215 research outputs found

    Kinematically Extended Continuum Theories: Correlation Between Microscopical Deformation and Macroscopical Strain Measures

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    The present work investigates the correlation between macrocscopical deformation modes and microscopical deformation modes. Thereby, the macroscopical deformation is represented by the strain-like quantities of the according macroscopical continuum theory while the microscopical deformation is expressed in the form of a Taylor series expansion. The use of an energy criterion makes it possible to derive a quantitative relation between microscopical and macroscopical deformation. The procedure is applied to different kinematically extended continuum theories on the macroscopical level. The investigation may help to select an optimal macroscopical continuum theory instead of choosing a theory based on phenomenological observations, whereby the optimal theory ist that one, which reflects the microscopical deformation behaviour best. The microscopical deformation behaviour depends on the topology of the microstructure under consideration. Thus, the optimal theory is affected by the topology of the microstructure

    Comparison of guidelines for the management of patients with high‐risk and advanced cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma – a systematic review

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    The management of high‐risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) can be a challenge as evidence from high quality clinical trials is rare. Guideline developers are challenged to provide practical and useful guidance for clinicians even in the absence of good evidence. In order to compare treatment recommendations for high‐risk and advanced cSCC among national and international guidelines and to extract the most precise guidance provided, a systematic search was carried out in guideline databases Medline and Embase with a cutoff of 4 March 2019. Treatment recommendations for predefined clinical scenarios were extracted from selected guidelines and compared qualitatively. Five guidelines published from 2015 to 2018 were included. Excision of high‐risk tumours with margin assessment was recommended in all guidelines. A safety margin of at least 6 mm was suggested in four guidelines. There was no clear recommendation to perform a sentinel lymph node biopsy in any guideline. Lymph node dissection was uniformly recommended in the presence of nodal disease. Treatment for metastatic cSCC was poorly characterized and restricted to the use of chemotherapy and epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors. Recommendations for the management of high‐risk and advanced cSCC were limited. We propose that guidelines should be updated to reflect recent advances in checkpoint blockade for metastatic cSCC

    SHynergie: Development of a virtual project laboratory for monitoring hydraulic stimulations

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    Hydraulic stimulations are the primary means of developing subsurface reservoirs regarding the extent of fluid transport in them. The associated creation or conditioning of a system of hydraulic conduits involves a range of hydraulic and mechanical processes but also chemical reactions, such as dissolution and precipitation, may affect the stimulation result on time scales as short as hours. In the light of the extent and complexity of these processes, the steering potential for the operator of a stimulation critically depends on the ability to integrate the maximum amount of site-specific information with profound process understanding and a large spectrum of experience. We report on the development of a virtual project laboratory for monitoring hydraulic stimulations within the project SHynergie (http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/shynergie/). The concept of the laboratory envisioned product that constitutes a preparing and accompanying rather than post-processing instrument ultimately accessible to persons responsible for a project over a web-repository. The virtual laboratory consists of a data base, a toolbox, and a model-building environment. Entries in the data base are of two categories. On the one hand, selected mineral and rock properties are provided from the literature. On the other hand, project-specific entries of any format can be made that are assigned attributes regarding their use in a stimulation problem at hand. The toolbox is interactive and allows the user to perform calculations of effective properties and simulations of different types (e.g., wave propagation in a reservoir, hydraulic test). The model component is also hybrid. The laboratory provides a library of models reflecting a range of scenarios but also allows the user to develop a site-specific model constituting the basis for simulations. The laboratory offers the option to use its components following the typical workflow of a stimulation project. The toolbox incorporates simulation instruments developed in the course of the SHynergie project that account for the experimental and modeling results of the various sub-projects

    Non-abelian plane waves and stochastic regimes for (2+1)-dimensional gauge field models with Chern-Simons term

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    An exact time-dependent solution of field equations for the 3-d gauge field model with a Chern-Simons (CS) topological mass is found. Limiting cases of constant solution and solution with vanishing topological mass are considered. After Lorentz boost, the found solution describes a massive nonlinear non-abelian plane wave. For the more complicate case of gauge fields with CS mass interacting with a Higgs field, the stochastic character of motion is demonstrated.Comment: LaTeX 2.09, 13 pages, 11 eps figure

    Lyapunov exponent and natural invariant density determination of chaotic maps: An iterative maximum entropy ansatz

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    We apply the maximum entropy principle to construct the natural invariant density and Lyapunov exponent of one-dimensional chaotic maps. Using a novel function reconstruction technique that is based on the solution of Hausdorff moment problem via maximizing Shannon entropy, we estimate the invariant density and the Lyapunov exponent of nonlinear maps in one-dimension from a knowledge of finite number of moments. The accuracy and the stability of the algorithm are illustrated by comparing our results to a number of nonlinear maps for which the exact analytical results are available. Furthermore, we also consider a very complex example for which no exact analytical result for invariant density is available. A comparison of our results to those available in the literature is also discussed.Comment: 16 pages including 6 figure

