730 research outputs found

    How are results represented and modified? : remarks on JĂ€ger & Blutner's anti-decomposition

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    The paper investigates a recent proposal to resultativity by G. JĂ€ger and R. Blutner (J&B). J&B say that the representation of result states of accomplishments by means of CAUSE and BECOME is not correct and should not be done in the syntax in terms of decomposition. They develop an axiomatic approach where each accomplishment/achievement is related to its result by a particular axiom. Modification of the result by "again" makes use of these axioms and the restitutive/resultative ambiguity is a matter of lexical ambiguity or polysemy. They argue that the classical decomposition theory cannot treat the restitutive reading of "A Delaware settled in New Jersey again" (there had been Delawares in New Jersey but not this particular one; and those earlier Delawares never moved to New Jersey but were borne there). I discuss (and dispute) these data and compare the two theories. J&B's contains an OT-part dealing with the disambiguating role of stress. While the decomposition theory cannot deal with the data mentioned, it can integrate the OT-part of J&B's theory

    GrammatikalitÀt, AkzeptabilitÀt und ProduktivitÀt in der Sprache

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    Theorien der Satzmodi

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    Delineating the DNA damage response using systems biology approaches

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    Cellular responses to DNA damage are highly variable and strongly depend on the cellular and organismic context. Studying the DNA damage response is crucial for a better understanding of cancer formation and ageing as well as genotoxic stress-induced cancer therapy. To do justice to the multifaceted cellular changes, elicited by DNA damage, use of high-throughput techniques and integration with bioinformatics tools is of great value. This thesis summarizes recent advances in the field of systems biology studies of the DNA damage response and furthermore shows integrated approaches of the study of DNA damage response signaling networks in embryonic stem and cancer cells. By integration of transcriptional changes and the phosphorylation and metabolic response of cisplatin-treated embryonic stem cells, with RNAi-based knockdown screens we identify novel DNA damage response signaling networks, linking process such as Wnt signaling, translation arrest or altered metabolic pathways to the cellular response to DNA damage. Furthermore, genes, whose knockdown sensitizes embryonic stem cells to DNA damage-induced killing, are tested in cancer cells of varying genetic backgrounds identifying a small subset of genes, which represent potential drug targets for sensitization of cancer cells. Altogether, our systems approach for studying the DNA damage response identifies novel DNA damage-induced signaling networks and molecules, which modulate survival in the presence of DNA damage, potentially providing new targets for therapeutic intervention or biomarker discovery.Research was supported by the Netherlands Genomics Initiative /Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO): nr 050-060-510. Support for thesis printing came from Havelland Stiftung, Berlin.UBL - phd migration 201

    Wirkungen des Klimaschutzplans Nordrhein-Westfalen auf die Bauleitplanung?

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    Der Entwurf des Klimaschutzplans Nordrhein-Westfalen stellt sowohl im Hinblick auf seine komplexe Entstehung als auch seine potenziellen Wirkungen eine bemerkenswerte Neuerung fĂŒr den planerischen Klimaschutz und die Klimaanpassung dar. Sein sektoren- und ebenenĂŒbergreifender und landesweiter Ansatz wirft allerdings Fragen nach seiner Umsetzbarkeit auf. Der Beitrag verdeutlicht an ausgewĂ€hlten MaßnahmenvorschlĂ€gen aus dem Beteiligungsprozess, dass die Wirkung des Klimaschutzplans entscheidend von der Umsetzung auf der kommunalen Ebene bestimmt werden wird. Anhand ausgewĂ€hlter Befunde zum Planungsgeschehen (Innenentwicklung, FlĂ€chen- und Freirauminanspruchnahme) wird gezeigt, dass diesbezĂŒgliche AnsĂ€tze des Klimaschutzplan-Entwurfs und des Baugesetzbuchs bereits in der Gegenwart verbreitet umgesetzt werden. Gleichzeitig wird deutlich, dass das teilweise nicht zielkonforme Planungshandeln weiterhin ein großes Potenzial fĂŒr den Klimaschutz und die Klimaanpassung birgt. Die Erwartungshaltung an den Klimaschutzplan sollte eher von einer kommunikativen bzw. appellierenden denn von einer dezidiert planerisch steuernden Wirkung ausgehen.This contribution aims at discussing the recently set up Climate Protection Plan of North Rhine-Westphalia. It refers to a selection of the plans’ objectives related to spatial planning. It questions to what extent the Climate Protection Plan should be expected to become implemented, since its particular objectives and measures would need to be carried out on the local communities’ planning level. Using a set of cases, the statistical analysis provides for differentiated answers on these questions and a thoroughly ambivalent overall view. Finanlly the discussion outlines these findings and points at local planning bodies, as these seem to be selective when it comes to compliance with environmental provisions that are integrated in local spatial planning. Therefore, the success of the Climate Protection Plan also will depend on local planning bodies' attitudes and actions

    Global gyrokinetic simulations of ITG turbulence in the configuration space of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator

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    We study the effect of turbulent transport in different magnetic configurations of the Weldenstein 7-X stellarator. In particular, we performed direct numerical simulations with the global gyrokinetic code GENE-3D, modeling the behavior of Ion Temperature Gradient turbulence in the Standard, High-Mirror, and Low-Mirror configurations of W7-X. We found that the Low-Mirror configuration produces more transport than both the High-Mirror and the Standard configurations. By comparison with radially local simulations, we have demonstrated the importance of performing global nonlinear simulations to predict the turbulent fluxes quantitatively

    Annex 1 - Glossary

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    This glossary defines some specific terms as the Lead Authors intend them to be interpreted in the context of this report
