67 research outputs found

    Allelotyping of pooled DNA with 250 K SNP microarrays

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    BACKGROUND: Genotyping technologies for whole genome association studies are now available. To perform such studies to an affordable price, pooled DNA can be used. Recent studies have shown that GeneChip Human Mapping 10 K and 50 K arrays are suitable for the estimation of the allele frequency in pooled DNA. In the present study, we tested the accuracy of the 250 K Nsp array, which is part of the 500 K array set representing 500,568 SNPs. Furthermore, we compared different algorithms to estimate allele frequencies of pooled DNA. RESULTS: We could confirm that the polynomial based probe specific correction (PPC) was the most accurate method for allele frequency estimation. However, a simple k-correction, using the relative allele signal (RAS) of heterozygous individuals, performed only slightly worse and provided results for more SNPs. Using four replicates of the 250 K array and the k-correction using heterozygous RAS values, we obtained results for 104.141 SNPs. The correlation between estimated and real allele frequency was 0.983 and the average error was 0.046, which was comparable to the results obtained with the 10 K array. Furthermore, we could show how the estimation accuracy depended on the SNP type (average error for A/T SNPs: 0.043 and for G/C SNPs: 0.052). CONCLUSION: The combination of DNA pooling and analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on high density microarrays is a promising tool for whole genome association studies

    Structure and ion dynamics of mechanosynthesized oxides and fluorides

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    In many cases, limitations in conventional synthesis routes hamper the accessibility to materials with properties that have been predicted by theory. For instance, metastable compounds with local non-equilibrium structures can hardly be accessed by solid-state preparation techniques often requiring high synthesis temperatures. Also other ways of preparation lead to the thermodynamically stable rather than metastable products. Fortunately, such hurdles can be overcome by mechanochemical synthesis. Mechanical treatment of two or three starting materials in high-energy ball mills enables the synthesis of not only new, metastable compounds but also of nanocrystalline materials with unusual or enhanced properties such as ion transport. In this short review we report about local structures and ion transport of oxides and fluorides mechanochemically prepared by high-energy ball-milling

    Negative feedback buffers effects of regulatory variants

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    Mechanisms conferring robustness against regulatory variants have been controversial. Previous studies suggested widespread buffering of RNA misexpression on protein levels during translation. We do not find evidence that translational buffering is common. Instead, we find extensive buffering at the level of RNA expression, exerted through negative feedback regulation acting in trans, which reduces the effect of regulatory variants on gene expression. Our approach is based on a novel experimental design in which allelic differential expression in a yeast hybrid strain is compared to allelic differential expression in a pool of its spores. Allelic differential expression in the hybrid is due to cis-regulatory differences only. Instead, in the pool of spores allelic differential expression is not only due to cis-regulatory differences but also due to local trans effects that include negative feedback. We found that buffering through such local trans regulation is widespread, typically compensating for about 15% of cis-regulatory effects on individual genes. Negative feedback is stronger not only for essential genes, indicating its functional relevance, but also for genes with low to middle levels of expression, for which tight regulation matters most. We suggest that negative feedback is one mechanism of Waddington's canalization, facilitating the accumulation of genetic variants that might give selective advantage in different environments

    Negative feedback buffers effects of regulatory variants

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    Mechanisms conferring robustness against regulatory variants have been controversial. Previous studies suggested widespread buffering of RNA misexpression on protein levels during translation. We do not find evidence that translational buffering is common. Instead, we find extensive buffering at the level of RNA expression, exerted through negative feedback regulation acting in trans, which reduces the effect of regulatory variants on gene expression. Our approach is based on a novel experimental design in which allelic differential expression in a yeast hybrid strain is compared to allelic differential expression in a pool of its spores. Allelic differential expression in the hybrid is due to cis-regulatory differences only. Instead, in the pool of spores allelic differential expression is not only due to cis-regulatory differences but also due to local trans effects that include negative feedback. We found that buffering through such local trans regulation is widespread, typically compensating for about 15% of cis-regulatory effects on individual genes. Negative feedback is stronger not only for essential genes, indicating its functional relevance, but also for genes with low to middle levels of expression, for which tight regulation matters most. We suggest that negative feedback is one mechanism of Waddington's canalization, facilitating the accumulation of genetic variants that might give selective advantage in different environments