    Global health learning outcomes by country location and duration for international experiences

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    © 2020 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Objective. To determine the impact of country income classification and experience duration on learning outcomes for student pharmacists participating in international advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs). Methods. A mixed-methods, longitudinal study evaluated 81 fourth-year student pharmacists participating in an international APPE through one of three US universities. A pre-post survey was administered to evaluate students’ self-perceived growth across 13 competencies established by the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH). The survey included four additional open-ended questions. Student pharmacists were also invited to participate in a focus group. Paired and independent t tests and multiple linear regression were conducted. Qualitative survey and focus group data underwent a two-cycle, open-coding process using conventional content analysis. Results. Students who completed their APPE in a low-to middle-income country had greater growth in all CUGH competency statements compared to those who completed their APPE in a high-income country. Completing the APPE in a low-to middle-income country and prior travel for non-vacation purposes were significant predictors of student growth. Students who went to a low-to middle-income country demonstrated increased cultural sensitivity, more patient-centered care, and skill development, while students who went to a high-income country displayed increased knowledge regarding differ-ences in health care system components, pharmacy practice, pharmacy education, and an appreciation for alternative patient care approaches. Conclusion. Learning outcomes differed between students who completed an APPE in a high-income rather than a low-to middle-income country, with both types of locations providing valuable educational opportunities and professional and personal development

    Global health learning outcomes in pharmacy students completing international advanced pharmacy practice experiences

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    © 2020, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. All rights reserved. Objective. To examine the global health learning outcomes of Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) students from three US schools who participated in international advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs). Methods. A mixed-methods, prospective study was used to assess fourth-year PharmD students at three US pharmacy schools who participated in an international APPE during the 2017-2018 academic year and a matched cohort (control group) of PharmD students who did not participate in an international APPE. To evaluate students’ self-perceived growth in the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) competencies, all students completed a 13-item retrospective pre-post instrument using a five-point Likert scale. The students who had completed an international APPE were invited to participate in a focus group (N522). Paired and independent t tests and multiple linear regression were used to analyze data. Qualitative open-ended questions and focus group data were mapped to knowledge, skills, and attitudes themes. Results. The students who completed an international APPE (N581) showed significantly more growth in CUGH competencies than students who did not (mean improvement in total score of 10.3 [7.0] vs 2.4 [6.0]). International APPE participation was the only significant predictor of growth in CUGH competencies. The international APPE students reported improvements in cultural awareness and appreciation, communication skills, problem-solving skills, adaptability, self-awareness, personal and professional outlook, and global health perspective. Conclusion. Pharmacy students’ participation in international APPEs led to significant improvement in all CUGH competencies. The CUGH competency framework appears to be a suitable instrument to assess pharmacy students’ global health learning outcomes

    The Partition Function and Level Density for Yang-Mills-Higgs Quantum Mechanics

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    We calculate the partition function Z(t)Z(t) and the asymptotic integrated level density N(E)N(E) for Yang-Mills-Higgs Quantum Mechanics for two and three dimensions (n=2,3n = 2, 3). Due to the infinite volume of the phase space Γ\Gamma on energy shell for n=2n= 2, it is not possible to disentangle completely the coupled oscillators (x2y2x^2 y^2-model) from the Higgs sector. The situation is different for n=3n = 3 for which Γ\Gamma is finite. The transition from order to chaos in these systems is expressed by the corresponding transitions in Z(t)Z(t) and N(E)N(E), analogous to the transitions in adjacent level spacing distribution from Poisson distribution to Wigner-Dyson distribution. We also discuss a related system with quartic coupled oscillators and two dimensional quartic free oscillators for which, contrary to YMHQM, both coupling constants are dimensionless.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX; minor changes; version accepted for publication as a Letter in J. Phys.

    A unification in the theory of linearization of second order nonlinear ordinary differential equations

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    In this letter, we introduce a new generalized linearizing transformation (GLT) for second order nonlinear ordinary differential equations (SNODEs). The well known invertible point (IPT) and non-point transformations (NPT) can be derived as sub-cases of the GLT. A wider class of nonlinear ODEs that cannot be linearized through NPT and IPT can be linearized by this GLT. We also illustrate how to construct GLTs and to identify the form of the linearizable equations and propose a procedure to derive the general solution from this GLT for the SNODEs. We demonstrate the theory with two examples which are of contemporary interest.Comment: 8 page

    Teilhabe an Gesundheit von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung während der Corona-Pandemie (TaG-Co-Studie) : Ergebnisbericht

