocytosis: study of 67 patients and identification of three novel germ-line mutations in the prolyl hydroxylase domain protein 2 (PHD2) gene

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    The oxygen sensing pathway modulates erythropoietin expression. In normal cells, intracellular oxygen tensions are directly sensed by prolyl hydroxylase domain (PHD)-containing proteins. PHD2 isozyme has a key role in tagging hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-α subunits for polyubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. Erythrocytosis-associated PHD2 mutations reduce hydroxylation of HIF-α. The investigation of 67 patients with isolated erythrocytosis, either sporadic or familial, allowed the identification of three novel mutations in the catalytic domain of the PHD2 protein. All new mutations are germ-line, heterozygous and missense, and code for a predicted full length mutant PHD2 protein. Identification of the disease-causing genes will be of critical importance for a better classification of familial and acquired erythrocytosis, offering additional insight into the erythropoietin regulating oxygen sensing pathway

    Validazione multicentrica di uno strumento di valutazione delle attivita' di tirocinio (SVAT) degli studenti infermieri

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    Obiettivo: obiettivo di questo studio multicentrico è di validare le caratteristiche psicometriche della Scheda di Valutazione delle Attivití  di Tirocinio (SVAT). Metodo: Al processo di validazione hanno partecipato i Corsi di Laurea in Infermieristica dell'Universití  degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, sede di Reggio Emilia, dell'Universití  di Bologna Sezioni Formative BO1, Imola e sezione di Cesena, dell'Universití  degli studi di Ferrara sedi formative di Ferrara e di Codigoro. Per la validazione di contenuto si è scelto di utilizzare il metodo Reactive Delphi. Per effettuare la validití  di facciata, il panel di esperti ha espresso un giudizio qualitativo-intuitivo sull'adeguatezza del linguaggio e del materiale stimolo (SVAT). Per l'affidabilití  della consistenza interna è stata calcolata la misura statistica alpha di Cronbach. Per la stabilití  nel tempo è stata utilizzata la metodologia del test-retest. Risultati: tutti gli indicatori della SVAT hanno ottenuto un livello di consenso uguale o superiore all'80% dimostrando la sua validití  di contenuto. La validití  di facciata è dimostrata da un punteggio medio pari o superiore a 7 ottenuto da tutti gli indicatori. L'affidabilití  della consistenza interna della SVAT è stata calcolata attraverso l'alpha di Cronbach che è risultata essere per l'intero strumento 0.987. L'affidabilití  della stabilití  è stata calcolata attraverso il coefficiente di correlazione espresso attraverso la r di Pearson che è risultata essere di 0.983 (p = 1.3E-198).Discussione: in Italia non esiste uno strumento che possa identificarsi quale "gold standard" al fine di valutare la performance clinica degli studenti infermieri durante e al termine del loro tirocinio clinico. La SVAT, oltre a dimostrarsi uno strumento valido e affidabile, potrebbe contribuire a stimolare il confronto e la discussione tra i formatori infermieri affinché, anche nel nostro Paese, possano svilupparsi e affinarsi strumenti che supportano l'accertamento delle competenze cliniche degli studenti infermieri. Parole Chiave: studenti infermieri – tirocinio clinico – accertamento competenzeMulticenter validation of an evaluation tool for clinical training activities (SVAT) of the nursing studentsObjective: To evaluate the psychometric characteristics of the Scheda di Valutazione delle Attivití  di Tirocinio (SVAT). Method: The degree courses in Nursing of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, site of Reggio Emilia, the University of Bologna Formative Section BO1, Imola and training center of Cesena, the University of Ferrara training centers of Ferrara and Codigoro were all enrolled in the research. For the content validation the reactive Delphi method was chosen. The panel of experts expressed a qualitative-intuitive judgment on the adequacy of language and on the stimulus material (SVAT). For internal consistency Cronbach's alpha was calculated the. The test-retest method was used for the reliability of stability Results: all indicators of the SVAT have achieved a degree of consensus not less than 80% demonstrating its content validity. The face validity is demonstrated by an average score equal to or greater than 7 obtained by all indicators. The reliability of internal consistency of the SVAT was appraised by Cronbach's alpha that was 0.987 for the entire instrument. The reliability of the stability has been calculated through the correlation's coefficient expressed by Pearson's r that was 0.983 (p = 1.3E-198).Discussion: in Italy there is no a "gold standard" tool to evaluate the clinical performance of nursing students during and at the end of their clinical training. The SVAT proves to be a valuable and reliable tool it furthermore could stimulate the discussion and the debate among educators and nurses, so that also in our country, it may be possible develop and refine tools that support the evaluation of clinical skills of nursing students.Keywords: nursing students – preceptorship - educational measuremen

    Validazione multicentrica di uno strumento di valutazione delle attività’ di tirocinio (SVAT) degli studenti infermieri

