58 research outputs found

    Regional origin and decrease of pain in patients with depressive symptoms under treatment with venlafaxine

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    Objective: Patient's language, tradition, conventions, and customs may all determine integration into a society and are also part of the doctor-patient relationship that influences diagnostic and therapeutic outcome. Language barrier and sociocultural disparity of Eastern and Southern European patients may hamper recovery from pain and depression compared to Middle European patients in Switzerland. Methods: In a prospective naturalistic observational trial we investigated the influence of regional origin on treatment outcome in 420 pain sufferers with depressive symptoms from all over Switzerland who were treated with venlafaxine by 122 physicians in primary care. Physicians rated severity of depressive symptoms using the clinical global impression severity scale and pain intensity by means of visual analogue scales. We hypothesized that in Eastern and Southern European patients the magnitude of pain reduction under treatment with venlafaxine is less compared to Middle European patients. Results: Three months after study entry, Middle European patients were found to profit more from treatment with venlafaxine in terms of severity of depression and pain intensity than patients from Eastern Europe and Southern Europe. Conclusion: Regional origin may contribute to the magnitude of pain reduction in patients with depressive symptoms under treatment with venlafaxine. Our results provide a rational for care provider educational programs aimed at improving capacities in treating patients from different regional origin with psychosomatic complaints such as depression and comorbid pai

    Charakteristika chronischer Schmerzpatienten mit depressiver Begleitsymptomatik in drei unterschiedlichen Behandlungssettings

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    Zusammenfassung : Hintergrund: : Über demographische und medizinische Charakteristika von chronischen Schmerzpatienten mit depressiven Symptomen in der Praxis ist bisher wenig bekannt. Methodik: : Die Charakteristika hinsichtlich regionaler Herkunft und Schmerz intensität zu Beginn einer antidepressiven Behandlung werden von 585 chronischen Schmerzpatienten mit depressiver Symptomatik aus 122 Arztpraxen der ganzen Schweiz (Innere Medizin, Allgemeinmedizin, Psychiatrie) beschrieben. Aufgrund der klinischen Erfahrungen im Schweizer Gesundheitssystem wurde vermutet, dass Internisten und Allgemeinpraktiker im Vergleich zu Psychiatern eher ältere und geringergradig depressive Patienten mit weniger intensiven chronischen Schmerzen behandeln, die vermehrt aus mitteleuropäischen Ländern stammen. Ergebnisse: : Tatsächlich behandelten Internisten (und Allgemeinpraktiker) gegenüber Psychiatern häufiger ältere Patienten aus Mitteleuropa mit leichteren depressiven Symptomen und geringerer Schmerzintensität sowie seltener Schmerzen im Kopfbereich. Weiter litten Patienten aus Ost- und Südeuropa gegenüber Mitteleuropäern unter intensiveren Gesamtschmerzen, und dies vor allem im Kopf-, Extremitäten-, Rücken- und Brustbereich, während Südeuropäer gegenüber Mitteleuropäern zusätzlich auch vermehrt unter Brustschmerzen litten. Schlussfolgerung: : Es handelt sich um eine vergleichsweise große Stichprobe, die praxisnah und aus allen Regionen der Schweiz niedergelassene, in Schmerzbehandlungen involvierte Internisten, Allgemeinpraktiker und Psychiater einbezieht und damit die Verhältnisse von Patienten mit körperlichen Schmerzen und einer depressiven Begleitsymptomatik hinsichtlich regionaler Herkunft und Schmerzintensität gut repräsentier

    Rey Visual Design Learning Test performance correlates with white matter structure

