180 research outputs found

    Opportunities for integrated pest management to control the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae

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    Dermanyssus gallinae is the most economically important ectoparasite of laying hens in Europe. Control of D. gallinae is already hampered by issues of pesticide resistance and product withdrawal and, with the prohibition of conventional cages in 2012 and the resulting switch to more structurally complex housing which favours red mite, the importance of managing this pest will increase. Integrated Pest Management (IPM), as often employed in agricultural pest control, may be a way to address these issues where a combination of different novel control methods could be used with/without conventional management techniques to provide a synergistic and more efficacious effect. Work at in our laboratory has shown that essential oils including thyme and garlic may act as effective D. gallinae repellents and acaricides, whilst preliminary vaccine studies have demonstrated a significant increase in mite mortality in vitro using concealed antigens. Work elsewhere 27 has considered predators and fungi for D. gallinae control and other husbandry techniques such as manipulating temperature and lighting regimes in poultry units. This paper will review the available and emerging techniques for D. gallinae control and discuss which techniques might be suitable for inclusion in an integrated management programme (e.g. synthetic acaricides and diatomaceous earths)

    Mobile Computing in Physics Analysis - An Indicator for eScience

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    This paper presents the design and implementation of a Grid-enabled physics analysis environment for handheld and other resource-limited computing devices as one example of the use of mobile devices in eScience. Handheld devices offer great potential because they provide ubiquitous access to data and round-the-clock connectivity over wireless links. Our solution aims to provide users of handheld devices the capability to launch heavy computational tasks on computational and data Grids, monitor the jobs status during execution, and retrieve results after job completion. Users carry their jobs on their handheld devices in the form of executables (and associated libraries). Users can transparently view the status of their jobs and get back their outputs without having to know where they are being executed. In this way, our system is able to act as a high-throughput computing environment where devices ranging from powerful desktop machines to small handhelds can employ the power of the Grid. The results shown in this paper are readily applicable to the wider eScience community.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Presented at the 3rd Int Conf on Mobile Computing & Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU06. London October 200

    Control methods for Dermanyssus gallinae in systems for laying hens: results of an international seminar

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    This paper reports the results of a seminar on poultry red mite (PRM), Dermanyssus gallinae. Eighteen researchers from eight European countries discussed life cycle issues of the mite, effects of mites on hens and egg production, and monitoring and control methods for PRM in poultry facilities. It was determined that PRM probably causes more damage than envisaged, with the cost in The Netherlands alone reaching 11 million euro per annum. However a great deal is still unknown about PRM (e.g. reproduction, survival methods, etc.) and that PRM monitoring is an important instrument in recognising and admitting the problem and in taking timely measures. Currently, the most promising control method combines heating the hen house in combination with chemical treatments. Future areas of development which show promise include the use of entomopathogenic fungi, vaccination and predatory mites. The final aim is to solve the problem of D. gallinae in housing systems for laying hens

    A Direct DME High Temperature PEM Fuel Cell

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    Dimethyl ether (DME) has been identified as an alternative to methanol for use in direct fuel cells. It combines the advantages of hydrogen in terms of pumpless fuel delivery and high energy density like methanol, but without the toxicity of the latter. The performance of a direct dimethyl ether fuel cell suffers greatly from the very low DME-water miscibility. To cope with the problem polybenzimidazole (PBI) based membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) have been made and tested in a vapor fed system. PtRu on carbon has been used as anode catalyst and air at ambient pressure was used as oxidant. A power density of 79 mW/cm² has been achieved at 200 °C


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    poster abstractIntroduction: Current injury scoring systems in polytraumatized patients are limited at predicting patient outcomes. We present a novel method that quantifies mechanical tissue damage and cumulative hypoperfusion using a precision medicine approach. We hypothesized that a Patient-Specific Injury score formulated from individualized injury indices would stratify patient risk for developing organ dysfunction after injury. We compared correspondence between PSI and the Injury Severity Score with outcomes of organ dysfunction and MOF. Methods: Fifty Multiply-injured-patients (MIPs) were studied. Tissue Damage Volume scores were measured from admission pan-axial CT scans using purpose-designed post-processing software to quantify volumetric magnitude and distribution of injuries. Ischemic injury was quantified using Shock Volumes. SV is a time-magnitude integration of shock index. Values above 0.9 were measured in the 24-hours after injury. Metabolic response was quantified by subtracting the lowest first 24 hr pH from 7.40. PSI combines these indices into the formula: PSI=[0.2TDV+SV]*MR. Correspondence coefficients from regression modeling between PSI and organ dysfunction, measured by the Marshall Multiple Organ Dysfunction score averaged from days 2-5 post-injury, were compared to similar regression models of ISS vs. day 2-5 MOD-scores. We compared PSI and ISS in patients that did or did not develop MOF. Results: PSI demonstrated better correlation to organ dysfunction (r2=0.576) in comparison to ISS (r2=0.393) using the MOD-score on days 2-5. Mean PSI increased 3.4x(58.5vs.17.0;p<0.02) and ISS scores increased 1.4x(39.0vs.28.0;p=0.10) in patients that developed MOF versus those that did not. Conclusions: This study shows that a precision medicine approach that integrates patient-specific indices of mechanical tissue damage, ischemic tissue injury, and metabolic response better corresponds to phenotypic changes including organ dysfunction and MOF compared to ISS in MIPs. The PSI-score can be calculated within 24 hours of injury, making it useful for stratifying risk and predicting the magnitude of organ dysfunction to anticipate

