5 research outputs found

    Proteomic changes in serum of first onset, antidepressant drug-naïve major depression patients

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a complex and multi-factorial disorder. Although genetic factors and other molecular aspects of MDD have been widely studied, the underlying pathological mechanisms are still mostly unknown. We sought to investigate the pathophysiology of MDD by identifying and characterising serum molecular differences and their correlation to symptom severity in first onset, antidepressant drug-naïve MDD patients. We performed an exploratory molecular profiling study on serum samples of MDD patients and controls using multiplex immunoassay and label-free liquid chromatography mass spectrometry in data independent mode (LC-MSE). We included two independent cohorts of first onset, antidepressant drug-naïve MDD patients (n = 23 and 15) and matched controls (n = 42 and 21) in our study in order to validate the results. The main outcome included the following list of circulatory molecules changing and/or correlating to symptom severity: angiotensin-converting enzyme, acute phase proteins (e.g. ferritin and serotransferrin), brain-derived neurotrophic factor, complement component C4-B, cortisol, cytokines (e.g. macrophage migration inhibitory factor and interleukin-16), extracellular newly identified receptor for advanced glycosylation end products-binding protein, growth hormone and superoxide dismutase-1. This study provides evidence of an increased pro-inflammatory and oxidative stress response, followed by a hyperactivation of the HPA-axis in the acute stages of first onset MDD, as well as a dysregulation in growth factor pathways. These findings help to elucidate MDD related pathways in more detail and further studies may lead to identification of novel drug targets, inc

    Drug discovery for psychiatric disorders using high-content single-cell screening of signaling network responses ex vivo

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    There is a paucity of efficacious new compounds to treat neuropsychiatric disorders. We present a novel approach to neuropsychiatric drug discovery based on high-content characterization of druggable signaling network responses at the single-cell level in patient-derived lymphocytes ex vivo. Primary T lymphocytes showed functional responses encompassing neuropsychiatric medications and central nervous system ligands at established (e.g., GSK-3?) and emerging (e.g., CrkL) drug targets. Clinical application of the platform to schizophrenia patients over the course of antipsychotic treatment revealed therapeutic targets within the phospholipase C?1-calcium signaling pathway. Compound library screening against the target phenotype identified subsets of L-type calcium channel blockers and corticosteroids as novel therapeutically relevant drug classes with corresponding activity in neuronal cells. The screening results were validated by predicting in vivo efficacy in an independent schizophrenia cohort. The approach has the potential to discern new drug targets and accelerate drug discovery and personalized medicine for neuropsychiatric conditions

    Serum proteomic analysis identifies sex-specific differences in lipid metabolism and inflammation profiles in adults diagnosed with Asperger syndrome

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    Background: The higher prevalence of Asperger Syndrome (AS) and other autism spectrum conditions in males has been known for many years. However, recent multiplex immunoassay profiling studies have shown that males and females with AS have distinct proteomic changes in serum. Methods. Here, we analysed sera from adults diagnosed with AS (males = 14, females = 16) and controls (males = 13, females = 16) not on medication at the time of sample collection, using a combination of multiplex immunoassay and shotgun label-free liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS§ssup§E§esup§). The main objective was to identify sex-specific serum protein changes associated with AS. Results: Multiplex immunoassay profiling led to identification of 16 proteins that were significantly altered in AS individuals in a sex-specific manner. Three of these proteins were altered in females (ADIPO, IgA, APOA1), seven were changed in males (BMP6, CTGF, ICAM1, IL-12p70, IL-16, TF, TNF-alpha) and six were changed in both sexes but in opposite directions (CHGA, EPO, IL-3, TENA, PAP, SHBG). Shotgun LC-MS§ssup§E§esup§ profiling led to identification of 13 serum proteins which had significant sex-specific changes in the AS group and, of these, 12 were altered in females (APOC2, APOE, ARMC3, CLC4K, FETUB, GLCE, MRRP1, PTPA, RN149, TLE1, TRIPB, ZC3HE) and one protein was altered in males (RGPD4). The free androgen index in females with AS showed an increased ratio of 1.63 compared to controls. Conclusion: Taken together, the serum multiplex immunoassay and shotgun LC- MS§ssup§E§esup§ profiling results indicate that adult females with AS had alterations in proteins involved mostly in lipid transport and metabolism pathways, while adult males with AS showed changes predominantly in inflammation signalling. These results provide further evidence that the search for biomarkers or novel drug targets in AS may require stratification into male and female subgroups, and could lead to the development of novel targeted treatment approaches

    Central and peripheral changes underlying susceptibility and resistance to social defeat stress - A proteomic profiling study

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    The social defeat mouse model is used as a preclinical model for major depressive disorder (MDD). This model is of interest, as mice subjected to chronic social defeat can be separated into stress susceptible (SS) and resilient (SR) subgroups that differ in defined behavioural and physiological characteristics. Here, we have carried out proteomic analyses of serum and brain samples from SS (n=12), SR (n=12) and unstressed control (n=12) mice, using two analytical platforms to gain insight into the underlying molecular pathways that distinguish these subgroups. Multiplex immunoassay profiling was performed using sera collected after 10 days of chronic social defeat. This analysis identified peripheral alterations in proteins mostly associated with inflammation in SS mice, whereas growth factors and hormones were changed predominantly in the SR subgroup. Label free liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC–MSE) profiling of frontal cortex revealed a significant increase in myelin-associated proteins [2′,3′-cyclic-nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase (CN37), mylein basic protein (MBP), and myelin proteolipid protein (MYPR)] in the SR group, suggesting that resilience to social stress might be mediated through activation of oligodendrogenesis. Taken together, these results provide the first proteomic evidence of differential effects on oligodendrocyte function between susceptible and resilient subgroups in the social defeat model and suggest that neuronal conductivity or central nervous system maintenance in the frontal cortex are involved in the adaptive response to stress. These changes appear to be reflected by serum alterations in inflammation and growth-related proteins, which could be used as biomarkers for predicting or monitoring stress response