166 research outputs found

    Analysis of Financial Time Series in Frequency Domain Using Neural Networks

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    Developing new methods for forecasting of time series and application of existing techniques in different areas represents a permanent concern for both researchers and companies that are interested to gain competitive advantages. Financial market analysis is an important thing for investors who invest money on the market and want some kind of security in multiplying their investment. Between the existing techniques, artificial neural networks have proven to be very good in predicting financial market performance. In this chapter, for time series analysis and forecasting of specific values, nonlinear autoregressive exogenous (NARX) neural network is used. As an input to the network, both data in time domain and those in the frequency domain obtained using the Fourier transform are used. After the experiment was performed, the results were compared to determine the potentially best time series for predicting, as well as the convenience of the domain in which better results are obtained

    Software Defined Networking Topology Service

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    Project Specification Through the openlab collaboration with Brocade, CERN is investigating the potential of Software Defined Networking (SDN) [1] for improving the programmability and agility of its network services. The underlying network topology (physical and logical) information is a key prerequisite for providing flexible and resilient SDN-enabled network services. The aim of the project is to investigate the network topology services offered by the OpenDaylight [2] controller and to implement a software module for fetching and tracking network topology information in real-time. Abstract Traditional networks, while using stable and proven technology, don’t always provide enough agility for modern computing environments. Software Defined Networking is a new paradigm meant to improve this shortcoming, decoupling the control plane (the logic deciding about where traffic is sent) from the data plane (the network devices that forward traffic to the intended destination). The openlab collaboration with Brocade gives CERN the opportunity to experiment and investigate the potential of the SDN technology for improving its network services. To take the correct decisions, the control plane logic (also denoted as SDN controller) must be aware of the paths that are available in the network. The outcome of the project is a good understanding of the topology services offered by the OpenDaylight controller and their reactivity to network changes, complemented by a software module that maintains an up to date network topology graph. This graph can then be used by higher level SDN applications (such as Brocade’s BFO) to make optimal routing decisions


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    Istraživanja su vršena u leto i jesen 2014. godine na akumulaciji Međuvršje na tri lokaliteta: brana, Vidovski tunel i Zagrađe. Multiparametarska sonda (YSI 6600 V2) korišćena je za merenje temperature, koncentracije rastvorenog kiseonika, pH, totalno rastvorenih čestica, konduktiviteta i koncentracije hlorofila-a od površine do 10m dubine, sa intervalom od 1m. U obe sezone, najveće variranje temperature, koncentracije rastvorenog kiseonika, konduktiviteta i totalno rastvorenih čestica zabeleženo je kod brane. Na svim lokalitetima su tokom leta zabeležene više vrednosti temperature, konduktiviteta i koncentracija hlorofila-a u poređenju sa jesenjom sezonom. Zabeležene su niže vrednosti koncentracija rastvorenog kiseonika i pH u letnjoj sezoni.This study was conducted in the summer and autumn of 2014 at Međuvrsje at three locations: dam, Vidovski tunnel, and Zagrađe. A multiparameter probe (YSI 6600 V2) was used to measure temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration (DOC), pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), conductivity, and chlorophyll-a concentration from the surface to 10m depth, with an interval of 1m. In both seasons, the highest variations in temperature, DOC, conductivity, and TDS were recorded at the dam. At all sampling sites, the highest values of temperature, conductivity, and chlorophyll-a concentration were recorded in summer. The lowest DOC and pH values were recorded in summer

    Efekti lasero-terapije na intrakanalni dentin i cementno tkivo apeksa korena zuba