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    Hintergrund und Zielsetzung: Die derzeitige Corona-Pandemie bringt seit dem Frühjahr 2020 viele Veränderungen für Menschen weltweit mit sich. Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung, die in Einrichtungen der Eingliederungshilfe leben und arbeiten, weisen häufig ein erhöhtes Risiko für einen schwereren Krankheitsverlauf bei der Infektion mit Covid-19 auf und sind in besonderem Maß von den Vorgaben und Einschränkungen während der Corona-Pandemie betroffen. Auch das Fachpersonal in Einrichtungen der Eingliederungshilfe steht seit Beginn der Pandemie vor Herausforderungen. Die mit der Corona-Pandemie einhergehenden Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Pandemie haben Auswirkungen auf die Teilhabe an Gesundheit von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung. Ziel der TaG-Co-Studie ist es, die Teilhabe an Gesundheit von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung während der Corona-Pandemie zu untersuchen. Dabei stehen neben den Vorgaben zur Expositionsprophylaxe auch der Umgang mit Gesundheitsinformationen, der Zugang und die Inanspruchnahme des Gesundheitswesens, Präventions- und Gesundheitsangebote, das Ernährungsverhalten und der Substanzmittelkonsum sowie die Gestaltung von Kontakten zu Angehörigen und Bezugspersonen während der Pandemie im Zentrum der Studie. Darüber hinaus wird die Rolle der Fachverbände und Einrichtungen für Menschen mit Behinderung währende der Corona-Pandemie bei der Teilhabe an Gesundheit von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung untersucht. Methodik: Im Rahmen einer qualitativen Primärerhebung wurden bundesweit (außer Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg und Saarland) leitfadengestützte Telefoninterviews mit n=12 Leitungs- und Fachpersonen von Einrichtungen für Menschen mit Behinderung im Bereich Wohnen sowie n=4 Vertreter*innen von Bundes- und Fachverbänden für Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung von November bis Dezember 2020 geführt. Die Interviews wurden mittels der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Kuckartz ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: Verordnungen zur Expositionsprophylaxe und Kontaktbeschränkung wurden in den Einrichtungen meist gut umgesetzt; eine permanente Einhaltung der Hygienekonzepte stellte für das Fachpersonal aufgrund der schweren Vereinbarkeit mit den Abläufen der Pflege allerdings eine große Herausforderung dar. In vielen Einrichtungen wurden Gesundheitsinformationen in Bezug auf die Corona-Pandemie in „Krisenteams“ besprochen und in Leichter Sprache zur Verfügung gestellt. Die meisten Vorsorgeuntersuchungen und Gesundheitsangebote wurden während der Corona-Pandemie nicht durchgeführt. Die Einrichtungen berichteten von positiven Veränderungen im Ernährungsverhalten bei den Bewohner*innen aufgrund der Besuchs- und Kontaktbeschränkungen. Es konnten keine Veränderungen des Alkohol- oder Tabakkonsums im stationären Bereich bepbachtet werden. Dagegen zeigte sich im ambulant betreuten Wohnbereich eine Zunahme des Alkohol- und Medikamentenkonsums, insbesondere bei Klient*innen mit psychischen Beeinträchtigungen. Zur Gewährleistung der sozialen Teilhabe ermöglichten die Einrichtungen Alternativen, bspw. Gespräche am offenen Fenster oder digitale Formate (z. B. Skype). Einschränkungen wie die Schließungen der Werkstätten, führten bei einigen Bewohner*innen zu Änderungen des Verhaltens, wie sozialer Rückzug oder unruhiges und aggressives Verhalten. Auf Ebene der Fachverbände wurden neue Formate (bspw. Newsletter oder Fachforen) zur Weiterleitung von Informationen während der Corona-Pandemie geschaffen. Als problematisch thematisierten die Fachverbände, dass die technische Ausstattung der Einrichtungen vielfach nicht ausreichend sei und digitale Angebote nicht genutzt werden können. Während der Pandemie steht der Infektionsschutz der Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung neben dem Austausch mit Bundes- und Landesbehörden im Vordergrund der Arbeit der Fachverbände, in dem u. a. Konzepte zur Reduzierung des Ansteckungsrisikos entwickelt werden. Schlussfolgerungen: Auch wenn die Einrichtungen der Eingliederungshilfe die Herausforderungen durch die Corona-Pandemie auf vielfältige Weise bewältigen, besteht großer Bedarf um die Einrichtungen von Seiten der Fachverbände und der Politik zu unterstützen. Einrichtungsleitungen und Fachpersonal in Einrichtungen für Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung benötigen Konzepte, die aus der Praxiserfahrung heraus entwickelt werden, um die Klient*innen vor einer Ansteckung mit dem Coronavirus zu schützen. Darüber hinaus dürfen die sozialen Aspekte der Teilhabe und die individuellen Besonderheiten der Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung nicht vernachlässigt werden. Nur so kann auch während der Corona-Pandemie die Teilhabe an Gesundheit von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung gewährleistet werden