12 research outputs found

    GlĂĽck und Zufriedenheit in der Moderne

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    Die folgende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Zufriedenheit und dem Glück der Menschen in der modernen Gesellschaft. Der Ausgangspunkt dabei ist die Feststellung, dass die Menschen in der Moderne, gemessen an ihren Lebensverhältnissen und ihrem Einkommen, deutlich glücklicher sein müssten, als Menschen in Dritte-Welt-Ländern. Die Arbeit konzentriert sich in der Folge nicht auf die Unterschiede zwischen hoch und niedrig entwickelten Staaten, sondern versucht Komponenten herauszufinden, die das Glücksgefühl beeinflussen. Hierzu werden als erster Schritt die Grundvoraussetzungen untersucht, die für einen Menschen notwendig sind, damit er glücklich sein kann. Dazu wird die These von Aaron Antonovsky und dem Modell der Salutogenese diskutiert. Nach Antonovsky liegt die Voraussetzung dafür, ein glückliches Leben führen zu können, in der Stärke des Kohärenzgefühls, welches sich in der Kindheit bildet. Die zweite These, die sich auf das Glücksgefühl der Menschen in der Moderne auswirkt, wird durch das Postulat der Multioptionsgesellschaft beschrieben. Dabei wird der Fokus vor allem auf die Freiheit des Menschen, das tun zu können, was ihm beliebt und auf die ständig wachsenden Möglichkeiten gelegt. Dieser Teil beschäftigt sich mit der Ursache, wieso die größte ?Massenfreiheit?, die es jemals in der Zeitgeschichte gab, und die Möglichkeiten und Chancen, welche die moderne Gesellschaft bietet, nicht zu einem höheren Glücksgefühl verhelfen. Der dritte Hauptbereich beschäftigt sich mit der Suche nach dem Glücksempfinden in Erlebnissen. Hierzu werden zum einen die Thesen von Gerhard Schulze und seinem Werk ?die Erlebnisgesellschaft? präsentiert, zum anderen wird die Theorie des ?Flow? von Csikszentmihalyi zur Ausführung gebracht. Die Ausführungen Schulzes beschäftigen sich dabei mit dem Erlebnis als unmittelbaren Glücksträger. Csikszentmihalyi versucht mit seiner Theorie das Erlebnis genauer zu erfassen und gibt einen möglichen Weg an, wie man glücklich werden kann.The following thesis deals with the happiness and contentment of people in modern society. The starting point is the observation that people in the modern age, as measured by their circumstances and income, would be much happier than people in third world countries. As a result, the work does not focus on the differences between highly and low developed countries, but attempts to identify components that affect the feeling of happiness. As a first step, the basic conditions necessary for man to be happy are investigated. For that purpose, the thesis of Aaron Antonovsky and his model of Salutogenesis is discussed. According to Antonovsky, the prerequisite for leading a happy life is conditioned by the strength of a sense of coherence, which is formed in childhood. The second thesis, which affects the happiness of people in modern times, is described by the postulate of a Multi-option Society. Thereby, the focus is placed primarily on the freedom of people to do what they want and on the ever-increasing opportunities. This part deals with the reason why the largest ?mass freedom? that ever existed in history and the offered possibilities and opportunities of a modern society do not lead to a higher sense of happiness. The third main section deals with the search of happiness in experiences. For that purpose, the assumptions of Gerhard Schulze and his work ?The Experience Society? are presented, as well as the ?Flow Theory? of Csikszentmihalyi. The observations of Schulze deal with the experience as an immediate carrier of happiness. Csikszentmihalyi's theory tries to capture the experience more precisely and indicate a possible way how to become happy through experiences.Stefan BrantnerAbweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersZsfassung in engl. SpracheGraz, Univ., Masterarb., 2010(VLID)24575

    Categories and Subject Descriptors K.3.1 [Computer Uses in Education]: Distance learning General Terms