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    Laser irradiation during root canal treatment is efficient but in order to prevent irreversible thermal damage to dentine, cementum and other periapical structures continuous water cooling is required. The aim of this study was to ultrastructurally analyze the surface of intracanal dentine and cementum at the root apex after Er:YAG laser irradiation with and without sterile saline solution irrigation. The study involved 70 intact maxillary and mandibular single-rooted and tworooted human teeth, divided into two experimental groups and one control group. In all teeth access cavity was created. For root canal irradiation, Er:YAG laser with the wavelength of 2940 nm, energy output of 140 mJ per pulse, pulse duration of 125-160 ms, pulse repetition rate of 10 Hz and power of 15 W was used. Total irradiation time for each root canal was 10 seconds. The ultrastructural analysis of intracanal dentine and the cementum of the root apex was done by using scanning electron microscope (JEOL JSM-5300 Tokyo Japan). Intracanal Er:YAG laser irradiation without water cooling showed melted circumpulpal dentine with large cracks in it, whereas cementum at the root apex was thermally modified in the form of plates and cracks. Intracanal Er:YAG laser irradiation with continuous water cooling resulted in clean intracanal dentine surface without morphological changes of the cementum. The canal system irradiation is acceptable and possible only when using constant water cooling; otherwise, irreversible thermal damage to intracanal dentine and cementum at the root apex occur.Obrada kanala korena zuba laserom je efikasna, ali zahteva obavezno hlađenje vodom kako bi se sprečila ireverzibilna termička oštećenja dentina, cementa i ostalih periapeksnih struktura. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ultrastrukturno analizira površina intrakanalnog dentina i cementnog tkiva na apeksu korena zuba posle obrade kanala Er:YAG laserom bez irigacije i sa irigacijom sterilnim fiziološkim rastvorom. Korišćeno je 70 intaktnih maksilarnih i mandibularnih jednokorenih i dvokorenih humanih zuba, podeljenih u dve eksperimentalne i jednu kontrolnu grupu. Kod svih zuba je formiran pristupni kavitet. Za obradu kanala korišćen je Er:YAG laser talasne dužine 2940 nm, izlazne energije za impuls 140 mJ; u pulsnom režimu 125-160ms, stopom pulsne repeticije od 10 Hz i energijom od 15 W. Vreme obrade svakog kanala laserom iznosilo je 10 sekundi. Ultrastrukturna analiza intrakanalnog dentina i cementnog tkiva na apeksnom delu korena zuba urađena je na skening elektronskom mikroskopu (JEOL JSM -5300 Tokyo Japan). Intrakanalna obrada Er:YAG laserom bez vodenog hlađenja pokazuje stopljen cirkumpulparni dentin sa velikim pukotinama u dentinu, a cementno tkivo na apeksu je termički modifikovano u vidu ploča i pukotina. Intrakanalna obrada Er:YAG laserom uz kontinuirano vodeno hlađenje daje čistu intrakanalnu dentinsku površinu bez morfoloških promena cementnog tkiva. Obrada kanalnog sistema zuba je opravdana i moguća samo u uslovima stalnog hlađenja vodom, u protivnom nastaju ireverzibilna termička oštećenja intrakanalnog dentina i cementa na apeksu korena zuba

    Vjerojatnost ispada koreliranih SIR prijemnika sa SSC raznolikosti putem kanala s kompozitnim K_G slabljenjem/zasjenjivanjem signala

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    In this paper, the effects of multipath fading and shadowing over the propagation channel are observed through the performance analysis of switch and stay selection combining (SSC) technique. The short term fading (multipath fading) in conjunction with the long term fading (shadowing) are both modeled by Generalized-K (K_G) distribution. The proposed system is considered as interference-limited system in correlated fading environment. The probability density function (PDF) of signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) at the output of SSC receiver is derived in form of Meijer G functions. According to this new expression, the outage probability is considered and the effects of fading and shadowing parameters and correlation coefficients on the performance gain are analyzed.U radu su razmatrana djelovanja višeputnog slabljenja i zasjenjivanja signala u propagacijskom kanalu pomoću analize SSC prijemnika raznolikosti (prekidački prostorni kombinator raznolikosti). Kompozitni utjecaj brzog (višeputnog) i sporog slabljenja signala (zasjenjivanja) modeliran je poopćenom-K (K_G) razdiobom. Predloženi sustav razmatran je kao sustav s ko-kanalnom interferencijom kao dominantnom smetnjom i koreliranim slabljenjem signala. Funkcija gustoće razdiobe (PDF) odnosa signal/smetnja (SIR) SSC izlaza prijemnika izvedena je u obliku Meijer G funkcija. Na osnovu ovog izraza, razmatra se vjerojatnost ispada te analiziraju učinci parametara i korelacijskih koeficijenata slabljenja i zasjenjivanja signala na unaprijeđenje performansi sustava

    Антибактеријска својства талусних јетрењача marchantia polymorpha l., conocephalum conicum (l.) dum. И pellia endiviifolia (dicks.) dumort.

