601 research outputs found

    Boîte à outils destinée aux chercheurs de documents iconographiques

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    Travail réalisé à l'EBSI, Université de Montréal, sous la direction de M. Yvon Lemay dans le cadre du cours SCI6111 - Politique de gestion des archives, à l'automne 2013.Cette boîte à outils rassemble des informations pouvant aider les chercheurs de documents iconographiques. Une centaine de sites Web de fournisseurs d'images fixes sont proposés à ceux qui ont besoin d’images pour illustrer un projet, que ce soit un article de magazine ou de journal, un site Web, un film, une publicité ou une recherche académique. Ces sources sont des banques d’images, des agences photographiques, des agences micro-stocks, des archives muséales, des archives institutionnelles, des collections de bibliothèques, des sites de partage populaires, bref, des lieux qui offrent une information visuelle disponible et utilisable conformément à des conditions préétablies. La boîte à outils est organisée selon les types de photographies trouvées dans les agences, c'est-à-dire, photojournalisme, photos scientifiques, photos architecturales, etc.This toolkit brings together information which may help researchers in need of iconographic documents. Hundreds of still image suppliers' websites are suggested. These sources are image banks, photo agencies, micro-stock agencies, museum archives, institutional repositories, libraries’ collections, image hosting websites, in short, places that provide visual information usable accordingly to certain conditions. The toolkit is arranged by types of photographs (photojournalism, scientific photos, architectural photos, etc.)

    Dynamic Control Strategies Used by ACL-Deficient Copers and Non-Copers during Stair Climbing

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    Background: Osteoarthritis (OA), the most common form of arthritis, is a disorder that affects bi-articular synovial joints and is characterized as the focal loss of articular cartilage with changes to the subchondral and marginal bone, synovium and para-articular structures. Biomechanical factors such as obesity, joint loading, joint injury, joint deformity, level of sports participation, occupational factors, and muscle weakness specifically affect joint loading which influences local OA development. One way to assess the effect of altered loading patterns on a joint is to examine changes following joint injury. An appropriate model for this purpose is the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture in the knee joint. Recent evidence has shown that some ACL-D subjects are able to perform activities at levels similar to those of normal subjects. Termed ‘Copers’, these individuals demonstrate greater knee stability than other ACL-D subjects who are considered ‘Non-Copers’. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the dynamic control strategies used by ACL-D Copers and Non-Copers during a stair climbing task, and compare them to a healthy population as a means to identify possible susceptabilities to OA. Methods: A total of 20 participants were collected including 10 (5 male and 5 female) Healthy controls, 5 (2 male and 3 female) ACL-D Copers, and 5 (1 male and 4 females) ACL-D Non-Copers. The Healthy group had an average mass of 75.9 kg ±16.1 kg and an average height of 174.3 cm ±12.1cm, while the Copers group had an average mass of 71.7 kg ±6.2 kg and an average height of 170.8 cm ±5.6 cm, and the Non-Copers group had an average mass of 71.3 kg ±13.1 kg and an average height of 168.7 cm ±4.8 cm. ACL-D subjects were classified as either a Coper and Non-Coper based on a screening examination prior to the evaluation.The stair climbing task involved each subject completing 20 stair-climbing trials (10 ascent and 10 descent). Kinematic and kinetic outcomes were collected on the lower limbs, as well as,electromyography (EMG) of the tibilais anterior, medial and lateral gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris muscle group were collected bi-laterally. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test each outcome’s statistical significance (α= 0.05). Results and Discussion: During ascent the Non-Copers and Copers group completed the task with greater knee flexion than the healthy group (although not significant), while during descent the Non-Copers maintained approximately 5 degrees greater flexion than the other groups. A significant difference was observed with the moment about the knee (flex-ext) between the Healthy group and the Non-Copers group during the late stages of stair ascent with the healthy group maintaining a flexor moment and the Non-Copers group using an extensor moment. This extensor moment correlated with the increase of quadriceps activity among the Non-Copers which may lead to instances of knee joint instability. The Non-Copers group had increased activity of the hamstring muscle group without any attenuation in the quadriceps muscles. This will most likely increase the forces acting on the knee joint. Since, the knee is at greater flexion with an increased amount of forces, the Non-Copers may be at a greater risk articular cartilage breakdown. Throughout the majority of descent we saw an elevated amount of hamstring activity in the Non-Copers group at greater knee flexion angles as a potential means of controlling displacement of the tibia. This increase in hamstring muscle activity by the Non-Copers, without any significant decrease in quadriceps activity, places greater forces on the knee at different knee angle, when compared to the healthy group and may promote the onset of osteoarthritis. The Non-Copers also had increased moments about the knee joint for the majority of stance in both the flexion-extension plane and the abduction-adduction plane, when compared to the healthy group

