225 research outputs found

    Dignity Takings in Communist Poland: Collectivization and Slave Soldiers

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    Poland’s history in the 20th century could be a swell script of a movie. A country that had lost its independence in the 18th century regained it in 1918 only to fall prey to Nazi Germany twenty years later. After World War II Poland was under Communist rule that ended in 1989 with the fall of the Iron Curtain. In this paper we deal with dignity takings as defined by Professor Bernadette Atuahene that took place mostly in the early phase of the Communist era. Creation of the Communist “brave new world” required total transformation of the society, sometimes referred to as “re-forging of souls” (perekovka dush). People who were reluctant to become enthusiastic adherents of the new social and political system or simply belonged to social groups stigmatized as so-called “class enemies” became second class citizens, doomed to extinction. In this paper we show three distinct examples of dignity takings: young men from “class enemy” families turned into slave-soldiers, priests-in-training harassed and brainwashed during compulsory military service and farmers deprived of their land and forced to join collective farms. In order to present the process of dignity takings we use a top-down approach, starting with ideological justification of takings in the Communist doctrine, and then showing how this policy was implemented. Although we focus on the takings phase, some consideration will be given to resistance against dehumanization and denigration caused by dignity takings. Finally, we show that the dignity takings method can be a useful tool for analysis of law and policy of totalitarian systems

    Sepsis and multiorgan failure following TVT procedure

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    Tension-free vaginal tape (TVT), is a commonly performed, low risk procedure for treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Severe complications are rare, but can be potentially life threatening. We present a case of 66 year old patient who sustained bladder perforation at the time of TVT procedure and subsequently developed sepsis rapidly leading to multi-organ failure and triggering sequence of serious complications. During her inpatient stay she required ITU admission, emergency laparotomy, TVT mesh removal, bowel resection due to ischemic colitis and anticoagulation for pulmonary embolism. Despite of clinical picture of sepsis her microbiology tests were almost consistently negative. This case emphasise importance of awareness and quick recognition of TVT related complications. Patient ultimately survived and recovered thanks to timely and coordinated management by the multidisciplinary team of doctors

    Dyrektywa 93/7/EWG z perspektywy dwóch dekad funkcjonowania

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    Directive 93/7/EEC created a legal framework for the return of cultural goods illegally removed from the territory of a Member State. The procedure for the return of cultural goods proved to be ineffective for numerous reasons, including a very narrow definition of a cultural good, flawed instruments of administrative cooperation, or risky court proceedings connected with the indemnification of the possessor. Directive 2015/60/EU is a new step towards the creation of an effective European system of return of cultural goods. Pursuant to the new directive each Member State can now define which cultural goods constitute national treasures. The directive has also provided for the creation of new, electronic means of fostering administrative cooperation, while court proceedings have been amended to minimize the aforementioned legal risks. Thus, once the new directive has been implemented by Member States, the result may be a greater number of returns of illegally exported cultural goods, based on adherence to its provisions

    Dobra niematerialne w postępowaniu upadłościowym

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    "Rozwój gospodarki opartej na wiedzy sprawił, że problematyka praw na dobrach niematerialnych nabiera nowego znaczenia. Obok typowych dla klasycznego prawa własności intelektualnej problemów pojawiają się nowe, związane z dziedzinami prawa nie kojarzonymi dotychczas z dobrami niematerialnymi. Coraz częściej, zwłaszcza w przypadku firm prowadzących działalność gospodarczą w obszarze nowych technologii, własność intelektualna staje się cennym, jeśli nie najistotniejszym, składnikiem przedsiębiorstwa. To ona decyduje o sukcesie rynkowym przedsiębiorcy, to na niej coraz częściej ustanawiane są zabezpieczenia rzeczowe. Wreszcie, w przypadku upadłości przedsiębiorcy, to właśnie jej los może mieć kluczowe znaczenie dla możliwości jego dalszego funkcjonowania w trakcie trwania postępowania i ewentualnie po zawarciu układu. Będzie to szczególne istotne w przypadku umów mających za przedmiot dobra niematerialne, a zawartych przed ogłoszeniem upadłości przez upadłego i jego kontrahentów."(...

    Efficacy of low energy rectilinear biphasic cardioversion for regular atrial tachyarrhythmias

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    Background: External, rectilinear biphasic cardioversion (RBC), as against monophasic cardioversion, requires lower energy and has been documented to be more effective in restoring sinus rhythm in atrial fibrillation (AF). There is, however, limited data on the optimal protocol of low energy RBC in atrial flutter (AFl) and regular atrial tachyarrhythmias (AT). Methods and results: A prospective, single-center study was conducted, wherein 50 consecutive patients (mean age: 70.8 &#177; 8.7; 24 males) undergoing cardioversion of persistent or paroxysmal AFl or AT were randomized into two protocols of subsequent RBC shocks: 1) 10 J, 20 J, 50 J, 100 J, 200 J or 2) 20 J, 50 J, 100 J, 200 J. Initial energy was effective in 9/28 (32%) patients using Protocol 1 and in 12/22 (52%) patients using Protocol 2 (NS). In 9/12 patients with pacemakers, energy of 10 J or 20 J restored sinus or atrial-paced rhythm. Mean cumulative energy and number of shocks was 67 &#177; 70 J vs 64 &#177; 62 J (NS) and 2.0 &#177; 0.8 vs 1.6 &#177; 0.7 (p = 0.05) for both protocols, respectively. Mean successful energy was higher for AFl patients than for AT patients 66 &#177; 49 J vs 30 &#177; 19 J, p < 0.04. In approximately 25% of patients, conversion of AFl/AT into AF was observed after initial energy. Conclusions: Low energy RBC is effective in 32-52% of patients with AFl/AT. Energy of 50 J is effective in 73% of patients and should be recommended as an initial energy in regular AT. Low energy RBC may be especially indicated in patients with pacemakers. (Cardiol J 2011; 18, 1: 33-38

