22 research outputs found

    Clinically Approved Heterocyclics Act on a Mitochondrial Target and Reduce Stroke-induced Pathology

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    Substantial evidence indicates that mitochondria are a major checkpoint in several pathways leading to neuronal cell death, but discerning critical propagation stages from downstream consequences has been difficult. The mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) may be critical in stroke-related injury. To address this hypothesis, identify potential therapeutics, and screen for new uses for established drugs with known toxicity, 1,040 FDA-approved drugs and other bioactive compounds were tested as potential mPT inhibitors. We report the identification of 28 structurally related drugs, including tricyclic antidepressants and antipsychotics, capable of delaying the mPT. Clinically achievable doses of one drug in this general structural class that inhibits mPT, promethazine, were protective in both in vitro and mouse models of stroke. Specifically, promethazine protected primary neuronal cultures subjected to oxygen-glucose deprivation and reduced infarct size and neurological impairment in mice subjected to middle cerebral artery occlusion/reperfusion. These results, in conjunction with new insights provided to older studies, (a) suggest a class of safe, tolerable drugs for stroke and neurodegeneration; (b) provide new tools for understanding mitochondrial roles in neuronal cell death; (c) demonstrate the clinical/experimental value of screening collections of bioactive compounds enriched in clinically available agents; and (d) provide discovery-based evidence that mPT is an essential, causative event in stroke-related injury

    UCP1 deficiency causes brown fat respiratory chain depletion and sensitizes mitochondria to calcium overload-induced dysfunction.

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    Brown adipose tissue (BAT) mitochondria exhibit high oxidative capacity and abundant expression of both electron transport chain components and uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1). UCP1 dissipates the mitochondrial proton motive force (Δp) generated by the respiratory chain and increases thermogenesis. Here we find that in mice genetically lacking UCP1, cold-induced activation of metabolism triggers innate immune signaling and markers of cell death in BAT. Moreover, global proteomic analysis reveals that this cascade induced by UCP1 deletion is associated with a dramatic reduction in electron transport chain abundance. UCP1-deficient BAT mitochondria exhibit reduced mitochondrial calcium buffering capacity and are highly sensitive to mitochondrial permeability transition induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and calcium overload. This dysfunction depends on ROS production by reverse electron transport through mitochondrial complex I, and can be rescued by inhibition of electron transfer through complex I or pharmacologic depletion of ROS levels. Our findings indicate that the interscapular BAT of Ucp1 knockout mice exhibits mitochondrial disruptions that extend well beyond the deletion of UCP1 itself. This finding should be carefully considered when using this mouse model to examine the role of UCP1 in physiology

    Separation of Cis–Trans Phospholipid Isomers Using Reversed Phase LC with High Resolution MS Detection

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    The increased presence of synthetic trans fatty acids into western diets has been shown to have deleterious effects on physiology and raising an individual’s risk of developing metabolic disease, cardiovascular disease, and stroke. The importance of these fatty acids for health and the diversity of their (patho) physiological effects suggest that not only should the free trans fatty acids be studied but also monitoring the presence of these fats into the side chains of biological lipids, such as glycerophospholipids, is also essential. We developed a high resolution LC-MS method that quantitatively monitors the major lipid classes found in biospecimens in an efficient, sensitive, and robust manner while also characterizing individual lipid side chains through the use of high energy collisional dissociation (HCD) fragmentation and chromatographic alignment. We herein show how this previously described reversed phase method can baseline separate the cis–trans isomers of phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylcholine (PC) with two 18:1 side chains, in both positive and negative mode, as neat solutions and when spiked into a biological matrix. Endogenous PC (18:1/18:1)-cis and PC (18:1/18:1)-trans isomers were examined in mitochondrial and serum profiling studies, where rats were fed diets enriched in either trans 18:1 fatty acids or cis 18:1 fatty acids. In this study, we determined the cis:trans isomer ratios of PC (18:1/18:1) and related this ratio to dietary composition. This generalized LC-MS method enables the monitoring of trans fats in biological lipids in the context of a nontargeted method, allowing for relative quantitation and enhanced identification of unknown lipids in complex matrixes

    Simple LC-MS Method for Differentiation of Isobaric Phosphatidylserines and Phosphatidylcholines with Deuterated Mobile Phase Additives

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    Lipids from different classes sometimes can exhibit the same exact mass upon electrospray ionization; this presents an analytical challenge in lipidomics. In the negative ionization mode, for example, this can occur with phosphatidylcholines (PCs) and phosphatidylserines (PSs), making them indistinguishable in the absence of fragmentation data. PSs are found at low concentrations in biological samples, making MS/MS spectra difficult to obtain. Moreover, while PCs and PSs are distinguishable in the positive mode, PSs do not ionize as well as PCs, and their ionization is suppressed by the PCs. Here, we show that, in the negative ionization mode, substituting protiated LC-MS additives with their deuterated forms provides a way to distinguish PCs and PSs without chemical derivatization. The method described leverages the differential ionization mechanism of PCs and PSs. PCs are ionized via adduction with salts, whereas PSs ionize via hydrogen abstraction. Substituting the salts used for LC-MS with their deuterated form shifts the mass of PCs by the number of deuterium atoms in the salt, while the mass of PSs remains the same. This comparative shift enables their direct differentiation. We demonstrate that the use of deuterated formate shifts the mass of PCs and provides a direct method to distinguish PCs and PSs, even at biologically relevant low concentrations. The utility of the method was established and validated in the simultaneous analysis of PCs and PSs in lipid extracts from isolated liver mitochondria in two different rat strains. Thirteen low concentration PSs were identified that would otherwise not have been distinguishable from low concentration PCs

    Data & R Code from: Dietary macronutrients modulate the Fatty Acyl composition of rat liver mitochondrial cardiolipins.

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    The zip file contains all data and R code used to analyze Cardiolipin and related data. Please refer to README within the zip file for instructions on how to run the R code to produce all figures, including those found in the supplement and statistical tables in the supplement

    N-acetyl-serotonin offers neuroprotection through inhibiting mitochondrial death pathways and autophagic activation in experimental models of ischemic injury

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    N-acetylserotonin (NAS) is an immediate precursor of melatonin, which we have reported is neuroprotective against ischemic injury. Here we test whether NAS is a potential neuroprotective agent in experimental models of ischemic injury. We demonstrate that NAS inhibits cell death induced by oxygen–glucose deprivation or H(2)O(2) in primary cerebrocortical neurons and primary hippocampal neurons in vitro, and organotypic hippocampal slice cultures ex vivo and reduces hypoxia/ischemia injury in the middle cerebral artery occlusion mouse model of cerebral ischemia in vivo. We find that NAS is neuroprotective by inhibiting the mitochondrial cell death pathway and the autophagic cell death pathway. The neuroprotective effects of NAS may result from the influence of mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening, mitochondrial fragmentation, and inhibition of the subsequent release of apoptogenic factors cytochrome c, Smac, and apoptosis-inducing factor from mitochondria to cytoplasm, and activation of caspase-3, -9, as well as the suppression of the activation of autophagy under stress conditions by increasing LC3-II and Beclin-1 levels and decreasing p62 level. However, NAS, unlike melatonin, does not provide neuroprotection through the activation of melatonin receptor 1A. We demonstrate that NAS reaches the brain subsequent to intraperitoneal injection using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis. Given that it occurs naturally and has low toxicity, NAS, like melatonin, has potential as a novel therapy for ischemic injury