    Programme-Souvenir 25e Anniversaire Ecole Ste-Croix

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    Souvenir program of the 25th Anniversary of Holy Cross School in the Catholic Parish of the Holy Cross in Lewiston, Maine. The Franco-American Collection is one of the largest repositories of its kind in the North-East. The Collection contains tens of thousands of printed books, photographs, newspaper clippings and audio-visual recordings. Please review the Collection\u27s Terms and Conditions of Use of Collection Material regarding use of its material

    Acute Effects of Increased Joint Mobilization Treatment Duration on Ankle Function and Dynamic Postural Control in Female Athletes With Chronic Ankle Instability

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    Background:: Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is linked to mechanical and functional insufficiencies. Joint mobilization is purported to be effective at treating these deficits. Purpose:: To examine the effect of different treatment durations of a grade IV anterior-to-posterior ankle joint mobilization on weightbearing dorsiflexion range of motion (WB-DFROM), posterior talar glide (PG), and dynamic postural control in individuals with CAI. Study Design:: Controlled laboratory study. Methods:: A total of 48 female athletes (mean age, 22.8 ± 4.8 years) with unilateral CAI participated in this study. Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment conditions: 30 seconds, 60 seconds, and 120 seconds. Treatment was provided to the injured limb on 3 separate occasions 48 hours apart and consisted of a Maitland grade IV anterior-to-posterior talar joint mobilization based on the participant’s initial group assignment. WB-DFROM; PG; and the anterior (ANT), posteromedial (PM), and posterolateral (PL) reach directions of the Star Excursion Balance Test were measured bilaterally before and after each treatment. The uninjured limb acted as a control. Data were analyzed using 2-way mixed-model analyses of variance, and effect sizes were calculated through use of Hedges g. Results:: Significant differences were detected after all treatment sessions for all outcome measures (P ≤ .001) and between treatment groups after sessions 1, 2, and 3 for all outcome measures (P ≤ .001). Effect sizes were very large or huge for all treatment groups for WB-DFROM, PG, and ANT reach direction. Substantial variation was found in effect sizes for PM and PL measures. Conclusion:: Accessory mobilization is an effective treatment to induce acute changes in ankle motion and dynamic postural control in patients with CAI, with longer treatment durations conferring greater improvements. Clinical Relevance:: This study adds clarity to the use of joint mobilization treatments and will add to the current clinical practice strategy for patients with CAI

    Effect of Sex and Lateral Ankle Sprain History on Dorsiflexion Range Of Motion Asymmetry During the Weight Bearing Lunge Test

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    © 2024 The Author(s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/Background Reduced dorsiflexion range of motion (DFROM) which is commonly seen following lateral ankle sprain (LAS) has the potential to influence lower extremity biomechanics which have been linked to increased injury risk in the female athlete. Current research on the effect of sex and LAS history on DFROM is limited. Hypothesis/Purpose This study had three aims 1) to determine the effect of sex, leg dominance and LAS history on DFROM, 2) to determine the effect of sex and LAS history on magnitude of DFROM symmetry and 3) to examine the association of sex on direction (whether dominant or non-dominant limb had the higher DFROM) of symmetry. Study Design Cross-Sectional Study Methods DFROM was measured bilaterally in 105 recreational athletes all participating in multidirectional sports using the tape measurement method during the weight bearing lunge test (WBLT). A mean of three measurements was used for analysis. A 3-way mixed ANOVA was carried out to determine the interaction between sex, LAS history and leg dominance on DFROM and a 2-way ANOVA for the effect of sex and LAS history on asymmetry. A chi-square test was used to determine the association of sex and direction of asymmetry. Results The results indicate no significant effect of sex, LAS history, and leg dominance on DFROM (p=0.65). Main effects were significant for sex and LAS on DFROM. The mean asymmetry for all participants was reported as 12.25±14.76cm. No significant effect of sex and LAS history on magnitude of asymmetry was reported. There was a significant association of sex and direction of asymmetry (χ2(1) = 11.26, p = 0.00). Sixty-five-point two percent of males were shown to have higher DFROM of their non-dominant limb compared to 75% of females who were higher in their dominant limb. Conclusion Findings from this study suggest that DFROM is affected by sex and LAS history. While females have increased DFROM compared to males, those with LAS history are more likely to have a decreased DFROM on the involved side. The results also indicate that interlimb asymmetries in DFROM are present in athletes, therefore practitioners should exercise caution when using bilateral comparisons in injury and return to play assessments.Peer reviewe

    The importance of measuring body composition in professional football players: A commentary