    Odpowiedzialność władzy publicznej za odmowę przeprowadzenia aborcji

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    The paper deals with the liability of public authorities for denial of abortion. Polish law allows termination of pregnancy only if the mother’s life or health is at risk, if the phoetus is terminally ill or handicapped and if the pregnancy is a result of a criminal act. The liability of public authorities for denial of abortion arises if it fails to provide the woman with access to medical services (including abortion). In cases where performing abortion requires court consent or public prosecutor’s affidavit, the state is liable for delay in delivery of such permit or for unjustified refusal to issue it

    Heart failure as a subject for palliative care

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    Heart failure (HF) is a common end stage in any structural or functional cardiac disease advanced enough to impair the filling of the ventricles or blood ejection. If the degree of impairment makes the heart unable to cope with the actual demands of pumping blood, the diagnosis of heart failure is justified. The heart first disables the circulation during exercise and finally, in end-stage HF, even at rest. HF is a progressive process, usually only slowed by the treatment currently available. Thus from diagnosis, the disease will accompany patients for the rest of their lives, sometimes becoming the cause of death. A patient reaching end-stage heart failure should be considered for one of four treatment options: mechanical circulatory support; continuous intravenous positive inotropic therapy; a referral for cardiac transplantation; or hospice care. Before the patient is considered to have end-stage HF, all curable factors potentially causing a deterioration in cardiac function have to be actively explored and corrected. This paper focuses on patients for whom methods to improve prognosis and heart function have been exhausted. The number of such patients is increasing continuously. This is caused by the growing incidence of heart failure, improvement in the medical care prolonging survival, and progress in decreasing the number of sudden cardiac deaths in the early stages of the disease.Heart failure (HF) is a common end stage in any structural or functional cardiac disease advanced enough to impair the filling of the ventricles or blood ejection. If the degree of impairment makes the heart unable to cope with the actual demands of pumping blood, the diagnosis of heart failure is justified. The heart first disables the circulation during exercise and finally, in end-stage HF, even at rest. HF is a progressive process, usually only slowed by the treatment currently available. Thus from diagnosis, the disease will accompany patients for the rest of their lives, sometimes becoming the cause of death. A patient reaching end-stage heart failure should be considered for one of four treatment options: mechanical circulatory support; continuous intravenous positive inotropic therapy; a referral for cardiac transplantation; or hospice care. Before the patient is considered to have end-stage HF, all curable factors potentially causing a deterioration in cardiac function have to be actively explored and corrected. This paper focuses on patients for whom methods to improve prognosis and heart function have been exhausted. The number of such patients is increasing continuously. This is caused by the growing incidence of heart failure, improvement in the medical care prolonging survival, and progress in decreasing the number of sudden cardiac deaths in the early stages of the disease

    Deceptive conservatism of claws : distinct phyletic lineages concealed within Isohypsibioidea (Eutardigrada) revealed by molecular and morphological evidence

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    Isohypsibioidea are most likely the most basally branching evolutionary lineage of eutardigrades. Despite being second largest eutardigrade order, phylogenetic relationships and systematics within this group remain largely unresolved. Broad taxon sampling, especially within one of the most speciose tardigrade genera, Isohypsibius Thulin, 1928, and application of both comparative morphological methods (light contrast and scanning electron microscopy imaging of external morphology and buccal apparatuses) and phylogenetic framework (18S + 28S rRNA sequences) resulted in the most comprehensive study devoted to this order so far. Two new families are erected from the currently recognised family Isohypsibiidae: Doryphoribiidae fam. nov., comprising all aquatic isohypsibioids and some terrestrial isohypsibioid taxa equipped with the ventral lamina; and Halobiotidae fam. nov., secondarily marine eutardigrades with unique adaptations to sea environment. We also split Isohypsibius into four genera to accommodate phylogenetic, morphological and ecological variation within the genus: terrestrial Isohypsibius s.s. (Isohypsibiidae), with smooth or sculptured cuticle but without gibbosities; terrestrial Dianea gen. nov. (Isohypsibiidae), with small and pointy gibbosities; terrestrial Ursulinius gen. nov. (Isohypsibiidae), with large and rounded gibbosities; and aquatic Grevenius gen. nov. (Doryphoribiidae fam. nov.), typically with rough cuticle and claws with branches of very similar heigths. Claw morphology is reviewed and, for the first time, shown to encompass a number of morphotypes that correlate with clades recovered in the molecular analysis. The anatomy of pharynx and cuticle are also shown to be of high value in distinguishing supraspecific taxa in Isohypsibioidea. Taxonomy of all isohypsibioid families and genera is discussed, with special emphasis on the newly erected entities. Finally, a dychotomous diagnostic key to all currently recognised isohypsibioid families and genera is provided