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    Objective: Studies exploring relation of visual memory to white matter are extensively lacking. The Rey Visual Design Learning Test (RVDLT) is an elementary motion, colour and word independent visual memory test. It avoids a significant contribution from as many additional higher order visual brain functions as possible to visual performance, such as three-dimensional, colour, motion or word-dependent brain operations. Based on previous results, we hypothesised that test performance would be related with white matter of dorsal hippocampal commissure, corpus callosum, posterior cingulate, superior longitudinal fascicle and internal capsule. Methods: In 14 healthy subjects, we measured intervoxel coherence (IC) by diffusion tensor imaging as an indication of connectivity and visual memory performance measured by the RVDLT. IC considers the orientation of the adjacent voxels and has a better signal-to-noise ratio than the commonly used fractional anisotropy index. Results: Using voxelwise linear regression analyses of the IC values, we found a significant and direct relationship between 11 clusters and visual memory test performance. The fact that memory performance correlated with white matter structure in left and right dorsal hippocampal commissure, left and right posterior cingulate, right callosal splenium, left and right superior longitudinal fascicle, right medial orbitofrontal region, left anterior cingulate, and left and right anterior limb of internal capsule emphasises our hypothesis. Conclusion: Our observations in healthy subjects suggest that individual differences in brain function related to the performance of a task of higher cognitive demands might partially be associated with structural variation of white matter region

    Association Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Following Myocardial Infarction and Liver Enzyme Levels: A Prospective Study

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    Background: Research in rodents demonstrated that psychological stress increases circulating levels of alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, and alkaline phosphatase reflecting liver injury. Moreover, chronic posttraumatic stress disorder and transaminases predicted coronary heart disease. Aims: To investigate the hypothesis that severity of posttraumatic stress disorder following myocardial infarction would prospectively relate to liver enzymes. Methods: Study participants were 24 patients (mean 59±7years, 79% men) with an interviewer-rated diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder caused by an index myocardial infarction 3±3months before. After a mean follow-up of 26±6months, patients had a clinical interview to reassess posttraumatic stress disorder severity, a medical history, and blood collected to determine liver enzymes. Results: Total posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms assessed at study entry prospectively predicted plasma levels of alanine transaminase (r=.47, p=.031) and alkaline phosphatase (r=.57, p=.004), but not of aspartate transaminase (p=.15), controlling for follow-up duration and antidepressant use. Total posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms assessed at follow-up were associated with alanine transaminase (r=.72, p=.004), aspartate transaminase (r=.60, p=.018), and alkaline phosphatase (r=.64, p=.001) in the 16 patients who had maintained diagnostic posttraumatic stress disorder, but not in all 24 patients. Conclusions: The severity of posttraumatic stress disorder following myocardial infarction was associated with mild increase in liver enzyme levels, suggesting that chronic psychological stress relates to hepatic damage in humans. This might help to explain the previously observed increased cardiovascular risk in chronically traumatized individual

    Clinical Implementation of DPYD Pharmacogenetic Testing to Prevent Early-Onset Fluoropyrimidine-Related Toxicity in Cancer Patients in Switzerland.

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    The implementation of pharmacogenetic testing into clinical practice has been a slow process so far. Here, we review the implementation of pre-treatment testing of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase gene (DPYD) risk variants to prevent early-onset fluoropyrimidine (FP)-related toxicity in cancer patients in Switzerland based on data of a large Swiss diagnostic center. In January 2017, the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health introduced the reimbursement of DPYD testing by the compulsory health insurance in Switzerland based on evidence for the clinical relevance of DPYD-risk variants and the cost-effectiveness of pre-treatment testing, and on the availability of international guidelines. However, we did not observe a strong increase in DPYD testing at our diagnostic center from 2017 to 2019. Only a low number of DPYD-testing requests (28-42 per year), concerning mostly retrospective investigations of suspected FP-toxicity, were received. In contrast, we observed a 14-fold increase in DPYD testing together with a strong shift from retrospective to pre-treatment test requests upon the release of recommendations for DPYD testing prior to FP-treatment in April 2020 by the European Medicines Agency. This increase was mainly driven by three geographic regions of Switzerland, where partner institutions of previous research collaborations regarding FP-related toxicity are located and who acted as early-adopting institutions of DPYD testing. Our data suggest the important role of early adopters as accelerators of clinical implementation of pharmacogenetic testing by introducing these policies to their working environment and educating health workers from their own and nearby institutions

    [Characteristics of patients suffering from chronic pain with depressive symptoms in three different treatment settings]

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    Only few studies considered demographic and medical characteristics of pain patients with depressive symptoms

    Association Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Following Myocardial Infarction and Liver Enzyme Levels: A Prospective Study

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    Research in rodents demonstrated that psychological stress increases circulating levels of alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, and alkaline phosphatase reflecting liver injury. Moreover, chronic posttraumatic stress disorder and transaminases predicted coronary heart disease

    The personality traits activity, self-reproach, and negative affect jointly predict clinical recurrence, depressive symptoms, and low quality of life in inflammatory bowel disease patients.