    OVI Absorption in the Milky Way Disk, and Future Prospects for Studying Absorption at the Galaxy-IGM Interface

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    We present a brief summary of results from our FUSE program designed to study OVI absorption in the disk of the Milky Way. As a full analysis of our data has now been published, we focus on the improvements that FUSE afforded us compared to Copernicus data published thirty years ago. We discuss FUSE's limitations in studying OVI absorption from nearby galaxies using background QSOs, but present FUSE spectra of two probes which indicate the absence of OVI (but the presence of Lyman-beta) absorption 8 and 63 kpc from a foreground galaxy. Finally, we discuss the need for a more sensitive UV spectrograph to map out the physical conditions of baryons around galaxies.Comment: Invited review to appear in the proceedings of "Future Directions in Ultraviolet Spectroscopy" meeting, held Oct 20-22, 2008, Annapolis, MD. To appear as an AIP Conference Proceedin

    Distributed Computing Grid Experiences in CMS

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    The CMS experiment is currently developing a computing system capable of serving, processing and archiving the large number of events that will be generated when the CMS detector starts taking data. During 2004 CMS undertook a large scale data challenge to demonstrate the ability of the CMS computing system to cope with a sustained data-taking rate equivalent to 25% of startup rate. Its goals were: to run CMS event reconstruction at CERN for a sustained period at 25 Hz input rate; to distribute the data to several regional centers; and enable data access at those centers for analysis. Grid middleware was utilized to help complete all aspects of the challenge. To continue to provide scalable access from anywhere in the world to the data, CMS is developing a layer of software that uses Grid tools to gain access to data and resources, and that aims to provide physicists with a user friendly interface for submitting their analysis jobs. This paper describes the data challenge experience with Grid infrastructure and the current development of the CMS analysis system

    The CMS Integration Grid Testbed

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    The CMS Integration Grid Testbed (IGT) comprises USCMS Tier-1 and Tier-2 hardware at the following sites: the California Institute of Technology, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the University of California at San Diego, and the University of Florida at Gainesville. The IGT runs jobs using the Globus Toolkit with a DAGMan and Condor-G front end. The virtual organization (VO) is managed using VO management scripts from the European Data Grid (EDG). Gridwide monitoring is accomplished using local tools such as Ganglia interfaced into the Globus Metadata Directory Service (MDS) and the agent based Mona Lisa. Domain specific software is packaged and installed using the Distrib ution After Release (DAR) tool of CMS, while middleware under the auspices of the Virtual Data Toolkit (VDT) is distributed using Pacman. During a continuo us two month span in Fall of 2002, over 1 million official CMS GEANT based Monte Carlo events were generated and returned to CERN for analysis while being demonstrated at SC2002. In this paper, we describe the process that led to one of the world's first continuously available, functioning grids.Comment: CHEP 2003 MOCT01

    Non-smooth developable geometry for interactively animating paper crumpling

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    International audienceWe present the first method to animate sheets of paper at interactive rates, while automatically generating a plausible set of sharp features when the sheet is crumpled. The key idea is to interleave standard physically-based simulation steps with procedural generation of a piecewise continuous developable surface. The resulting hybrid surface model captures new singular points dynamically appearing during the crumpling process, mimicking the effect of paper fiber fracture. Although the model evolves over time to take these irreversible damages into account, the mesh used for simulation is kept coarse throughout the animation, leading to efficient computations. Meanwhile, the geometric layer ensures that the surface stays almost isometric to its original 2D pattern. We validate our model through measurements and visual comparison with real paper manipulation, and show results on a variety of crumpled paper configurations

    The TeaComposition Initiative: Unleashing the power of international collaboration to understand litter decomposition

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    Collected harmonized data on global litter decomposition are of great relevance for scientists, policymakers, and for education of the next generation of researchers and environmental managers. Here we describe the TeaComposition initiative, a global and open research collaborative network to study organic matter decomposition in a standardized way allowing comparison of decomposition rate and carbon turnover across global and regional gradients of ecosystems, climate, soils etc. The TeaComposition initiative today involves 570 terrestrial and 300 aquatic ecosystems from nine biomes worldwide. Further, we describe how to get involved in the TeaComposition initiative by (a) implementing the standard protocol within your study site, (b) joining task forces in data analyses, syntheses and modelling efforts, (c) using collected data and samples for further analyses through joint projects, (d) using collected data for graduate seminars, and (e) strengthening synergies between biogeochemical research and a wide range of stakeholders. These collaborative efforts within/emerging from the TeaComposition initiative, thereby, will leverage our understanding on litter decomposition at the global scale and strengthen global collaborations essential for addressing grand scientific challenges in a rapidly changing world.This work was performed within the TeaComposition and TeaComposition H2O initiatives, carried by 290 institutions worldwide. We thank to UNILEVER for sponsoring the Lipton tea bags. The initiative is supported by the following grants: ILTER Initiative Grants, ClimMani Short-Term Scientific Missions Grants, INTERACT Remote Transnational Access and an Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. Nico Eisenhauer gratefully acknowledges the support of iDiv funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG– FZT 118, 202548816). ST-T was supported by the ARC DE210101029 and Deakin University’s ADPR Fellowship. Fernando T. Maestre acknowledges support from the European Research Council (ERC Grant agreement 647038 [BIODESERT]) and Generalitat Valenciana (CIDEGENT/2018/041)