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    This paper addresses interoperability issues of learning content management systems. Motivation and design challenges are presented and an interoperability framework implemented at the Universal Brokerage Platform for learning resources is specified

    A simple query interface for interoperable learning repositories

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    In order to achieve interoperability among learning repositories, implementers require a common communication framework for querying. This paper proposes a set of methods referred to as Simple Query Interface (SQI) as a universal interoperability layer for educational networks. The methods proposed can be used by a source for configuring and submitting queries to a target system and retrieving results from it. The SQI interface can be implemented in a synchronous or an asynchronous manner. SQI abstracts from query languages and metadata schemas. SQI has been evaluated by several prototype implementations demonstrating its universal applicability, and is on the way to being standardized in the CEN/ISSS Learning Technologies Workshop. The latest developments of SQI can be followed at http://www.prolearn-project.org/lori/.status: publishe

    Perspective on Similarities and Possible Overlaps of Congenital Disease Formation—Exemplified on a Case of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and Neuroblastoma in a Neonate

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    The coincidence of two rare diseases such as congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) and neuroblastoma is exceptional. With an incidence of around 2–3:10,000 and 1:8000 for either disease occurring on its own, the chance of simultaneous presentation of both pathologies at birth is extremely low. Unfortunately, the underlying processes leading to congenital malformation and neonatal tumors are not yet thoroughly understood. There are several hypotheses revolving around the formation of CDH and neuroblastoma. The aim of our study was to put the respective hypotheses of disease formation as well as known factors in this process into perspective regarding their similarities and possible overlaps of congenital disease formation. We present the joint occurrence of these two rare diseases based on a patient presentation and immunochemical prognostic marker evaluation. The aim of this manuscript is to elucidate possible similarities in the pathogeneses of both disease entities. Discussed are the role of toxins, cell differentiation, the influence of retinoic acid and NMYC as well as of hypoxia. The detailed discussion reveals that some of the proposed pathophysiological mechanisms of both malformations have common aspects. Especially disturbances of the retinoic acid pathway and NMYC expression can influence and disrupt cell differentiation in either disease. Due to the rarity of both diseases, interdisciplinary efforts and multi-center studies are needed to investigate the reasons for congenital malformations and their interlinkage with neonatal tumor disease

    A simple query interface for interoperable learning repositories

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    In order to achieve interoperability among learning repositories, implementers require a common communication framework for querying. This paper proposes a set of methods referred to as Simple Query Interface (SQI) as a universal interoperability layer for educational networks. The methods proposed can be used by a source for configuring and submitting queries to a target system and retrieving results from it. The SQI interface can be implemented in a synchronous or an asynchronous manner. SQI abstracts from query languages and metadata schemas. SQI has been evaluated by several prototype implementations demonstrating its universal applicability, and is on the way to being standardized in the CEN/ISSS Learning Technologies Workshop. The latest developments of SQI can be followed a

    Building blocks for the educational web: Elena's smart space for learning

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    Bernd Simon, Stefan Sobernig, Fridolin Wild, Sandra Aguirre, Stefan Brantner, Peter Dolog, Gustaf Neumann, Gernot Huber, Tomaz Klobucar, Sascha Markus, Zoltán Miklós, Wolfgang Nejdl, Daniel Olmedilla, Joaquin Salvachua, Michael Sintek, and Thomas Zillinger. Building blocks for the educational web: Elena's smart space for learning. In IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2006), Kerkrade, The Netherlands, 2006. IEEE Computer Society.This case study summarizes the demonstration of a semantic network of interoperable educational systems referred to as Smart Space for Learning. We started connecting several educational nodes in projects such as Elena, Prolearn, and Icamp. Integration was achieved by using the interaction standard SQI, common schemas for querying and results presentation, and query exchange language, e.g. QEL. The paper particularly focuses on how heterogeneous nodes can be made interoperable by reusing generalizations of mediating components –building blocks for a Smart Space for LearningThis work has been sponsored by the EU project ELENA & TENCompetenc