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    BACKGROUND The bidirectional "gut-brain axis" has been implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). While the influence of stress and depressive symptoms on IBD is well-characterized, the role of personality remains insufficiently investigated. METHODS Personality was assessed in 1154 Swiss IBD cohort study (SIBDCS) patients via the NEO-Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) as well as in 2600 participants of the population-based CoLaus¦PsyCoLaus cohort study (NEO-FFI-revised). The NEO-FFI subcomponents activity, self-reproach and negative affect were associated with higher IBD disease activity and were combined to a NEO-FFI risk score. This risk score was validated and its effect on clinical IBD course and psychological endpoints was analysed in time-to-event and cumulative incidence analyses. RESULTS In time-to-event analyses, a high NEO-FFI risk score was predictive for the clinical endpoints of new extraintestinal manifestation [EIM, adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) = 1.64, corrected p value (q) = 0.036] and two established composite flare endpoints (aHR = 1.53-1.63, q = 0.003-0.006) as well as for the psychological endpoints depressive symptoms (aHR = 7.06, q < 0.001) and low quality of life (aHR = 3.06, q < 0.001). Furthermore, cumulative incidence analyses showed that patients at high NEO-FFI risk experienced significantly more episodes of active disease, new EIMs, one of the flare endpoints, depressive episodes and low disease-related quality of life. Personalities of IBD patients showed only minor differences from the general population sample (Pearson's r = 0.03-0.14). CONCLUSIONS Personality assessed by the NEO-FFI contained considerable predictive power for disease recurrence, depressive symptoms and low quality of life in IBD patients. Nevertheless, the personalities of IBD patients did not substantially differ from the general population

    The personality traits activity, self-reproach, and negative affect jointly predict clinical recurrence, depressive symptoms, and low quality of life in inflammatory bowel disease patients

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    BACKGROUND The bidirectional "gut-brain axis" has been implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). While the influence of stress and depressive symptoms on IBD is well-characterized, the role of personality remains insufficiently investigated. METHODS Personality was assessed in 1154 Swiss IBD cohort study (SIBDCS) patients via the NEO-Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) as well as in 2600 participants of the population-based CoLaus¦PsyCoLaus cohort study (NEO-FFI-revised). The NEO-FFI subcomponents activity, self-reproach and negative affect were associated with higher IBD disease activity and were combined to a NEO-FFI risk score. This risk score was validated and its effect on clinical IBD course and psychological endpoints was analysed in time-to-event and cumulative incidence analyses. RESULTS In time-to-event analyses, a high NEO-FFI risk score was predictive for the clinical endpoints of new extraintestinal manifestation [EIM, adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) = 1.64, corrected p value (q) = 0.036] and two established composite flare endpoints (aHR = 1.53-1.63, q = 0.003-0.006) as well as for the psychological endpoints depressive symptoms (aHR = 7.06, q < 0.001) and low quality of life (aHR = 3.06, q < 0.001). Furthermore, cumulative incidence analyses showed that patients at high NEO-FFI risk experienced significantly more episodes of active disease, new EIMs, one of the flare endpoints, depressive episodes and low disease-related quality of life. Personalities of IBD patients showed only minor differences from the general population sample (Pearson's r = 0.03-0.14). CONCLUSIONS Personality assessed by the NEO-FFI contained considerable predictive power for disease recurrence, depressive symptoms and low quality of life in IBD patients. Nevertheless, the personalities of IBD patients did not substantially differ from the general population