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    OBIETTIVO: obiettivo di questo studio multicentrico è di validare le caratteristiche psicometriche della Scheda di Valutazione delle Attività di Tirocinio (SVAT). METODO: Al processo di validazione hanno partecipato i Corsi di Laurea in Infermieristica dell’Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, sede di Reggio Emilia, dell’Università di Bologna Sezioni Formative BO1, Imola e sezione di Cesena, dell’Università degli studi di Ferrara sedi formative di Ferrara e di Codigoro. Per la validazione di contenuto si è scelto di utilizzare il metodo Reactive Delphi. Per effettuare la validità di facciata, il panel di esperti ha espresso un giudizio qualitativo-intuitivo sull'adeguatezza del linguaggio e del materiale stimolo (SVAT). Per l’affidabilità della consistenza interna è stata calcolata la misura statistica alpha di Cronbach. Per la stabilità nel tempo è stata utilizzata la metodologia del test-retest. RISULTATI: tutti gli indicatori della SVAT hanno ottenuto un livello di consenso uguale o superiore all’80% dimostrando la sua validità di contenuto. La validità di facciata è dimostrata da un punteggio medio pari o superiore a 7 ottenuto da tutti gli indicatori. L’affidabilità della consistenza interna della SVAT è stata calcolata attraverso l’alpha di Cronbach che è risultata essere per l’intero strumento 0.987. L’affidabilità della stabilità è stata calcolata attraverso il coefficiente di correlazione espresso attraverso la r di Pearson che è risultata essere di 0.983 (p = 1.3E-198). DISCUSSIONE: in Italia non esiste uno strumento che possa identificarsi quale “gold standard” al fine di valutare la performance clinica degli studenti infermieri durante e al termine del loro tirocinio clinico. La SVAT, oltre a dimostrarsi uno strumento valido e affidabile, potrebbe contribuire a stimolare il confronto e la discussione tra i formatori infermieri affinché, anche nel nostro Paese, possano svilupparsi e affinarsi strumenti che supportano l’accertamento delle competenze cliniche degli studenti infermieri.Objective: the objective of this multicenter study was to evaluate the psychometric characteristics of the Scheda di Valutazione delle Attività di Tirocinio (SVAT). Method: at the validation process was attended by the degree courses in Nursing of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, site of Reggio Emilia, the University of Bologna Formative Section BO1, Imola and training center of Cesena, the University of Ferrara training centers of Ferrara and Codigoro. For the content validation has been chose the reactive Delphi method . To get the face validity, the panel of experts has expressed a qualitative-intuitive judgment on the adequacy of language and on the stimulus material (SVAT). For the validity of internal consistency it was calculated the Cronbach’s alpha. For the reliability of stability it was used the test-retest method. Results: all indicators of the SVAT have achieved a degree of consensus not less than 80% demonstrating its content validity. The face validity is demonstrated by an average score equal to or greater than 7 obtained by all indicators. The reliability of internal consistency of the SVAT was calculated through Cronbach's alpha that was 0.987 for the entire instrument. The reliability of the stability has been calculated through the correlation’s coefficient expressed by Pearson's r that was 0.983 (p = 1.3E-198). Discussion: in Italy there is no a tool that can be identified as a "gold standard" in order to evaluate the clinical performance of nursing students during and at the end of their clinical training. The SVAT, as well as prove to be a valuable and reliable tool, could stimulate the discussion and the debate among educators and nurses, so that also in our country, it may be possible develop and refine tools that support the evaluation of clinical skills of nursing students

    A genetic variant of NLRP1 gene is associated with asbestos body burden in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma.

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    The presence of asbestos bodies (ABs) in lung parenchyma is considered a histopathologic hallmark of past exposure to asbestos fibers, of which there was a population of longer fibers. The mechanisms underlying AB formation are complex, involving inflammatory responses and iron (Fe) metabolism. Thus, the responsiveness to AB formation is variable, with some individuals appearing to be poor AB formers. The aim of this study was to disclose the possible role of genetic variants of genes encoding inflammasome and iron metabolism proteins in the ability to form ABs in a population of 81 individuals from North East Italy, who died after having developed malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). This study included 86 genetic variants distributed in 10 genes involved in Fe metabolism and 7 genetic variants in two genes encoding for inflammasome molecules. Genotypes/haplotypes were compared according to the number of lung ABs. Data showed that the NLRP1 rs12150220 missense variant (H155L) was significantly correlated with numbers of ABs in MPM patients. Specifically, a low number of ABs was detected in individuals carrying the NLRP1 rs12150220 A/T genotype. Our findings suggest that the NLRP1 inflammasome might contribute in the development of lung ABs. It is postulated that the NLRP1 missense variant may be considered as one of the possible host genetic factors contributing to individual variability in coating efficiency, which needs to be taken when assessing occupational exposure to asbestos

    Dinoflagellate resting cysts from surface sediments of the Adriatic Ports: Distribution and potential spreading patterns

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    The ability of microalgae to preserve viable in coastal sediments as resting forms provides a reservoir of biodiversity and a useful tool to determine species spreadings. This study represents the first port baseline survey on dinoflagellate cysts, investigated in nine Adriatic ports during a cross border project. 40 dinoflagellate taxa were detected. The assemblages resulted in all ports dominated by Lingulodinium polyedra and Alexandrium minutum/ affine/tamutum group. General separation to the western and eastern side of the Adriatic regarding cysts assemblage composition, partially abundance, was observed. Six taxa were detected as non-indigenous species for the Adriatic. Two taxa are included in the list of harmful aquatic organisms, indicating the potential threat of ballast waters in the Adriatic. Potential spreading of taxa by general circulation and ballast waters, intra- and extra-Adriatic was investigated. The entering in to force of the ballast waters management regulations should enhance prospects to minimize future harmful impacts