    Structure and dynamics of the fast lithium ion conductor "li 7La3Zr2O12"

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    The solid lithium-ion electrolyte "Li7La3Zr 2O12" (LLZO) with a garnet-type structure has been prepared in the cubic and tetragonal modification following conventional ceramic syntheses routes. Without aluminium doping tetragonal LLZO was obtained, which shows a two orders of magnitude lower room temperature conductivity than the cubic modification. Small concentrations of Al in the order of 1 wt% were sufficient to stabilize the cubic phase, which is known as a fast lithium-ion conductor. The structure and ion dynamics of Al-doped cubic LLZO were studied by impedance spectroscopy, dc conductivity measurements, 6Li and 7Li NMR, XRD, neutron powder diffraction, and TEM precession electron diffraction. From the results we conclude that aluminium is incorporated in the garnet lattice on the tetrahedral 24d Li site, thus stabilizing the cubic LLZO modification. Simulations based on diffraction data show that even at the low temperature of 4 K the Li ions are blurred over various crystallographic sites. This strong Li ion disorder in cubic Al-stabilized LLZO contributes to the high conductivity observed. The Li jump rates and the activation energy probed by NMR are in very good agreement with the transport parameters obtained from electrical conductivity measurements. The activation energy Ea characterizing long-range ion transport in the Al-stabilized cubic LLZO amounts to 0.34 eV. Total electric conductivities determined by ac impedance and a four point dc technique also agree very well and range from 1 × 10-4 Scm-1 to 4 × 10-4 Scm-1 depending on the Al content of the samples. The room temperature conductivity of Al-free tetragonal LLZO is about two orders of magnitude lower (2 × 10 -6 Scm-1, Ea = 0.49 eV activation energy). The electronic partial conductivity of cubic LLZO was measured using the Hebb-Wagner polarization technique. The electronic transference number te- is of the order of 10-7. Thus, cubic LLZO is an almost exclusive lithium ion conductor at ambient temperature. © the Owner Societies 2011

    Singlet oxygen generation as a major cause for parasitic reactions during cycling of aprotic lithium-oxygen batteries

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    Non-aqueous metal–oxygen batteries depend critically on the reversible formation/decomposition of metal oxides on cycling. Irreversible parasitic reactions cause poor rechargeability, efficiency, and cycle life, and have predominantly been ascribed to the reactivity of reduced oxygen species with cell components. These species, however, cannot fully explain the side reactions. Herewe showthat singlet oxygen forms at the cathode of a lithium–oxygen cell during discharge and from the onset of charge, and accounts for the majority of parasitic reaction products. The amount increases during discharge, early stages of charge, and charging at higher voltages, and is enhanced by the presence of tracewater. Superoxide and peroxide appear to be involved in singlet oxygen generation. Singlet oxygen traps and quenchers can reduce parasitic reactions effectively. Awareness of the highly reactive singlet oxygen in non-aqueous metal–oxygen batteries gives a rationale for future research towards achieving highly reversible cell operation

    Development of oxetane modified building blocks for peptide synthesis

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    The synthesis and use of oxetane modified dipeptide building blocks in solution and solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) is reported. The preparation of building blocks containing non-glycine residues at the N-terminus in a stereochemically controlled manner is challenging. Here, a practical 4-step route to such building blocks is demonstrated, through the synthesis of dipeptides containing contiguous alanine residues. The incorporation of these new derivatives at specific sites along the backbone of an alanine-rich peptide sequence containing eighteen amino acids is demonstrated via solid-phase peptide synthesis. Additionally, new methods to enable the incorporation of all 20 of the proteinogenic amino acids into such dipeptide building blocks are reported through modifications of the synthetic route (for Cys and Met) and by changes to the protecting group strategy (for His, Ser and Thr)
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