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    The antimicrobial activity of methanol extracts of three thalloid liver­worts, Marchantia polymorpha, Conocephalum conicum and Pellia endiviifolia and bis-bibenzyl marchantin A, the most dominant compound in the methanol extract of M. polymorpha, have been investigated in this research. 1H-NMR spec­troscopy revealed that the M. polymorpha and P. endiviifolia extracts of liverwort contain terpenes, oils, sugars and bis-bibenzyls, while these specific macrocyclic compounds were absent in the C. conicum extract. The anti­mic­robial potential was tested on eight bacterial strains. Antimicrobial effects of extracts and mar­chantin A were observed against Gram-positive bacteria, while they showed no effect against Gram-negative bacteria in both methods used – well diffusion and broth microdilution.У овом раду испитиван је хемијски састав и антибактеријска активност метанолних екстраката три јетрењачe, Marchantia polymorpha, Conocephalum conicum и Pellia endiveifolia и бис-бибензила маршанцина A, доминантне компоненте у метанолном екстракту M. polymorpha. 1H-NMR спектроскопија је показала присуство терпена, уља, шећера и бис-бибензила у екстрактима M. polymorpha и P. endiviifolia, док екстракт C. conicum не садржи специфична макроциклична једињења – бис-бибензиле. Антимикробни потен- цијал је тестиран на осам бактеријских сојева. Антимикробни ефекат маршанцина А уочен је на све грам позитивне сојеве, док је ефекат изостао код грам негативних сојева у обе тестиране методе – дифузионе методе у бунарима и микродилуционе методе у хранљивом бујону


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    White bream is an important species in commercial and sport fishing that is caught in nets throughout the year. The analyzed samples of white bream (n = 377) came from commercial catches carried out between December 2014 and May 2015 at two locations in the Danube near Belgrade, Jojkića Dunavac (JD) – an armlet of the Danube, with slow water flow and Veliko ratno ostrvo (VRO) – the main channel of the Danube, with fast water flow. Total body length (TL, cm) and body weight (BW, g) of each fish were measured, and Fulton's condition factor (K = W/L3 x 100) was calculated. Average TL of the fish samples from the JD and VRO were 23.1±1.7 and 23.8±2.4, respectively, and average BW were 164.4±42.2 and 201.0±73.0, respectively. In general, fish from VRO were in better condition (K=1.44±0.16) compared to sample from JD (K=1.31±0.11). Individuals in the sample from JD had a negative allometric growth (a = -1.79, b = 2.93, r² = 0.85), while those from VRO have a positive allometric growth (a = -2.22, b = 3.28, r² = 0.89). Based on the results of this study, positive allometric growth (b > 3) and fish condition indicated that individuals from VRO increased body mass more than body length. The source of food, its availability, and better habitat conditions at VRO could be the reason for the differences in the growth and condition of the fish from the investigated locations

    Supplementary data for article: Nikolić, S.; Ćirić, I.; Roller, A.; Lukeš, V.; Arion, V. B.; Grgurić-Šipka, S. Conversion of Hydrazides into: N, N ′-Diacylhydrazines in the Presence of a Ruthenium(II)-Arene Complex. New Journal of Chemistry 2017, 41 (14), 6857–6865. https://doi.org/10.1039/c7nj00965h

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    Supplementary material for: [https://doi.org/10.1039/c7nj00965h]Related to published version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2485]Related to accepted version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3124

    Analysis of allometry and condition factor of the white bream (Blicca bjoerkna) in the Danube river near Belgrade (1168-1170 rkm)

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    This study was conducted on individuals of White bream from commercial catches carried out between December 2014 and May 2015 at two locations in the Danube near Belgrade, Veliko ratno ostrvo (VRO) – the main canal of the Danube, with fast water flow and Jojkića Dunavac (JD) – an armlet of the Danube, with slow water flow. A total of 377 individuals were analysed. Total body length (L, cm) and body weight (W, g) of each sampled individual were measured, and Fulton's condition factor was calculated. Average TL of the fish individuals from the VRO and JD were 23.8±2.4 and 23.1±1.7, respectively, and average W were 201.0±73.0 and 164.4±42.2, respectively. In general, fish from location VRO were in better condition (K = 1.44±0.16) compared to sample from JD (K = 1.31±0.11). Individuals in the sample from VRO had a positive allometric growth (a = -2.22, b = 3.28, r² = 0.89), while those from JD had a negative allometric growth (a = -1.79, b = 2.93, r² = 0.85). Based on the results of this study, positive allometric growth (b > 3) and fish condition indicated that individuals from VRO increased body mass more than body length. The source of food, its availability, and better habitat conditions at VRO could be the reason for the differences in the growth and condition of the fish from the investigated locations. The presented results can be applied in fisheries management plans and sustainable exploitation of this fish species as it provides information on stock condition