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    Professional football players are not considered to be excessively fat, but there is continuous pressure made by managers, coaches and physiotherapists to monitor player’s body composition to help reach optimal performance potential. Consequently, it is not uncommon for sport scientists to assume responsibility for monitoring and managing their players’ body composition over the playing season. As body fat is one of the main factors affecting body composition, the knowledge and understanding of whole body density and how it inluences the body could be useful to quantify the effectiveness of a prescribed training programme and/ or optimal performance potential

    La culture du divertissement chez David Foster Wallace

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    La culture du divertissement est, de toute évidence, un enjeu important de la littérature de David Foster Wallace. Ayant saisi un malaise culturel dans sa génération autour de la question télévisuelle, voire fictionnelle, l'auteur s'évertue à réfléchir à l'expansion du divertissement. Une réflexion qui se retrouve dans nombre d'entrevues, essais et fictions (nouvelles et romans) et qui s'imbrique dans le regard hyper lucide et profondément triste que porte Wallace sur l'Amérique qui lui est contemporaine. La présente étude se concentre sur deux écrits majeurs, « E Unibus Pluram » (1993) et Infinite Jest (1996), et cherche à faire ressortir la pensée complexe et teintée d'angoisse de l'auteur face à ce sujet. Plus précisément, ce mémoire tente de contextualiser sa vision issue des années 1990, puis à analyser comment elle se construit et se déploie dans le cadre d'un essai et d'une fiction. Pour ce faire, l'étude présente d'abord une constellation de penseurs ayant réfléchi à la question de la culture du divertissement depuis l'avènement de la télévision dans les ménages américains, autour des années 1960 donc, puis inscrit la pensée de Wallace au cœur de ce corpus. Ensuite, il s'agira de se pencher sur son essai ayant le plus directement traité du sujet, « E Unibus Pluram » afin d'observer comment l'utilisation des codes du Nouveau Journalisme permet une critique à la frontière du subjectif et de l'objectif, donnant un point de vue singulier à sa réflexion. Enfin, le mémoire se poursuit avec l'analyse d'une fiction, Infinite Jest, où les notions de culture et de divertissement se reflètent dans une intrigue pour le moins alambiquée. Dans ce dernier cas, nous ne cherchons pas à appliquer les théories préalablement abordées, mais plutôt à les faire ressortir du texte, à examiner comment la fiction permet à Wallace de déployer ses réflexions sur l'obsession et l'addiction de l'humain face au divertissement. Il s'agit de voir comment, selon lui, la société est prise au piège avec un insatiable besoin de fuir la réalité à travers le divertissement.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : David Foster Wallace, E Unibus Pluram, Infinite Jest, Culture du divertissement, Nouveau Journalisme, Télévision, Postmodernité, Cultural Studies, États-Unis, Hollywoo

    Influence de l’estime de soi sur la réussite scolaire des élèves du niveau fondamental au Collège Grandeur de Dieu du Cap-Haïtien

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    Self-esteem is a very unvident dimension of a teenager’s personality, because in order for him to learn “something”, he must feel encouraged, understood, supported respected, in short loved. Unfortunately, research around the period of adolescence concerning this dimension is rare in general, and even non-existent in Haiti in the field of education. This paper attempts to establish the relationship between self-esteem and academic achievement of postgraduate students. To this end, it covers a sample of 12 adolescent students aged 12–17 years from all classes of the third cycle of the fundamentals and both sexes. Self-esteem is assessed using a survey questionnaire modeled by Cooper Smith’s SEI and an observation grid. As for academic success, it corresponds to the weighted average of all subjects at the end of the second trimester. As researchers, through results affirm that there is a significant relationship between self-esteem and academic success. In other words, good self-esteem promotes better learning among adolescents, and low self-esteem leads only to failure.L'estime de soi est une dimension inévitable dans la construction de la personnalité de l'adolescent, car elle est une condition de l'apprentissage. Pour apprendre quelque chose, il faut être encouragé, compris, motivé, respecté et aimé. Cependant, les études autour de la période de l'adolescence à cette dimension est rare, voire inexistante dans le domaine scolaire en Haïti. Cet article vise à établir la relation entre l'estime de soi et la réussite scolaire des adolescents du 3e cycle au niveau fondamental au Collège Grandeur de Dieu du Cap-Haïtien. Pour ce faire, un échantillon de 12 élèves âgés de 12 à 17 ans, issus de toutes les classes de base du Collège Grandeur du Cap-Haïtien, a été constitué. L'évaluation a été réalisée à l'aide d'un questionnaire d'enquête reproduit sur la méthode de SEI (Self-Esteem Inventory) de Cooper Smith et d'un tableau d'observation. À partir des données obtenues, il a été possible de vérifier qu'il existe une relation directe entre l'estime de soi et la réussite scolaire des élèves du niveau élémentaire de ce collège. Si une bonne estime de soi favorise un meilleur apprentissage chez les adolescents, une mauvaise estime de soi entraîne l'échec scolaire. La réussite scolaire se traduit par la persévérance scolaire des élèves et, par conséquent, par un avenir prometteur pour le citoyen. Il est nécessaire de mener davantage de recherches sur cette question dans les écoles haïtiennes afin de contribuer à l'élaboration de meilleures stratégies en matière d'éducation psychopédagogique dans le pays.L'estime de soi est une dimension inévitable dans la construction de la personnalité de l'adolescent, car elle est une condition de l'apprentissage. Pour apprendre quelque chose, il faut être encouragé, compris, motivé, respecté et aimé. Cependant, les études autour de la période de l'adolescence à cette dimension est rare, voire inexistante dans le domaine scolaire en Haïti. Cet article vise à établir la relation entre l'estime de soi et la réussite scolaire des adolescents du 3e cycle au niveau fondamental au Collège Grandeur de Dieu du Cap-Haïtien. Pour ce faire, un échantillon de 12 élèves âgés de 12 à 17 ans, issus de toutes les classes de base du Collège Grandeur du Cap-Haïtien, a été constitué. L'évaluation a été réalisée à l'aide d'un questionnaire d'enquête reproduit sur la méthode de SEI (Self-Esteem Inventory) de Cooper Smith et d'un tableau d'observation. À partir des données obtenues, il a été possible de vérifier qu'il existe une relation directe entre l'estime de soi et la réussite scolaire des élèves du niveau élémentaire de ce collège. Si une bonne estime de soi favorise un meilleur apprentissage chez les adolescents, une mauvaise estime de soi entraîne l'échec scolaire. La réussite scolaire se traduit par la persévérance scolaire des élèves et, par conséquent, par un avenir prometteur pour le citoyen. Il est nécessaire de mener davantage de recherches sur cette question dans les écoles haïtiennes afin de contribuer à l'élaboration de meilleures stratégies en matière d'éducation psychopédagogique dans le pays

    Varijacije tijekom sezone u izokinetičkom vršnom momentu sile kod mladih nogometaša

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the seasonal variation in the strength of the knee flexors and extensors in highly trained youth soccer players. The players (n=16; age 16.7±0.7) were measured at the end of the competitive season, at the beginning of the off-season and during the sixth week of a new competitive season. Isokinetic concentric peak torque was measured at 60°•s-1, 180°•s-1, 360°•s-1 in a sitting position. The testing range of motion was set from 10–90° of knee flexion. Players performed a set of six maximal repetitions for both dominant and non-dominant limb. Average values of peak torque significantly changed during the observed periods. Significant differences (p<.05) between the three measurement sessions were noted with respect to the knee flexors at all angular velocities. A post-hoc test confirmed a significant increase between the first and the second measurement for flexion in both dominant (180°•s-1; p=.033) and non-dominant legs (360°•s-1; p=.004). A significant increase was also found between the first and the third session for both limbs during knee flexion at all angular velocities. The results indicate that peak torque values of knee flexors and extensors varied differently in trained youth soccer players depending on muscle group and movement velocity with statistically significant changes in knee flexors only.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi varijacije tijekom sezone u snazi pregibača i opružača potkoljenice vrhunskih treniranih mladih nogometaša. Igrači (n=16; dob 16,7±0,7) su testirani na kraju natjecateljske sezone, na početku prijelaznog perioda te tijekom šestog tjedna nove natjecateljske sezone. Izokinetički koncentrični vršni moment sile mjerio se pri brzinama od 60°/s, 180°/s i 360°/s u sjedećem položaju ispitanika. Opseg pokreta se tijekom testiranja kretao od 10 do 90° fleksije koljena. Igrači su izveli seriju od šest maksimalnih ponavljanja prvo dominantnom, a onda i nedominantnom nogom. Prosječne vrijednosti vršnog momenta sile značajno su se mijenjale tijekom promatranih perioda. Značajne razlike (p<0,05) u snazi pregibača potkoljenice zabilježene su između sva tri mjerenja pri sve tri brzine izveđonja. Post hoc test je također potvrdio značajno povećanje snage pregibača potkoljenice između prvoga i drugog mjerenja za dominantnu (180°/s; p=0,033) i nedominantnu (360°/s; p=0,004) nogu. Značajno povećanje vršnog momenta sile pregibača potkoljenice obje noge pri svim brzinama također je zabilježeno između drugoga i trećeg mjerenja. Rezultati pokazuju da vršni moment sile pregibača i opružača potkoljenice različito varira kod treniranih mladih nogometaša ovisno o mišićnoj grupi i brzini pokreta, sa statističkom značajnošću promjena samo za pregibače potkoljenice